Okay, gave it a shot and I'll share my thoughts. First off, I like it and hope to see more, so while I might share some complaints, I don't want it to seem like I'm being negative. I wouldn't bother writing anything if I thought otherwise.
I'll put these in order of coming across them, and they're all pretty minor really. First is when you close the relationship or profile screens, it closes the whole UI, rather than leaving it open, which is a mild inconvenience. It can be circumvented even by just rolling back instead of pressing the x, anyway, but I think worth mentioning. Second, and it would break some quest triggers, it would be nice if clicking the time advance button at midnight would just send you to your room rather than having to do it manually, and on that note, a teleport to bedroom button might be handy if the map expands enough to warrant it. Also maybe consider moving the arrow to leave the bathroom to the bottom-left like the others, rather than the middle to make it easier to go from one end to the other. (Also, not even a complaint, but it's a little strange that the way out of your room is clicking on the door rather than an interface icon like the rest of the navigation.) Personally, I'm fond of navigation systems that show all areas you can go to at once, along with an icon indicating which character is in each room (as an example, Power Vacuum is the first game that comes to mind, but there are a few that do it). Not a deal-breaker or anything, and I wouldn't want anyone re-coding a game just to satisfy me or anything. I'm not even sure how it's all going to end up working with the multiple apartments. On another topic, is the transparency of the elf outfit a bit off? It's not really as revealing as the text would suggest (though it is somewhat see-through). Finally, and I was originally not going to mention this, but I don't think the pauses after the characters change pose is necessary. I get it's there to let you see the full scene without the text box, but I feel it breaks the flow of the dialogue a bit too much.
But that's all minor stuff and I wouldn't even care if none of it changed. I'm just feeling wordy today.
Now some positives. The premise is neat. The character models are nice-looking to me, and frankly I don't even care that they aren't done in the most cutting-edge of software. Some clipping issues, especially with the elf outfit, but that's okay. The writing seems good, and the English as well, which is always nice. Lya and the sister seem like fun characters. The Chloe party was a fun diversion, and I wonder if more will come of it. Naked apron is 10/10, naturally. Also, assume anything I didn't mention is just good, too, I'm just not so good at listing positives. Also, +1 for twincest. Like anyone here would say otherwise.