Apollo Seven
I was going through the game's code to collect information to update the wiki with more accurate values (might wait until the 0.7x updates are done before I do it) and I think I found some bugs mostly related to incorrect favor gains:
1. Getting the best result in the duelling competition of the festival of flowers is awarding 15 favor points to Evette instead of Gales. This is after 25 favor points with Evette were already awarded, then there is a conversation with Gales congratulating the princess ("Personal defense is an important skill. You never know who you might meet in the night.") but then the code is awarding another 15 favor points with Evette instead of with Gales, which I assume would be the intended behavior.
2. Having Cecily as Collette's tutor during the first weekend meeting with Normand seems to be supposed to cost the princess 5 favor, but is instead awarding her 5 favor (after the "...I'm not sure that's a wise decision." dialogue)
3. If the princess manages to
feminize Adelin there are supposed to be some favor changes, but a couple of them seem to be applied incorrectly. [+10] favor points with Normand are instead being assigned to Ulric (before the "I'm afraid I have to agree with Gales on this one. This change is quite troubling." dialogue) and [-10] favor points with Evette are instead also being assigned to Ulric (before the "But if this really does turn out the way it looks it makes my selection more up in the air.")
4. Passing Evette's etiquette check in her first meeting is losing 10 favor points instead of gaining 10 favor points (before the "Aw, how sweet. [princess], I would be honored to be your role model." dialogue)
5. This last one I'm not sure if it is a bug or not, but in the affection version of the second Philbert meeting, failing the card draw is awarding Collette with [+10] favor points (before the "I'm sorry. Thank you for voicing your concerns. But I have to do this." dialogue). I'm not sure if it is a bug because it sounds like he respects Collette's opinion even if it is contrary to what he wanted to do, but it is unusual to gain favor for failing a check so I figure I'd report it just in case to have it double-checked.