Oh my god! Thank you so much. I only realized now that sometimes monsters can come with items when they are evolved (for lack of better word.)
That is fair enough, is only like 3 or 4 monsters that come with an accessory equipped
I think I have one more thing bugging me. In the hot springs there is a snow woman requesting a snow monster as well?
Geuss that turned out to be a little more than just "one thing"

. I assume you are talking about the spirit in the hmm sleeping area I guess you would call it? For this one well quite frankly if you had access to the monster needed it should be pretty obvious, so most likely you don't. The bigger issue imo with this is that by the time you get the monster needed for it, you probably forgot about this little quest, so I would suggest noting it down or something
If you absolutely must know, check the spoiler below, but I am really 99% sure you can't get it yet, just make sure you remember that spirit exists and have a quest
Edit: I forgot about the fishing pool in the Knight's HQ; I talked to the swimming girl now that she is back at base; and she didn't have anything to say about it.
Well you got close, (assume swimming girl = Toto), but it is not quite her directly, but since she is back at the base you should have the monster needed, that being "Loveswim" the one you got by being impregnated by her in the cave where you met her
Edit 2: Holy cow I suck dicks. Nucleus boss fight suggestions?
You are certainly not the first I see asking about that one, and yeah it is a very good example of probably the biggest issue the game have, in that it is not very clear in what damage types the different attacks deal (ofc some are easy to geuss, like ice pillar is ice ofc etc, but a lot are much more obscure, and some are almost impossible to geuss). First and foremost forget about the core, you NEED to kill the princesses that are captured first, or they will keep healing the core for ridiculous amounts, way more than you can ever hope to deal in damage. And those princesses can only really be damaged by smash type attack (all other types of damage deal only 1% of their damage to them). There are obviously multiple options here but one of the better once you have for sure would be Jupiri's "Sand Run" attack as it is well smash damage, and it is AoE, so that alone should get rid of them pretty quick (not to mention Jupiri in general is OP as hell). Once the princesses are down it shouldn't be too hard to get rid of the core, though tentacle damage is only 20% damage, thunder, slash and smash are all only 50% damage. Exorcism, Ice and Fire are all 200% (so double damage), everything else is normal damage