Did you really imply that I just completely missed some "slight tweaks" I could do in my game to make it possible?well, "mostly" also meant swapping some other things, like the aforementioned voice and customisation
what I meant is, can't male animation rigs be reused with slight tweaks?
- Folks, it's not possible, I can't do it.
- But did you try this?
- Oh! Of course, how can I miss it! Thank you for the wisdom, random forum user
Did you actually expect it would be something like that? No, there is no way I could add futa in the game without spending an enormously huge amount of time exclusively on this task. There are many ways to make Futa and none of them is actually doable in the current game state. And I already have a huge to-do list filled with tasks to fulfill my patron's requests. I'm sorry, I'm just a solo developer and I can't include content for everyone, some stuff must be dropped to make some other stuff possible.