HoneyGames i have some suggestions and some questions.
let's start with original post
about old gen 2f and gen 2m models
about the future (season 3)
keep your universe alive and kicking, and stay safe.
Is something I will absolutely do. I'm waiting to finish 1.6 and release it. Changing it now and maybe deluding people that there are certain renders that haven't been implemented yet wouldn't be fair. When 1.6 comes out with all its improvements then I'll take care of asking for an update of the homepage
2) That's the reason I don't use Astrid. Svetlana is a secondary character and even if she only has one scene and isn't the best, it's not a problem. Astrid deserves a bigger role, I think she's one of the best girls I've done-.
I've been reading a lot about conversions and I've read other discussions. In the future I will surely try again, now it's too late to reinsert Astrid in the game.
Surely it would be useful for Mark who is still a very important character in New Coral and will appear in many other games.
i've already looked at several g8 models. and i've also tried to do some conversions, it seems to work better than the conversions i used to do from g2 to g3. it's definitely something i'll worry about when it comes time to think about season 3.
It must be said though that g3 can be used much more easily with g8, than g2 with g3. So, eventually, I can continue to keep the old characters in g3 if the conversions were not satisfactory.
About already thinking about season 3. I'm thinking about it moderately. I'm evaluating ideas and I'm writing down everything that comes to mind. I have several games in mind and this helps me understand which ones to focus on. because often you feel like you have a good idea but then you don't have all the details... and an idea that seemed inferior turns out to be better.
Thinking about it now makes sense because I can make things happen on season 2 that are related to what's going to happen.
for example, some of the "friends of" characters that will appear on the instagrams of Season 2 characters may be part of season 3.
This helps to create a beackground to the characters, in this way then the development of the game is easier. (Without the previous games some characters like Michelle, Tatianna, Keesha, Melissa etc would have been more difficult to create... and they would have remained more anonymous. the fact that they have a previous history helps me to make them more unique)
for example:
Michelle arrives in new coral (the king is back) to follow her dream of becoming an actress after her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend.
During The king is back some things happen (she starts to use, moderately, some drugs; she goes out with other guys, a little relation with Mark...). then what happens after the king is back is not told in any game, but you can understand it playing Season 2 (I started from where the end of the game was and I imagined a scenario of what could have happened to her). So her mistrust in relationships, her past, the fact that she went to rehab are all elements that came "naturally". but it was easier to create them because I was already starting from a story.
So having more characters available can help me to create storylines that evolve what the character was before (without the player knowing all the history of the character and what happened before).