Depends on what you mean by underpaid. The dev team (ILS productions, Kinderfeld is one person) have day jobs. This game was a side project. Lots of people have limited money they give to games, and (fair or not) they only contribute to a game if the contributions are their only way to live. Since ILS has day jobs, people could in their mind think the dev doesn't "need" the money and just get it free on this pirate site.
Take it for what it is worth. I had seen that in the thread's 116 pages said by a few people. If a few people felt it and said it, it was probably a pretty well held belief by some.
So I don't get attacked - I don't believe what I just wrote - it was an observation - but I also don't have a Patreon account. I supported this game by writing the WT (still writing the directors cut walkthrough - is it long starting from the beginning again) for free.
Thanks for supporting Now and Then with the great WT!
I've supported Kinderfeld on Patreon ever since I found Now and Then.
I'm happy to enjoy his next creation as well and hope he continues to create these great stories and that he gets the credit (and $ support) his stories deserve.
I even list Now and Then in my profile so that every time I post, others who read that post might see it and check it out (with some even going so far as to support with $ if they like it enough).
This site and others like it will always have those who take something for free and then tell you they are doing the dev a favor by doing this.
It is some Fabulous self-justification.
I get that there are some who truly cannot afford to support this or any other dev with $ and this may be one of the few forms of entertainment they can afford (perhaps all they can afford is just the internet access for the download and whatever device they play N&T on).
This hardly describes the vast majority of those who keep taking something for free.
At least here, there are very few taking N&T for free while complaining endlessly about it.
There are other places (dev threads on F95) where the sense of entitlement is Huge and the thread itself is quite toxic, all because those taking something for free don't get it fast enough, with pretty enough renders or animations, the desired story or female models they want etc.
I don't know if Kinderfeld has thought about going for a Steam release of Now and Then but I'm going to suggest it on Patreon (just in case).
I've seen a number of AVNs on Steam with far less content and much less in the way of storytelling and relationships.
I think it would be great if the Steam audience could give him the kind of notice and $ support that he deserves.