
Jul 31, 2018
is there a problem with the dragon casino. was told if i do a quest i would get a gift for grace. done it 3 time and no gift


Jul 31, 2018
i got over 50 favors saved up. am i missing something. bulter told me to get a nice gift for grace. been doing the dragon casino quest for favors so i could and so far i aint nothing. still visiting grace, ava and quinn


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
i got over 50 favors saved up. am i missing something. bulter told me to get a nice gift for grace. been doing the dragon casino quest for favors so i could and so far i aint nothing. still visiting grace, ava and quinn

You did go into the Casino thru the hallway? You'll see three creepy looking demons outside 3 of 4 doors. There's a door to your left before going into the office, that isn't being guarded, this is the store, you buy the gift there, also a couple of other items which seem to be sort of cheats for the game as well. Ones a clock and I forget what the other item was.

EDIT I still haven't seen the library in the Casino which is suppose to help out by giving you all kinds of information on the people your dating. Maybe I missed it in the store, but it isn't behind the Casino owners bookshelf nor can you open the door behind him/her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I'm not sure about the partners and fighting I had Quinn and the Slum girl (her names not coming to mind) SLum girl heals and seems to be with you all the time but you have to give her 50 bucks go back talk to her, depending on the time of day evening I believe she asks to join you.

With Quinn I had her when I hit 40 love points (out of 100) but lost her when I got to 60 she said she had to go help the guards with a mission and will be back in a couple days, but she is still around the usual ares. Only I cant get her to go out on a date...

I'm not sure if Lily needs to hit a certain level of exp, I am at level 8, close to level 9.. The only thing I can think of is liliy's exp level, I went all over the city into shops, training areas aand bars at different times of day thinking someone would appear saying Quinn's in trouble with the guard. I also stuck at 80 points with the other two Ava and the Princess I cant advance with until I get Quinn to date me.. I have the Forger Women (which is a side relationship) at 100 so I am dumbfounded as to what to do next.

EDIT I figured out, so stupid.... GO outside the city into the desert you'll see a tower to the north, enter and meet up with Quinn... I found out by trying to get to level 9 exp, I took the Bandit Job and poof saw a tower that wasn't there before.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Oher girls you can meet in the game

Sophia the Blacksmith at the Inn in the market district during night time, you have to buy her a beer, but first you have to drink one when you buy it from the bartender, then go back to the tender, he says he was worried about you and offers you the only option left to buy "Cheap Beer" buy about 50 and then go to Sophia keep giving her beer and then asking her about her life, after sometime you get to point you can touch her tits, then ask her to get naked, and then mess around with her. After go to her shop and talk with her, same as the story line girls 100 affection points, every 20 points you advance Sophia's life and help her with her problems.

Jess, a dwarf orc (something like that) after you help Ferrum defeat the slave market (he comes up you at some point along the main story line to ask for help! GO back to his Training shop and choose the Help Rescue SLaves, the 2nd time around you meet her. (I did this a 3rd time, and she ended up getting caught again) So I'm not sure if she can be freed and taken in by Quinn, Ava or Grace.

Melinda, (you need Quinn to be partnered with you to have access to this quest) Go to the quest board next to Ferrums Training center, Choose the Pirates Quest, you'll free her, she'll be at the Inn in the market district, the times you'll find her seem random, when you do meet her she has a whore Aliis giving her a BJ, Lily isn't happy about this so you have the option of going out with her, and getting her to treat Allis better or declining (Milanda is gone from the game for good if you say no)

Allis, go to the Noble District ALlis comes up to you gives you a amulet, runs off you now have access to the "Brothel" take the path left from Graces Mansion (gray bricked building with a sign on it, keep going to the left).

Of course I kind off cheated by using an RPG EDITOR, just to give Lily money, but I can also keep an eye on the Affection stats and other NPC's stats, I found all these names in the attributes section. But had to pretty much just mess around in the geame to come across them. Of course I read the change log but it isn't a walk through so that really doesn't help.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2018
Just as a heads-up, some antivirus programs may be falsely detecting the game executable as infected. Avast quarantined it when I tried to run it at first. VirusTotal shows that 3 antivirus engines detect it as a virus (Avast, AVG, and Cylance)


Jan 2, 2018
Is it just me or is that fight in the slumms after you meet you teacher, bug? I keep crashing on Quin, like its actor somthing missing and it keeps popping up eror, retry and no battle happends.
(not a patron since i cant aford)


Mar 2, 2018
I love me some monster girls but there doesn't seem like a lot of content at the moment so I'll wait to see how it looks a few months down the line.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Found a bug, when you go to do the predate with Quinn! You get to the location and one of the enemies is stuck between a pillar! No way to get to it! Clipboard01.jpg
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