
Active Member
Sep 30, 2019
This might be the only game I've played where sex scenes become progressively worse instead of better. I still haven't finished it yet but I just got disappointed that there were animations during the sex scenes and now I'm at a point where they're just boring still images. I do like the story and characters, but no way am I playing an adult game just for that...
  • Angry
Reactions: KiraJames


Nov 27, 2019
This might be the only game I've played where sex scenes become progressively worse instead of better. I still haven't finished it yet but I just got disappointed that there were animations during the sex scenes and now I'm at a point where they're just boring still images. I do like the story and characters, but no way am I playing an adult game just for that...
I prefer images over animations, but in my version the latest update had new animations. So not sure, what is the matter.


May 15, 2018
I stumbled across this game last week and finished everything to the end of Chapter 6 yesterday night, so I thought I'd take the time to share some of my thoughts on this great game.

The first and most important thing when considering an adult VN is the love interests. Jen and Emma seem to have the most content, so we'll start with them. Jen is great, and I really enjoy her character arc. The writer really gets the world of chess and the feeling of unmet expectations that emerge from early success in such endeavours, plus the intense competition of tournament play (a lot of Jen's story took me back to my own experiences at regional and national chess tournaments as a teen, so her scenes definitely resonate with me). The adult content for her can seem a bit extreme at times, but I think the dev does a good job of offering alternate approaches to being with her, or at least makes sure to place those activities in the context of "bedroom only", with good communication between MC and Jen after the fact to understand the allure she feels at being a submissive. I think it ends up working quite well. Making her the "forbidden fruit" because she has a business and therapeutic relationship with the MC is also an interesting narrative choice that adds a lot to choosing her as the main girl. As wonderful and sweet – and sometimes sexy too! – as Jen is, pursuing her would naturally raise doubts in a person, just from the ethical issues alone. In summary, Jen has very distinct and exciting sexual interests, alongside a great story, and she could carry the VN on her own IMO, although she doesn't really need to because the other women do have interesting traits of their own. Speaking of which, Emma is also a compelling character, with some great writing behind her dueling desires to "be the best at whatever she does" yet "be bested by someone worthy of her affection". The whole schtick of female "hypoagency" and male "hyperagency" that Emma espouses, where men are responsible for everything while women have no agency and lack any accountability for their actions, is a good example of a delusion/brainwashing she demonstrates that really jumps out as a red flag to me when interacting with her. That's just one issue, but there are others that are deal breakers. I think a long-term relationship with Emma would unfortunately end up with the MC lucky to get out with all his limbs intact (or at least with a finger partially sewn back on, or else the MC would end up resorting to self-deletion just to escape her increasingly histrionic outbursts, while she would just move on and blame his death on the "Patriarchy" and on him, rather than taking any direct responsibility for her own culpability in his demise. Maybe she'll grow and become capable of some honest self-reflection, but her constant anger and various psychological issues are just too much for me at this point.

Deb and Lea are next as far as content is concerned. Deb has grown quite interesting, but only as a friend unfortunately, since her relationship path is pretty much exclusively femdom-related. Even worse though, her treatment of the MC is not "light" or "loving" femdom, at least based on the cautionary experience of being introduced to her and Carl's early sexual interactions. She's more than a bit unhinged in how she treats those she dominates, unfortunately. Also, exploring submissive content always tends much more toward "passive" gameplay, and shoehorning some types of activities into game mechanics just ends up feeling out of place, similar to the "Press F to pay respects" meme that mocks the way companies force meaningless interactions into modern video games. So I'm not really into Deb, to be honest, even though I'm growing more interested in her story. The way I would honestly describe her is as follows: she is one of those one-time sexual encounters that you know is a mistake going in, and that you know is a mistake coming out, and is definitely one you don't want to repeat, but at the same time is strangely one you don't regret because she's still your friend. Bizarre in a way, but there you go. Lea, on the other hand, is somewhat the polar opposite of Deb, where she was quite interesting initially, but she has faded somewhat into the background as the relationship progresses. I kind of feel like I should regret getting involved with her, but I can't quite bring myself to call it a mistake, mostly because any and all emotions – at least the imagined emotions that I project onto the MC during gameplay – are muted to the point where I'm not sure if much is left. Though to be clear that's not the story's fault. The writing actually does a great job of communicating Lea's initial excitement at exploring exhibitionism, and the way it was presented as "it's only fun with the MC involved" was a very strong setup, but that connection feels quite different once it moves into both of you posting her pictures online. Maybe it's just that the experience of showing your body to others is difficult to make work in an adult game. Or maybe the "private" nature of the early relationship cannot be reconciled with the increasingly public actions that occur later. I mean, can public exhibitionism ever fit naturally with sex as a private, intimate moment between two people? After all, intimacy is where sexual excitement for most adults generally resides. Or maybe it's just because exhibitionism is not my thing? That is the default position for men in general. Heck, it could be all of those things, or more. Oh well...maybe Lea's path will surprise me, but on its current trajectory I'm just accessing it because it's there, without any real expectations that the MC will end up with her.

Kim, Olivia, and Bri are certainly far less developed than the other four potential partners. With Kim, I immediately refused to have anything to do with her, full stop. Kim is even more dangerous than Emma in my estimation. Less delusional perhaps, but bordering on openly psychopathic in her lackadaisical acceptance of her amoral actions. "Don't stick your dick in crazy." That's all I have to say about Kim. Olivia's story is very good, and I'm rooting for her to resolve her questions about her genetic history. However, with so little sexual content related to her, it feels strange to think of her as the most open and wild of the LI's. I know she has been presented that way (as sort of the group "slut", especially during the drinking game where she would have been 99% alcohol and 1% water by the end of all those private confessions), but when you stop to think about it, her actions in the game so far don't really match with the perception of her as a very sexual person. Perhaps that's why I'm not sure how the MC should feel about her, and why I would almost describe it as feeling more like she is a "sister" than a LI at this point. Honestly, Olivia really needs to show herself as more passionate and sexual in the next update, or her seeming interest in the MC is going to end up left behind in the "unrequited love" zone, and she's likely to only be courted by the MC in a "completionist" playthrough. Lastly, Bri is easily the most intriguing and easygoing of all the women, and she was the one who I was most looking forward to regarding her future story and the reveals about her private desires. However, the "titjob" content with her in the last update was a mistake IMO. The scene itself is fine on its own, but at this point in the story it just felt too insignificant. Bri really needed something more impactful in terms of discovering kinks at this point in the game, considering MC's many explorations with the other women. The pacing of her path really feels like it is going backwards, instead of growing in intensity, and that is a big missed opportunity for her overall story.

Other than that, the visual style of the game really stood out to me, with innovative use of comic-style shading at the beginning/end of scenes. I liked it a lot, although that choice did unfortunately give the visual illusion a couple of times that characters were crying when they weren't, which was a bit confusing initially. The choice of music is good, but I think this game proves why instrumental music is the better choice for background music in this genre. It really is the adage that "less is more" when it comes to hearing unfamiliar lyrics sung over top of a VN, since those extra words will always distract the reader by making them have to deal with two sets of narratives at one time. Still, there was only one song that I muted, and most of the soundtrack worked decently well.

The points system functions great for the most part. There's a sense of progress, and the points add meaning to the dialog choices beyond simple role-playing of a character. The pacing of unlocking content is spread out well, and so players feel rewarded for their choices during the course of the game. One distracting choice though in the skill screen is describing certain actions of the player as "misogynistic". That bothers me, because there is no actual hatred of women shown by MC, so this description doesn't make much sense. I mean, it's pretty obvious that he likes and is attracted to women. Personally, I would recommend using the label "chauvinism" to better communicate the mindset of that path, and to cause less confusion in the minds of the reader. A good example of this difference to keep in mind is James Bond, who is clearly a chauvinist, because he sees women first and foremost as potential sexual partners/conquests. However, he doesn't have any problem working alongside women or even underneath a female boss. And he certainly doesn't try to directly harm or kill women, like an actual misogynist would. In fact, he only ever saves people's lives from those who would bring harm to them, which is the exact opposite of what someone who hates the entire female population would do.

The overall story pacing is good, but there were a few parts I felt that could have been edited down. I remember a couple of the internal monologues between the four animals dragged a bit, because the same idea would get repeated many times by each animal in different words and multiple sentences. On a more positive story note, I absolutely loved the pep talk by Jamie before the volleyball game, and it's to the detriment of immersion that there is no way to win that game if the MC wins the bet against Emma earlier in the game. The writer did an extraordinary job of making the player feel a connection with the previously unlikeable character of Jamie – and who, as another man in an adult game, is fated to be perceived as competition to the MC right out of the gate – which is an amazing achievement. However, it was a huge missed opportunity to then throw all that work away to simply cut branching paths in the game. There were also a fair number of typos in the latest content, but I understand now that was due to release schedule pressure, so that's not a big issue. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good, as the old saying goes.

In summary, this a very intelligent game with interesting and deep concepts and ideas, compelling characters and story, varied and titillating sexual content, fun and rewarding gameplay, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future chapters will hold.
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Discussion Dynamo
Sep 3, 2022
Nothing Is Forever [v0.6.2] [MrSilverLust]



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Aug 19, 2018
Nothing Is Forever [v0.6.2] [MrSilverLust]





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The PC and mac links seem to be switched up.


Dec 30, 2021
Do you know if it has important bug fixes? I have 6.1 downloaded but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
I had no problems with 6.1 but in your case I would download 6.2 since it's not a huge file. But it depends of your connection.
4.60 star(s) 171 Votes