4.10 star(s) 187 Votes
Jan 5, 2018
I'm still getting this error even after the recent bug fix
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'patch/images/Patch.png'>:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'patch/images/Patch.png'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
python hide:
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\ast.py", line 900, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\python.py", line 1930, in py_exec_bytecode
exec bytecode in globals, locals
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
python hide:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\ui.py", line 289, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\core.py", line 2690, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\core.py", line 3174, in interact_core
self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\core.py", line 2086, in draw_screen
File "render.pyx", line 516, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\screen.py", line 669, in render
child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
File "accelerator.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\im.py", line 580, in render
return cache.get(self, render=True)
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\im.py", line 266, in get
surf = image.load()
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\display\im.py", line 625, in load
surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename)
File "C:\Niall\saves\holiday\3d\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.1-market\renpy\loader.py", line 576, in load
raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'patch/images/Patch.png'.

No More Secrets 0.6.1
Thu May 02 12:19:24 2019
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Engaged Member
Jul 28, 2017
still got this error....
Looks like you are trying to use the incest patch but don't have all the files. You need to paste the patch folder into the game folder ("\NoMoreSecrets-0.6.0-market\game\patch"). You probably only pasted the patch.rpy like in other games.

This is not a patch that only activates dialogue, it has extra content (renders), so you need to have those in the folder too.
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George Halstead

Active Member
Oct 1, 2017
I did not use the WT but did get most of the achievements oddly enough. So glad i found this game but i will try to use the WT just to see what different outcomes i would have reached.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
Holy crap this thread exploded with comments since last I was here !

Jesus Christ I cant believe people are taking sides with the girls this harshly... to me each and everyone is GOLD, obviously some are better than others, but this is one of the few games where I dont write rankings for the girls, and claim how the top ones are perfection, and those at the bottom are gutter trash...

Lets start with Jeanne...

As somene who was "given away" I feel I can shed a bit more light on this subject than someone who just assumes what someone in those shoes SHOULD feel... I was given to my MOM by her aunt who already had 9 other kids... as she couldnt have kids herself... I didnt find this out till I was 8... My mom herself was the one who broke the secret herself in an effort to get me to "love" my "real" mom more... It doesnt work, I consider her my Aunt and Godmother, but thats it... I am eternally grateful to her for "giving me life" and for giving me a better future with a couple who had more means of raising me...

I never once felt "slighted" by her or bitter, like a "why did you give me away !!" type thing... I fully understand why she did, and from the times we have talked about it, I can see/feel how hard it was for her, and how tore up about it she still is, but also how happy she is to have seen me thrive...

That's why I can understand why Brian can forgive Jeanne so easily... it wasnt Jeanne's fault that Brian Age 17 decided to steal money, go to Amsterdam, fuck hookers, get into cage matches and go to Jail... if he was 12 doing those fucked up mistakes, fine blame Jeanne for not stepping in sooner.
As it is, this on Brian... Hell Jeanne even married a dude she isnt fully into just to get close to her kid and try to reconnect with him... People saying she is scared of losing Phil and that's why she kept the secret dont understand her at all... what she is scared of is losing BRIAN... if Phil divorces her and sends her away, Brian before turning 18 is still under Phil's responsibility as Legal Guardian, she cant stand to lose Brian again after getting so close.
There is also the guilt she probably feels about abandoning him, and not being able to tell him before his rebel phase what the truth was... Add to that the fact that I am sure Brian still feels his parents ARE his parents, Jeanne might be his birth mom, but it will take a while for him to accept her as a mom, if he even does seeing as he wants to bang her...


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
Now for Stephania...Before I start with her many of you know that I HATE NTR and any cuck type stuff with a passion... a passion that has gotten me thread banned a couple of times, and even had a mod follow me around deleting any comments that he biasedly viewed as "troublesome".

That said Stephania WAS/IS the school bicycle, she makes no secret of it, or tries to hide. She doesnt go around professing love to the MC and then fucks a loser while making fun of MC and how much more pathetic he is than her new lover... She is a troubled chick that feels empty inside, before we didnt know why as she played the "popular mean girl", yet she was always kind of friendly with Brian and Steven despite her so called "high status".

Honestly this update made me like her even more, I felt bad for her... This coming from someone that is against abortion (unless its rape) in order to teach females responsibility for spreading their legs for every loser Chad and Tyrone that crosses their path... However I had no problem forgiving Steph for not wanting a half ugly baby from Rene... dude is straight up gross. and she only had sex with him out of a sense of duty (Cheerleader Captain x Star Quarterback), she didnt have much choice, its what was expected of her as Queen Bee... The fact that the idiot basically blew his load within 1 minute 45 seconds of pushing inside her, and leaked some of it inside her knocking her up is disgraceful, she didnt deserve that cruel twist of fate.

Honestly the only hateable female in the entire game for me is Ms WhyWhore... she's a total BBC loving biased bitch, if she honestly was just hard on Brian cause he fucks around in her class too much she'd be more relateable, but the fact that Rene is total garbage in her class and gets A's because she has a thing for premature ejaculators pisses me off...


Active Member
Jun 17, 2017
Just found the game. Enjoyed it.

Got to say i really liked Stephanie & her arc so far. Completely fine with her abortion choice, bringing an unwanted child into the world from a mistake is stupid imo. She is Damaged, sexy, wild. Hope my MC gets to be one to tame her.

Lizzie on the other hand bores me.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Holly crap... I want to beat myself up for never discovering this game until now.

This is probably the most fun and interesting game i have played so far, i honestly feel that way. The game is comedy gold i laughed out loud several times, the characters are great i genuinely like every single girl in this game, even the guys like Steven i usually find other dudes to be annoying in this game but he is funny and he really feels like your best friend, in fact he reminds me of my best friend a lot.

Seriously this game is crazy fun, the birthday episode with all those dares was probably the best part, props to the developer. I used to think that nowadays if your game doesn't have animations it's pretty much a deal breaker and it's not worth it, this game proved me wrong. Can't wait for future episodes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
BTW i noticed a few people already mention but is there actually some solution for the error that some people are receiving? I get it too when i tried to even move the game from any other folder other than the one i downloaded it in and when i try to apply the incest patch it breaks the game completely. Whats the best solution to fixing this? Is there none yet?

Also a friendly advice to some, don't take a topic of abortion in a porn game so seriously where one of the goals is to also fuck your sister and mother(at least i think they are suppose to be your mother/sister because i can't get the incest patch to work lol)...

Anyway Stephania is awesome there is way more to her than just being the school slut, i mean you don't have to be Freud to figure out her going around fucking other dudes is just her coping mechanism with the fact that she is constantly lonely and lacks the emotional support from her parents. It's pretty obvious if the MC pursues her path he will change her for the better, i mean she will still probably be a slutty girl but she will be your slutty girl.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Nice game I just started and I'm on my first playthrough and I already understand that I need to play it a few more times to see more. I was discouraged in the beginning to try this game because of "open world " mechanics of the game, for when the interface feels frustrating to operate and with grinding in addition to that. The story even if it's good can be ruined. However, it wasn not of these things, it plays easily and smooth.
Nice game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
So if I'm reading all of Vanessa lines right on different paths the day of the bet she really wants Brian to be her first?
The dressing room for Jeane didnt give me a LP just a RP I'm still RP 6 LP 5


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
Ugh Jeane is a tough cookie to crack I did everything right but still got Relationship Points:8 Lust Points 5
I went all the way during the bikini thing
Peeped on her all the way n left
Helped her in the kitchen
Told her I'll keep an eye on Liz
When amie handed me the lingerie for Jeane I went in
At the bar I kissed her
I told her I'll drink wine with her
And I picked different options about the what i see in a girl the Lust Points i always end up getting 5 with her


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
Ugh Jeane is a tough cookie to crack I did everything right but still got Relationship Points:8 Lust Points 5
I went all the way during the bikini thing
Peeped on her all the way n left
Helped her in the kitchen
Told her I'll keep an eye on Liz
When amie handed me the lingerie for Jeane I went in
At the bar I kissed her
I told her I'll drink wine with her
And I picked different options about the what i see in a girl the Lust Points i always end up getting 5 with her
well no massage for me for Jeane then sighs I'm done trying with that sighs


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
Anyone have a save file up to Jeane massage time I really dont want to have a fourth playthrough just to try n win Jeane heart


Jan 11, 2018
How to fix Jeane relationship? :< In the patch notes it says it will fix itself in the new chapter, but it didn't. It there console command or something?


Engaged Member
Nov 7, 2017
How to fix Jeane relationship? :< In the patch notes it says it will fix itself in the new chapter, but it didn't. It there console command or something?
have you read the readme file from the incest patch? there is written what you have to do.You must trigger that in the game
4.10 star(s) 187 Votes