- Mar 9, 2020
- 1,555
- 732
But there is? At the character creation, there is an option with 2 choices, not sure what it was called, but it skips the entire tutoriali hated the long tutorial. they should add a skip.
But there is? At the character creation, there is an option with 2 choices, not sure what it was called, but it skips the entire tutorial
You see, "YOU PREFER"... your preference makes people unable to try a game, instead, if you see that they are giving you shit then you are free to ignore it. You are shutting down a posibility.it doesn t matter that is free, you can t make a translation as bad as this and upload it on a forum and think that just because is a free-job the people will eat the shit and say nothing, i want the job well done, if not i prefer that you not upload anything AT ALL, if you can t understand our argument is your poblem.
i prefer not to play my fav game with ilegible text rather than a shit -game well translated , the thing must be done til the end, you can t leave mid-works in the way because is better that you do nothing then.
lol i didn't see it. thanksView attachment 997206
btw it's more fun if you try to protect your grils, so you have to do the tutorial (it's actually required for the story), for your second character you can transfer your items and skip the tutorial.
Like I said, I'm not even trying to play the game. You are just asking for people to do a free job for you and you complain about it's quality... if that is not self entitled I don't know what is it... and lol, you are also kink shaming... in this site... L O L.1. No I don't think you are.
2. I'm not insulting for no reason, you're an idiot, I've proven that. I didn't insult the person who did the MLT either, I insulted the MTL itself.
3. Ah yes, the proverbial "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" well yeah, if this was a gift sure, it wasn't though. I don't think you understand what a gift is but you're probably from some backwards ass country and this is the best you can get. If someone dropped a plate of shit on your table you'd just eat it because it's free and a gift, o complacent genius you are.
4. Right, yes, this game, which NEEDS you to understand the dialogue so certain thigns happen NEEDS a good translation but you're a goddamn 200IQ genius and you just understand absolutely illegible text. Do you work at a clown factory or were you born there?
By all means prove that I'm entitled, I'd love to see that line of thought laid out before me so I can laugh at you being incoherent some more.
If your only argument is BuT HeY iT's FrEe AnD IMmUnE To ScRuTinY Or YoU'Re EnTiTLeD I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
It's no wonder people defending this MTL enjoy NTR too.
Being fucked out of anything good is the only way they feel alive.
If at any point they try to think critically they get turned off.
You expect from people to buy a game they are 100% sure to not understand and then complain about it? How much layer of stupidity this is?Again, do not complain about a translation of a game that you pirated. If you buy it and have the same qualms then you have the right to complain.
I never asked anyone for anything, I simply criticised the work that was publicised. Artists make art for free and it get critics and opinions just like commissioned work gets critics that aren't the people who paid for that work. Critics make art better by pushing people to improve their work, a lazy person that gets praised will only ever grow into those bad habits. This isn't even that though, this is all irrelevant. Bottom line is if it's public it can be scrutinised, that's just how things work, but I guess you don't understand that and that's perfectly fine. People have trouble with different things.Like I said, I'm not even trying to play the game. You are just asking for people to do a free job for you and you complain about it's quality... if that is not self entitled I don't know what is it... and lol, you are also kink shaming... in this site... L O L.
Like I said, you can't be more of an asshole... you even insulted "backwards countries". I wonder how old are you now, if you are 16 or older you are fked up for life. Well, this was long enough, I'm out kiddo.
You see, I said it's fine to criticize, just not the way that you and other people are doing it (it should be contructive not destructive). And again, demanding things from others for no reason is being self entitled.I never asked anyone for anything, I simply criticised the work that was publicised. Artists make art for free and it get critics and opinions just like commissioned work gets critics that aren't the people who paid for that work. Critics make art better by pushing people to improve their work, a lazy person that gets praised will only ever grow into those bad habits. This isn't even that though, this is all irrelevant. Bottom line is if it's public it can be scrutinised, that's just how things work, but I guess you don't understand that and that's perfectly fine. People have trouble with different things.
I have no idea what you just said but it sounded desperate. You have no evidence of my entitlement just of me making fun of you, and rightfully so because you're stupid. Lol bye.
the "completed" tag means nothing for translation purpose. means only that the game is finished, content wise.Is there any chance this will still have a translation update ? or nah since it's already tagged as completed?
Ahh thanks for clearing that up .the "completed" tag means nothing for translation purpose. means only that the game is finished, content wise.
for a human translation u have 2 possibilities; that some group like kagura will pick this game in the future (lol, good luck for that), or someone will do it for free because... yes. (lol, good luck for that)².
btw, in the end i will definitely don't hold my breath waiting a translation for this game in the near future. (but a miracle is always welcome).
Have you seen my "translation"? As far as I'm concerned, it's perfectly understandable. Since I already have my tooling tuned for keganilab games, I might translate some other games from Japanese next (my tooling was originally for translating from Japanese, not for mtling Chinese, but I improved it so it should be better for any kind of translation now). From what I've seen, Japanese->English translation is far better. Now, if only I could get this info as to who speaks when, it could be a perfect mtl… I mean, I could probably have used a name field, so we can try that. I'm just kind of busy in life as of late and can't do any translating until I finish improving my tools (because it's broken all ever the place and I didn't finish with Japanese resources yet).Ahh thanks for clearing that up .
A shame that it's unlikely to be translated for real tho , I think it's right up my alley , only thing is that I don't understand anything
it's a relatively old game after all.this game really need animation. sexy bar, even though we can only see shadow that we know who they are. so there no point hiding them in the curtain just like this game. i will keep saying this. it make more sense to have the main character watching them doing it. even the mirror is showing us the girls and what are they doing. sorry i'm just mad. the game is great but the mirror curtain ruins the game. but like i say. this game really need animation.