It's funny when they would bring guys in that would try and show off to the girls. All of us were in relationships with people there, 2 of us were lesbian, 1 was married with kids and the other couple spent as much time sucking each others faces as they did talking to the group.
My worst in-person game experience (a Werewolf game, ironically) was probably the one where my girlfriend and I played in a game with a dude who was clearly having martial issues, so he'd cope by getting drunk. But his wife would yell at him for drinking, so he'd basically view game day as his opportunity to get away from his wife and get really, really drunk.
And then he'd hit on my girlfriend.
We eventually stopped playing that game because I told her that if it kept happening (we both kind of told him to cut it out, and complained to the GM and asked him to tell him to cut it out, but when he got really drunk he'd do it anyway) I was eventually going to beat the ever-living shit out of him. Which she was kind of okay with (because it really bothered her as well). But we figured it was better to just leave the game rather than it becoming a huge issue.
(The dude later went on to get a divorce (shock!). No clue if he eventually dove straight into full-blown alcoholism, but it could have gone either way.)
The annoying part was that in most groups it would be easier to just ask the problem player to leave rather than have other players bail to get away with him, but he was close friends with the GM so the GM always tried to make excuses for him and it felt like he was always going to take his side. Fortunately, it
WAS a Werewolf game, and I always kind of disliked Werewolf anyway (I was mostly there because my girlfriend wanted to play - I'd have much preferred a Vampire or Mage game, or even a Changeling game). So I wasn't too broken up when it fell apart.
About my only real regret was that it was one of the few opportunities I ever really got to just
play an RPG. In spite of playing on and off for nears 37 years, I'm almost always the Forever GM when it comes to tabletop gaming. It is my unshakeable destiny to run games for other people, but never play (I honestly think I can count on one hand the number of games where I've actually
Hate the fun loving best friend with that finally gets her first love?
There's a trope for that!
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...actually, there are multiple tropes for that!
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Tara's pretty much a walking billboard with "I AM THE CANON/DEFAULT LOVE INTEREST" written on it in giant blinking letters.
She's the romance black hole from which no player can escape (and I mean that in a good way).
If it was a proper dating sim where you pick one and one only then I will go out on a limb and say Tara is probably the best fit. They have known each other for years, Kylie is Tara's first crush and they know they get along together.
When I started playing, I was rolling with the established backstory, picking the choices that implied I was still totally hung up on Lisa and had never really gotten over our breakup, and was kind of considering playing through the whole game essentially being "loyal" to her memory (and thus pretty much celibate unless we get a deus ex machina sort of ending where we can save Lisa somehow). But Tara basically came in hard with guns blazing (no pun intended) and pretty much swept me off my feet. At which point I was like "Well, we're doing
this now, then."
After which I was/am mostly playing monogamous and loyal to Tara (because while
she says she's cool with me seeing other people, I kind of feel like Kylie would feel like Tara deserves more/better than that). I've definitely passed up opportunities (and only really went with the Rain scene in a sort of self-sacrifice/"This what I need to do for Lisa's sake" sort of way more than an eager horndog sort of way).
I'd probably go the rest of the game fanatically devoted to Tara (and passing up everyone else) if not for Mara. For some reason she just brings out the really flirty side of Kylie for me. Though I feel like at the moment Kylie's still in a sort of playing games mindset there, so I'm not sure she's even intellectualized the idea of it ever being anything more than playful flirtation. I think if it ever evolves into anything more even Kylie might be surprised that it happened (and maybe even feel a little guilty about it at first).
But yeah, Tara is love.
Can't really say I dislike any of the characters. Even Becki with I was amusing.
I like Becki, but I also kind of like the idea that Kylie dreads her. Like whenever she shows up there's sort of an internal groan and a "OH GOD NOT HER" sort of reaction. Like, Becki has essentially reinvented herself
too well, and now she's just incredibly annoying. So Kylie sort of has to take a mental deep breath and psych herself up to deal with the drama.
With the tragic truth being that Becky is actually a pretty nice girl who Kylie would get along with fairly well if everyone let their guard down.
...which kind of plays into the overarching narrative that's sort of formed in my head that the underlying theme of Mythos (at least the current story) revolves around the idea of incredibly important things not noticed until too late, and regret for opportunities lost because of it.