Never played Karryn's Prison as I rarely touch female protag games but Lilith's Throne is fun.
Of course it's mostly a big sandbox, especially since updates are notoriously late and usually just add more options instead of moving the story ahead. Pretty similar to Trials in Tainted Space in that both are furry sandboxes where you can fuck around with a bunch of fetishes and transformations.
Fort of Chains unfortunately was abandoned quite a while ago but it definitely had potential.
That's fair, i'm kind of the opposite myself, and yeah LT is pretty notorious for it's updates, mind you so is No Haven lol.
Yeah FoC definitely had potential, it's a shame it never got finished.
Not a huge fan of TiTS, i think it's the sci-fi aspect, idk, CoC and CoC2 are pretty aight though
Strive for Power/Conquest is sort of similar with a more RPG/Story twist to it, though the "quests" are pretty basic and it lacks the difficulty and strategic aspects i want in these games.
Idk if you've played Portals of Phereon but it has some similar elements, though they do literally glaze over the fact you are kidnapping and enslaving/buying and selling people/sacrificing people to alchemically create humunculi in favour of keeping a lighter tone, which i've always felt was bizarre.