Only up to episode 10 at this point, but it's a pretty decent game thusfar. However as with many other visual novels it is not without a couple common issues. Namely: Being unable to prevent the protagonist from entering into a physical or emotional relationship without being a fucking asshole, and even then somehow managing to get in their pants somehow in spite of my best efforts to cockblock (without being douchey)
Is it really too much to ask to be able to tell Lizzie the truth about amsterdam, AND not wanna have sex with her, cause i'm kinda in love with Stephania, and/or Nicole, or just maybe cause I am not very interested in Lizzie that way. I seriously ask, why is this a thing!?
I hate being railroaded into paths. Like in Acting Lessons, *shudder* at least this is... uhh modestly better than that, in that department.
and issue number 2 Being unable to control whether the protagonist orgasms before the gf thus earning ire or at least disappointment: (an issue common in just about every vn except for College Life) not a huge thing, but still I like having more control on how studly my protagonist is, and how good or bad he is at satisfying his partners.
I kinda maybe let this topic get away from me a little, imma blame the reclaim I just hit with my vaporizer. stuff is gunking up my brain... eh but this is not the year to quit i think.