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New Member
Apr 24, 2017
just played through 0.5 is there nothing new in this one i finished it, last scene i had was the after street party with sal then just weeks of nothing
Some events have prerequisites that you have to complete. Really hard to figure them out unless you have the walkthrough.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
...that walkthrough would be where? For Frankie's first day your rep needs to be between two to three stars... that's all I've been able to figure out so far.
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May 17, 2017
I truly want to like this game but every time I see it pop up I just see more confirmation of what a wispy, puffed up project it is. NTR is a niche fetish. If you slap the label anywhere on your game you absolutely need to cater to those people in order to gain momentum. The very nature of it filters out a lot of other people, even with it being avoidable. The fans are passionate though and absolutely support these games when the quality warrants it.

However... it has been over a year now and the developer has still not managed to get around to putting the content that people hope for when they see this game into it. Instead they are constantly creating;

Prequel games - They have made 3 or 4 of these now and they offer very little to the main game. They should have been optional dreams or flashbacks in the main title. Mostly just seems like an excuse to not work on the main game.

Banners/Sample Images - The developer just loves to create few time use images of their characters/etc for everything. Their patreon is just loaded with flashiness and if you have ever had access to the patreon posts you would know it is the same there. They literally cannot stand you looking anywhere near their content without having at least 6 logos in your face. It is their right but it is also just annoying and wasteful meandering.

Obscured Changelogs/Posts - Patch notes for this game are the most flowery thing I have ever seen. I applaud the writer, it's an interesting read and can build hype. But then you get to the end and realize there is no tl;dr or technical term patch notes. So you read it again just to realize it was like a middle school length essay on them adding 4 scenes to the game, most of which aren't sexual or satisfying in any way.

Another game - This isn't even their only major in-dev title. The dev likes to imply that their workflow is so efficient that one of them is doing something for one while the other renders the other game and couldn't possibly make progress, etc, but it is bologna. This game could honestly use more misc. / small events, variations on existing scenes, sexy world building through texts, dialogue with reused standing images, etc. The truth is just that they want to make multiple games and it slows down both.

There is just too much going on and patch by patch you can see people coming into this thread and even their own patreon posts to essentially ask "Wait, what? Did I miss something? Shouldn't Noemi be doing -something-?" The answer is always no. The dev/team is so interested in creating their expansive "BeWilder universe" that they've lost touch with just creating a good BeWilder game.

One final note - Their patreon tiers are just greedy and prey on impatience. You pay per-month (when they rarely even work on one title for two months in a row) and the tiers are ridiculous. There is a large time gap between when the first people get a copy of a new version and when it finally trickles down to an acceptable price point. It is begging for piracy. Instead of rallying people to support their titles with an acceptable schedule and tiers, they just rely on a small pool of semi-frustrated super fans and people getting impatient enough to bump up their tier to not have to wait another 2-3 weeks for the game they are already supporting.

Edit: It is also worth noting that their very next funding goal actually has them adding -another- project to their portfolio. Even if I wanted to support them again I'd actually be scared of hitting that goal. Kind of a yikes.

Tl;dr - My opinion is the game still has almost no content. The dev does not make sure to include a good fap point or two per release. Give it a few more patches and don't spend a penny until the dev takes a hard look at what they are pitching from a customer or supporter's view point.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
hey can someone post at least the requirements what is needed to unlock the certain events??
there are only two choices you can make till the end of 0.5 and these are unlocking next to nothing just giving 2 diffrent stats points.
it is kind of frustrating to just clicking through the days and not even the half of the content that is in the changelog is rolling out???


May 17, 2017
hey can someone post at least the requirements what is needed to unlock the certain events??
there are only two choices you can make till the end of 0.5 and these are unlocking next to nothing just giving 2 diffrent stats points.
it is kind of frustrating to just clicking through the days and not even the half of the content that is in the changelog is rolling out???
As far as I know all of the stuff in the 0.5 teaser/change logs didn't even make it in. If you made it to end of version and did the choices you probably saw everything already.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
As far as I know all of the stuff in the 0.5 teaser/change logs didn't even make it in. If you made it to end of version and did the choices you probably saw everything already.
wow great why post then that changelog that´s just ridiculous then.
a gameversion 0.5 with such a changelog and nothing from this log made it in this version (n) (n) :rolleyes:


May 17, 2017
wow great why post then that changelog that´s just ridiculous then.
a gameversion 0.5 with such a changelog and nothing from this log made it in this version (n) (n) :rolleyes:
Aye. The NTR content in this game actually just amounts to BeWilder cucking everyone who has shown an interest in their game over the last year, lol.
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Apr 24, 2017
I still don't get it. My reputation was 4 at the end, last couple of days nothing happened (i guess 4 rep is max for now?) and still didn't get the new lady to show up, was there a time limit on when she exactly appears?


May 17, 2017
I still don't get it. My reputation was 4 at the end, last couple of days nothing happened (i guess 4 rep is max for now?) and still didn't get the new lady to show up, was there a time limit on when she exactly appears?
I think so. I got end of version twice without seeing any new scenes. It was 2 or 3 weeks of the management sim from my last save before I hit that point. I extracted all the game images to see the rest but it really wasn't much. Seems she was supposed to meet the new character and she can bang Brad one more time. Which brings her total sexual scenes for the entire year this game has been active to 2 sex scenes with her boyfriend and nothing of note with anyone else. The sad part is that the scene with Brad actually got like a dozen or more renders. Honestly could have been split into several more satisfying smaller scenes. If BeWilder put as much time into writing dialogue for them as they did padding the 0.5 changelogs they'd already be done too.
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Timmy Reed

Jun 13, 2018
AFAIK This should be marked "No Sexual Content" - gave it a play through, it took ages, you can't easily skip things you've seen, there aren't many (any meaningful?) choices and I think I saw a nipple twice.

All that seems to happen is stress levels increase for the two characters with no real way to lower it and then the game ends.


Mar 18, 2018
There is just WAY too little content per update for this game to hold any interest. 4-5 scenes (~40-50 renders) every two months is quite pathetic compared to what other devs produce. It's also annoying how they try to hype it in their Patreon posts, making it sound like it's a lot more than it really is.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
I see it's been busy round here lately! Settle in so, time to do some responding, and I've a feeling this might run on long. I have a problem like that.

I like girls, your game has girls and they must be checked out.

1 advantage to being a raging dyke is NTR is a non issue. Unless it's a romance based game (I love me some romance, shame not many lesbian romance games exist) then i'm only looking for the love but if it's not a dating sim type then i'm either around for the story or to see attractive pixel women have hot pixel sex.

My only real turn off is rape. Not because i'm an oversensitive woman I just like to see people enjoy sex. Everyone likes sex, it's better when it's enjoyed, we all win.

Not usually a fan of corruption games either. It's not because I don't like the theme it's mainly because there is only so much stupid I can take before it starts to make my head hurt and the girls in corruption games are notoriously moronic.

So it's a refreshing change when I find a game with the corruption and ntr tags where the women aren't drooling halfwits and they turn out pretty likeable.

Even better when it has options. Everyone likes options. Of course i'd prefer it if all the options were to bury a womans face in another womans crotch but i'm sadly aware I can't have everything catered to me, nobody would want that (except me obviously). That said I can enjoy a good game as well as anyone else even if it contains mainly straight sex. I'll just picture a really butch woman with a rather realistic strapon .... or not, that sounds awful.
We're not so different you and I... except for the whole penis having thing. You don't have one on a shelf in you closet too, do you?

Usually I wouldn't say I'm a "romance" kinda person, but I do love me some character focus and that tends to do well with some adult situations (not exclusively the lewd kind) and drama, so I do tend to enjoy the romance end of things too. What brings you to this game then, the story or the hot pixel women? We don't claim to be revolutionary on either, but we'd like to think we do both well (comparatively maybe) and if it turns out not then it helps to hear why.

Yeah, I think we agree on the rape front in some respects. It's not really for me. Some people like it in their stories, alright I suppose, but even digitally I'm not super into it. That stuff really does mess people up and I've a little too much empathy for it I think. It's got it's place in narratives and character backgrounds etc, but for the most part stories can have people actually liking to fuck, so that's what I prefer too. Why not have all the fun, for everyone?!

Same again on corruption games. I'm not really down on them, it's just that most of them end up with dumb people doing dumb things, which needn't be the case. That's more what this game is, more so corruption with themes of more serious ntr elements included in some character paths, but I try to make it so Noemi isn't that brainless by the end... her attitude is a big part of the sexy after all. Admittedly it's hard making people do things they normally wouldn't without falling into porn logic and tropes, but we do try... and that's why we're in this pacing slump. Damn you natural, semi-long term character development! Hopefully it's worth it in end. I think it will be, but I'm not the judge of that.

Refreshing you say? Dare I deduce we might be doing something a little right? Or is that a general statement?

Ok, now we disagree... Options? Yes! All of them woman-on-woman? No! Only many of them woman-on-woman! We have some ladies night scenes in the planner, and it's a theme we do like to hit on in our content a lot, but there is something to be said about ladies making use of men for the good times too. Even the guys getting some lead time, why not? I admit though, I do love to write relationships between girls, be they friends, enemies, intimate or a mix of them all. There's just something much more fun about them. For guys I like the pure buddy pair but girls can be so much more and get away with it too. Natasha and Selina is real fun to write for in Agents of Heels and I expect some notable lady pairs in Noemi's story as well. If that leads to sex... who am I to tell them no?

just played through 0.5 is there nothing new in this one i finished it, last scene i had was the after street party with sal then just weeks of nothing
There's a fair bit more after that actually. The key is to keep you debt going down, and to not spent most of your time off re-adding to it. Pick your stat boost times carefully. Or... don't, because we removed the cost on them in the upcoming version anyway. Should be easier then. Yoga is still costly, but it's not to be done every time, just when she really needs to drop a lot of stress.

Thanks for the feedback though, if there's a specific thing that seems to be tripping you up we'd love to hear it and try get it tackled, but it sounds like the debt nor going down is the main problem.

Here is my decoded version of the dev's ramblings in the changelog:

v0.5 A Touch of Mature Love

- Two more main story scenes, one introducing Frankie to her new life with Noe, and another as Alice and Beth are roped into a more active duty for their boss, Sal.

- A full sex scene. It’s another step forward in the Brad arc.

- Frankie’s arc will open up with an intro scene all about some afterwork learning with Noe.

- If we can squeeze in an extras scene we’ll be seeing a bump in Damon’s arc that’ll get him on the way to some time alone with the woman of his dreams.

It’s another 4-5 scene special.


- With this update we can reach up to 3 waitresses on the go at once.

- This update is all Frankie, with 17 new outcomes added for her between Waitressing, Cooking, Promoting and her Day Off.

- We’re adding a whole new tutorial pop-up, complete with all the explanations you’ll need to better understand all the game’s parts.

- We’ve streamlined the gameplay unlocking too, instead of letting the player wander free in the Attitude system early on, we’re making that a later part of the gameplay so you don’t set yourself back a step early on by mistake.
That's not our change log/release notes, that's our public teaser details post. That Damon scene didn't make it in for lack of time too. Our release notes are mostly bullet points and a few sentences on stuff, but in essence, yeah that's pretty much the content of the version.

The game has only lesbian ntr content ? Or i'll see Noemi turning into a teaser for her clients as well ?
In time it shall have us some ntr content, and lesbian content, and maybe even lesbian ntr content too. Won't that be a treat! Still working our way through it though. And yeah, she'll be nasty for a whole lot of people if you shape her that way, all in good time (as the Barenaked Ladies say).

I didn't even manage to get the street fair event or the new waitress. Are there certain things you need to do?
Just keep the debt going down for the main story, and for character events get your stats up as well. We're adding a small UI to help out with what's what in the story progression in the next update, so let's see how helpful that is. Plus we're balancing the numbers too based on more recent feedback. If you can spot anything specific in you playstyle that is hampering you, let us know and we'll see what we can do about it, that's the best way we'll learn and improve after all!

Are there even any actual NTR scenes in this game yet?
Gotta build up before you can crash it down, at least in our way of doing it. There's growing potential for Noe to start leaving Brad out of the fun stuff, but we're not there yet. It's not going to be one of those 'make one wrong (or right) choice and it's straight to cheat city' games, so it's worth knowing that now and baring it in mind. If that's not for you, we understand, but we expect by the end of development it'll be all worth it.

I truly want to like this game but every time I see it pop up I just see more confirmation of what a wispy, puffed up project it is. NTR is a niche fetish. If you slap the label anywhere on your game you absolutely need to cater to those people in order to gain momentum. The very nature of it filters out a lot of other people, even with it being avoidable. The fans are passionate though and absolutely support these games when the quality warrants it.

However... it has been over a year now and the developer has still not managed to get around to putting the content that people hope for when they see this game into it. Instead they are constantly creating;
Glad you had a good impression of the game, at least in the beginning, that's a good ground for us to actually try and build upon in future. That's if you're interested in trying to help us reach the potential you saw early on, and if that's not based on some idea of what the game isn't supposed to be (which may well be a case of two different points of view). That's a conversation to have a little later though, as we've got some addressing of you criticisms to do first. Let's start.

Prequel games - They have made 3 or 4 of these now and they offer very little to the main game. They should have been optional dreams or flashbacks in the main title. Mostly just seems like an excuse to not work on the main game.
There is a legitimate point in here, not all side content is to everyone's tastes (even by it's existence), and not everyone agrees with what our overall vision is. We've discussed this all elsewhere, I'll point you to earlier in the thread and the Mini-VN pages rather than repeat myself. However, they are not excuses to not work on the game, we've been consistently working on it since it's conception and release. They have little to do with the main game now, but if everything had gone to plan we'd have resolved a whole lot of Kriem's OS by now and be working to where it ties into her main game story/goals and beyond. Frankie would be along nicely too... but side girls don't matter as much as making sure the game is improving functionally, and now our focus is turning to advancing the relationships Noe has (most extramarital), so this point still may take some time. Point noted however.

A quick aside... probably best you take the next couple of months off from what we're doing as I get the sense a lot of Autumn content won't make you happy. There's plenty out there so I'm sure you'll be fine.

Banners/Sample Images - The developer just loves to create few time use images of their characters/etc for everything. Their patreon is just loaded with flashiness and if you have ever had access to the patreon posts you would know it is the same there. They literally cannot stand you looking anywhere near their content without having at least 6 logos in your face. It is their right but it is also just annoying and wasteful meandering.
We like to have fun with what we do, is that a bad thing? We make about 5 pics like that max, made using Unshi's spare time by the way, so he can try out new things and be a little creative on the side. They also make nice post material that we can share while we give news updates, we like to stay in contact with our fans on the page like that.

As for the logo, we put a branded watermark on our pics because people can steal them otherwise. That's a standard practice in artwork. One such pic can be found here... (Was also posted earlier in the thread)

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I ask anyone and everyone here, is that so invasive and horrifying? Does the watermark really ruin it? Does it even detract from it notably? If so, please tell us so we know it do better...

Obscured Changelogs/Posts - Patch notes for this game are the most flowery thing I have ever seen. I applaud the writer, it's an interesting read and can build hype. But then you get to the end and realize there is no tl;dr or technical term patch notes. So you read it again just to realize it was like a middle school length essay on them adding 4 scenes to the game, most of which aren't sexual or satisfying in any way.
Yeah, we might have long run on posts, but we highlight important stuff to check out, and our patch notes are not all that "flowery". For one, most of the notes that are post here aren't even the patch notes, and at the time of post that's true for the latest version too.

So I am honestly confused here, do you applaud the writer, or do you not? You can't really have it both ways, and as long as the criticism is constructive and goodnatured, we're happy to hear it.

Another game - This isn't even their only major in-dev title. The dev likes to imply that their workflow is so efficient that one of them is doing something for one while the other renders the other game and couldn't possibly make progress, etc, but it is bologna. This game could honestly use more misc. / small events, variations on existing scenes, sexy world building through texts, dialogue with reused standing images, etc. The truth is just that they want to make multiple games and it slows down both.
No no... we don't imply this, we state it as the absolute fact. We've had this discussion elsewhere and recently too, so I refer you to the Agent of Heels thread for the details there. The simplest summary of that situation is that we can either make 1 game updated ever 5-7 weeks, or 2 games every 7-8 weeks, so while that's the case we're doing the latter. If we only did one, it wouldn't be this game anyway.

I agree about the world building scenes, I've a whole ream of short pieces between the girls, of them discussing music, eating together, playing pranks on each other and all that lovely stuff. I love that kind of thing. They'll likely never go in the game though, because they'll only make for fodder as to why we don't have more sex and a faster paced game instead, which is a very good argument. It's one of the criticisms you have for us today too, so which is it that you'd really want?

There is just too much going on and patch by patch you can see people coming into this thread and even their own patreon posts to essentially ask "Wait, what? Did I miss something? Shouldn't Noemi be doing -something-?" The answer is always no. The dev/team is so interested in creating their expansive "BeWilder universe" that they've lost touch with just creating a good BeWilder game.
Again, not really a whole truth. The vast majority of our post get 0 comments. What feedback we get some directly from fans (and non fans) who chat with us in other places, and we show up to hear them out. A large part of the people who speak out asking what's going on are those that don't follow our day-in and day-out on what's what. Many of their questions have been asked and answered before... but that's not unique to us. We still make the effort to help them out as we can.

I take your point on your perception of our quality. We do believe things can be better and we're always working towards them. That's why we're always asking for specific feedback to help do it, reworking things that need it and anyone kind enough to help us on that is always welcome. Attacks on us aren't helpful so much, since clearly the problem is not a lack of us showing up and trying.

One final note - Their patreon tiers are just greedy and prey on impatience. You pay per-month (when they rarely even work on one title for two months in a row) and the tiers are ridiculous. There is a large time gap between when the first people get a copy of a new version and when it finally trickles down to an acceptable price point. It is begging for piracy. Instead of rallying people to support their titles with an acceptable schedule and tiers, they just rely on a small pool of semi-frustrated super fans and people getting impatient enough to bump up their tier to not have to wait another 2-3 weeks for the game they are already supporting.
This point I do so very much dispute. It's far from that, and there's really no way you could know our intentions. It so happens we both happen to live in expensive Western Europe, and left jobs where our hourly rate was higher than the most we except in a month's pledge. Forgive us for needing to eat, and pay bills, and thinking maybe quality, effort and passion is worth actually paying for. Now, with that said, we do think and have discussed ourselves internally that maybe our prices are a bit high, but changing them is a very big thing to do and we're not sure of the full effects ( we spend most of our time creating after all, it's difficult to find the time to do in-depth research)

People pay per month (like most pages) and we release per month (unlike many pages). Everyone who does more than support in gratitude/sybolism gets a release for their money and support. Depending on how you manage the support, you can even get two releases, which is wha a decent amount of people do. We put a lot of effort in to making things worth it, providing bonus stuff just for fans (really we would like to not have to parse out people based on if they pay us or not but that's capitalism for you), and not being the greedy fucks that give being a dev a bad name. Y'all know who they are.

Anyway, in the end, nobody is forcing you to support, and if some people do well that's just swell. We love them for it and we return that love as best we can. We're only human after all. Those people support us for all kinds of reasons, none of them likely out of the blue-ball blackmail you speak off because really... that doesn't work. In this industry slice especially, you get what you pay for, and what you pay for you get. As an individually and collectively.

Edit: It is also worth noting that their very next funding goal actually has them adding -another- project to their portfolio. Even if I wanted to support them again I'd actually be scared of hitting that goal. Kind of a yikes.
No, that's a misinterpretation of what we'd like, perhaps we didn't make ourselves clear. Spook would not be starting a new game or anything of the sort. The point is to train on art, in using Daz, building outfit, locations, assets and character... all the good stuff Unshi does better than most folks around. To do that you actually have to make and render stuff, so the point was to use his talents to create a story and have that fuel the work. Make the render themed on something, build a character we could one day use (or whats the point?), have her in a location that fits her, make her outfit distinct and tell a bit of a story. In order to become a better artist, he's got to do all that work anyway, why not let the fans see the growth?

Anyways, that's a whole side thing, and a potentially moot point anyway. We posted those goals 6 months ago and it's time to review them. It's clear we still have a lot to do elsewhere in improving and giving value to the fans, so this might well get chopped or postponed.

And hey, a sincere clap that after all you've had to say you would consider still supporting, that is a level of open mindedness that is worth noting and respecting, so kudos.

hey can someone post at least the requirements what is needed to unlock the certain events??
there are only two choices you can make till the end of 0.5 and these are unlocking next to nothing just giving 2 diffrent stats points.
it is kind of frustrating to just clicking through the days and not even the half of the content that is in the changelog is rolling out???
Main Story Scenes - Keep reducing your debt
Brad Scenes - Romance is key as well as debt
Sal Scene - Competitive and Debt
Damon, Beck and Asana - No requirements yet, just go see them
Roy - His aside with the girls is Open Mind, and debt
Kriem and Frankie - Have them earn their own tips and they'll see their lives keep rolling on.

The choices have their paths logged and will have their consequences come up as the side paths progress.

Is there a Mac version?
There is! Not sure if it's here or not. Linux too.

I still don't get it. My reputation was 4 at the end, last couple of days nothing happened (i guess 4 rep is max for now?) and still didn't get the new lady to show up, was there a time limit on when she exactly appears?
Rep is a multiplier to help you get better tips, it's the tips that reduced the debt and that's what unlocks the scenes. Try void racking up too much in your time off though as that seems to be the thing that hamstrings people now (from our observation at least, alternate theory feedback is appreciated too). Fear not, as that's being done away with in the not to distant future.

Oh, just as a note, no 100%/5 Stars is the max rep achievable, yeah. Frankie doesn't appear until a certain time too, around about early-to-mid Month 2, and once you have the required debt reduced too.

unbelievable that some guys are so stupid to pay as patreons for this waste of time if it goes like this for such a long time now !!! :poop:
Well know, that's not a fair assessment, we get a decent proportion of girls backing us too, and no of them are stupid. We admit there's always room to improve, and this game may still need a lot, but you're not helping so who gives a poop emoji about your opinion on other people? Constructive feedback, that I will take seriously, but attacking fans is just stupid, and you're only wasting your time.

AFAIK This should be marked "No Sexual Content" - gave it a play through, it took ages, you can't easily skip things you've seen, there aren't many (any meaningful?) choices and I think I saw a nipple twice.

All that seems to happen is stress levels increase for the two characters with no real way to lower it and then the game ends.
Nope, there is most definitely sexual content. We agree, we'd love to see more too, and we're working on it all the time. It's not the pornfest explosion type though so that's worth keeping in mind. Choices are limited right now too because pathing several times early on only exacerbates the problems people legitimately complain about, but there are consequences built in and in the not to distant future.

Seems we still have a lot of work left to do, and we're on it. Cheers for the heads up, let's see if we can't get somethings make a lot better in the coming updates, eh?


Closing Notes!

Alright, seems we've still got a good bit of work ahead of us to make our game better and properly playable. Good to know. Cheers to all those giving us a helping hand and useful feedback/criticism to work off of, here's hoping we can improve on the backs for your efforts and make something enjoyable for all.

To those few who had non-helpful things to say, whether we directly responded or not, well we've heard you and now we can let the matter rest and instead try to be better all around. Sorry if I got personal in any particular point, I hope you too feel the same if you did too. Best let it slide and all move on, lest we waste our lives away only for the mods to come a delete any legacy we might have. I say good day to you.

Alright folks, off to more satisfying times, which I wish upon you all (if only wishes actually did shit). We'll keep doing our thing and you do yours.

All the best.
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Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
Gotta build up before you can crash it down, at least in our way of doing it. There's growing potential for Noe to start leaving Brad out of the fun stuff, but we're not there yet.
In time it shall have us some ntr content, and lesbian content, and maybe even lesbian ntr content too. Won't that be a treat! Still working our way through it though. And yeah, she'll be nasty for a whole lot of people if you shape her that way, all in good time (as the Barenaked Ladies say).
Ahh so it's the good kind of NTR the only acceptable kind for me anyway :D this game has gone straight up awesome for that, will we be seeing more events for during the time Noemi is off work? just seems to be the repeatable scenes that keep appearing? thanks for this btw I've enjoyed this update (y)
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Jan 22, 2018
I truly want to like this game but every time I see it pop up I just see more confirmation of what a wispy, puffed up project it is. NTR is a niche fetish. If you slap the label anywhere on your game you absolutely need to cater to those people in order to gain momentum. The very nature of it filters out a lot of other people, even with it being avoidable. The fans are passionate though and absolutely support these games when the quality warrants it.

However... it has been over a year now and the developer has still not managed to get around to putting the content that people hope for when they see this game into it. Instead they are constantly creating;

Prequel games - They have made 3 or 4 of these now and they offer very little to the main game. They should have been optional dreams or flashbacks in the main title. Mostly just seems like an excuse to not work on the main game.

Banners/Sample Images - The developer just loves to create few time use images of their characters/etc for everything. Their patreon is just loaded with flashiness and if you have ever had access to the patreon posts you would know it is the same there. They literally cannot stand you looking anywhere near their content without having at least 6 logos in your face. It is their right but it is also just annoying and wasteful meandering.

Obscured Changelogs/Posts - Patch notes for this game are the most flowery thing I have ever seen. I applaud the writer, it's an interesting read and can build hype. But then you get to the end and realize there is no tl;dr or technical term patch notes. So you read it again just to realize it was like a middle school length essay on them adding 4 scenes to the game, most of which aren't sexual or satisfying in any way.

Another game - This isn't even their only major in-dev title. The dev likes to imply that their workflow is so efficient that one of them is doing something for one while the other renders the other game and couldn't possibly make progress, etc, but it is bologna. This game could honestly use more misc. / small events, variations on existing scenes, sexy world building through texts, dialogue with reused standing images, etc. The truth is just that they want to make multiple games and it slows down both.

There is just too much going on and patch by patch you can see people coming into this thread and even their own patreon posts to essentially ask "Wait, what? Did I miss something? Shouldn't Noemi be doing -something-?" The answer is always no. The dev/team is so interested in creating their expansive "BeWilder universe" that they've lost touch with just creating a good BeWilder game.

One final note - Their patreon tiers are just greedy and prey on impatience. You pay per-month (when they rarely even work on one title for two months in a row) and the tiers are ridiculous. There is a large time gap between when the first people get a copy of a new version and when it finally trickles down to an acceptable price point. It is begging for piracy. Instead of rallying people to support their titles with an acceptable schedule and tiers, they just rely on a small pool of semi-frustrated super fans and people getting impatient enough to bump up their tier to not have to wait another 2-3 weeks for the game they are already supporting.

Edit: It is also worth noting that their very next funding goal actually has them adding -another- project to their portfolio. Even if I wanted to support them again I'd actually be scared of hitting that goal. Kind of a yikes.

Tl;dr - My opinion is the game still has almost no content. The dev does not make sure to include a good fap point or two per release. Give it a few more patches and don't spend a penny until the dev takes a hard look at what they are pitching from a customer or supporter's view point.
Some very good points. I played it for the first time last night and I thought it started great. Very good renderings, the descriptive dialogue was lengthy but good. The initial characters had potential.

But then it just dropped off and I can see why some of the people who have played it for some time aren't happy. As I said, the initial characters are good...but character relationships/development isn't there. When the screen came up and said..."you've reached the end of the content", I thought..."after a year...this is as far as you've gotten in the story?"

I'm sure I've missed some things, but reading other posts, probably not too much.


Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
Ahh so it's the good kind of NTR the only acceptable kind for me anyway :D this game has gone straight up awesome for that, will we be seeing more events for during the time Noemi is off work? just seems to be the repeatable scenes that keep appearing? thanks for this btw I've enjoyed this update (y)
Well thanks for the thumbs up and the kind words, good stuff. At least there is some good soil to grow from, eh? Since you seemed to get a good play out of it, can you tell us a little about how you played the management sections and if that gave you any trouble? All points of view do help.

Yeah, we want to get her doing more things outside the restaurant too, have more things to follow up on outside the shop. Just have to have her pressing forward with the characters there (Damon, Beck, Asana, even Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey when the friendship is built). We'll enjoy seeing her loosen up some more as much as you all. We've just got to keep pressing on.

Some very good points. I played it for the first time last night and I thought it started great. Very good renderings, the descriptive dialogue was lengthy but good. The initial characters had potential.

But then it just dropped off and I can see why some of the people who have played it for some time aren't happy. As I said, the initial characters are good...but character relationships/development isn't there. When the screen came up and said..."you've reached the end of the content", I thought..."after a year...this is as far as you've gotten in the story?"

I'm sure I've missed some things, but reading other posts, probably not too much.

Well it seems the early game is getting some consistent liking, it just that it's taking a wrong turn along the way somewhere. That's where we're looking to find and fix up. We're thinking its the gameplay mixing with the pacing of the current content, and the rate of content being restraint (though that is harder to fix since we work at full speed). From what you say it seems that might just be the case.

How far did you get in the game so? It depends but you could have missed a fair few scenes, but even so we still have a lot to build up.


Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
Well thanks for the thumbs up and the kind words, good stuff. At least there is some good soil to grow from, eh? Since you seemed to get a good play out of it, can you tell us a little about how you played the management sections and if that gave you any trouble? All points of view do help.
The management section took me a few tries to get used to but I picked that up after a few attempts I've had no issue with the management side to it at all I'll give you this it's different from what I'm used to playing but that's a good thing, I like to even it out with who works when due to the stress factor I'm not sure if there is any sort of limit if you stress someone out to breaking point? I can imagine Kriem would be quite the sight at being stressed as in getting the hell out of her way :LOL:
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