Haven't finished 0.6 yet but anyway:
I wasn't expecting much from this but I was blown away. The writing, the understandable inner conflict, the search for Nicole's memories... Everything just feels on point, nothing's too jarring.
Is it Mya or Mia? I've seen it spelled both ways in game dialogue and the character list has her as "Mya". I'm so confused.
Dropping the bomb on Julie was... Uncomfortable for me. I like Julie, I'm going to have to see how that one pans out.
Sammy's just too adorable. I can't help but love her.
Lola trying (and failing) to convince everybody (except Tara, she's amazingly dense) that she's straight was hilarious.
I was just afraid the MC was destined for the Cock Sock pile but this does it the other way around.
She STARTS as a cock sock but you get the chance to turn her around... Or continue being a slut.
This is something I really like about it.
The scene on roof was really well made and even more interesting when Ms Blackwell started masturbating.
Helen's the epitome of the "cute supernerd". The scene after doing the laundry surprised me. I was going "Well, now. This is interesting." And when she fainted "Okay, well that just happened." That was fun

Lizzie is... Well, Lizzie. I'm a sucker for gingers. Especially the cute ones.
Mika's story is shaping up nicely.
Karin still seems like a bit of an enigma at the moment, as does Sienna.
Maya's constant fleeing is cute in its own way.
Dani and Felicity are my speed (so to speak) but I wish I could get that hair out of Christelle's eyes.
So many unanswered questions regarding Alyssa and so many characters unmet.
I don't know how I managed it but right now Becky has the most amount of points so far. This is fine, I love girls like her.
Haven't seen much use for the Charisma score yet.
Nice job calling the cheating fuckface "Eric" by the way.