I used to think that was the case until I played the most recent update.
When I consume a piece of art, media, entertainment, whatever, I make a (mostly subconscious) mental checklist of how many themes would align well with certain poltical factions. Hopefully, it's a wash and no trends are seen-it neednt be 50-50. But when I find 90% of the themes, platitudes, or cultural/political mores to fit into column A and not column B, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
So applied to the specific topic of 'misogyny elements', it matters less what the misogynist or misandristic characters are saying at face value, and more how well their expressions align with how a real world partisan would imagine that group. Are they written as "True Believers" of that theme, or are they written like charicatures imagined by someone opposed to that theme?