Actually, other than Jupiri, you can also equip that item to Elizabeth (the last book monster), and IMO she's a better target for it.
Whoops, my bad, think I did know that now that I think about it, it is just that in the back the item got the "Jupiri Special" Armor type, but yeah both both Jupiri and Elizabeth indeed can equip it (and this thus extends to "Eliza's Panties" as well)
Finally beat the game. Another example of "come for the porn, stayed for the gameplay" (if only Pokemon is half as fun as this). The epilogue difference between just leave vs properly defeat the secret boss is...underwhelming. You only got one extra dialogue from Pukis which is obvious already from her scene in space-time room (or is it actually important in sequel/prequel games? anyone who knows, feel free to spoil). If you start a new game+, there's an after scenario which reveals a story of the antagonists after they're captured which is...quite interesting, and the ending kinda gives a vibe that they're going to be in a sequel game or something.
Well all of the games from Tsukinomizu, while having seperate stories(and thus can be played in any order) does happen in the same universe, and all seem to have at least some character overlap, so while I don't know of any specifically to feature the antagonists from Naedoko, it is very likely (there is a lot of the games still not translated to english sadly)
Okay, so bits of pieces I found in the game I've yet to figure out:
-Is there any game reward for collecting all CGs and clothes?
Not that I can think of right now, though several of the clothes are used in various interactions throughout the game (the sexy swimsuits for the photoshoots, the Magical Seraph to get into the Sun's Reactor room etc
-Is there no way to obtain this chest? (pic 1)
Nope (yeah I had hoped you could get to it after you beat down the Pufiri or something, as the kinghts would be essentially gone by then, so why would they care about that chest anymore, but nope that character stays there forever). From a tecnical standpoint the chest contain a "Tentacle nests" Item (which is the same as the chest in the other corner, so probably just a copied chest

, and a far cry from the "a few items" the person in front talks about)
-Is there something to do here (pic 2)? Usually a boss site like this will either be non-interactable, or if it is interactable, you can get something from it. Really weird that it's interactable, yet nothing comes from it.
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Nope nothing, and it is frankly not the only interaction like that, there is a couple places in the game that just had a flavor text interaction
Can I get an update on the mod progress, if you're still working on it? I've been meaning to replay this game, but your mod sounds interesting and I'd rather wait a little longer if it might be done soon.
Well technically I am working on it here and now, but it is not at a very fast or consistent rate, and in particular I have issues figuring out how to get a bunch of the monsters that normally never appear in Eliza's stomach to actually get in there being birthed by her, to be part of the customization, without being too handwavy and just having them magically go in there. Specially since I am no artist, so the best I can do is some minor edits to pictures (which I have done in terms of belly sizes on her standing picture). And that is probably what is sapping my motivation the most I think tbh. And then there are some technical things, but those shouldn't be too bad tbh, and yeah that is really the main issue I want it to make sense and look decent, but I am more a guy that knows how to make things work, not how to make it look pretty xD
So in the end yeah probably not anytime soon, unless I get a massive idea spike, for how to solve the above issues, and (extremely unlikely), then it could maybe be out tomorrow, but more likely it might not even be this year tbh