Thanks for the kind words and critique, Nate! I helped a bit on the writing side, but that's mostly Danny, my partner. I do know that the main reason for some of the choices (or lack thereof) is because, based on some of the early choices in the game, the characters backstories could change and shift, making them act in ways they wouldn't in other paths (Abbie doing coke or not even having the option in a couple paths is a perfect example.) Based on the choices you made as other characters, it actually changed her backstory a bit in the game, so if she has no choice in doing the coke, then her and Ellen's (her best friend) relationship before the start of "No Saints" changes to where Ellen is a bit wilder, whereas Abbie learned from doing drugs when they were still in high school and refuses because she learned from her mistakes in the past. Danny and I likened it to the old "choose your own adventure" books that we liked back when we were kids, where you just guide the characters in a direction and the story goes on from there and it could change based on the choices you made. I know this type of storytelling isn't everyone's cup of tea, but, rest assured, we do have it mapped out where things aren't just slapped together so to speak lol. And we will be putting a walkthrough out at some point, though that might take a while, as we both have full-time jobs and finding the time can be a bit crazy.