Pregnancy loosely planned for first half of 2021
"Black Gal" skin for this month
New content for March?
From the comments on GB's blog I've been able to gather:
*We will see a bugfix update this month (GB wrote as a reply on a comment on 9 Feb)
*GB said "I'll be back with good news soon" on 9 Feb
*Apparently there are problems with the code built in early stages that still proved problems (spaghetti code), GB said in a reply on 9 Feb
*Development of costumes (incl hair, skin, accessories) and other content is done at the same time. Goal is 1-2 costumes per month but GB thinks it's difficult to "update the contents together" adding "we consider updating the contents as a priority), he wrote in a reply on 9 Feb
*GB is planning to add "black gal" skin this month, he wrote in a reply on 9 Feb
*The outdoor exposure stresses "shame and immorality", GB wrote in a reply on 9 Feb
*GB wrote on 9 Feb in a reply: "While updating the content, it also plans to open a support website. I think it will happen in March. Provides an updated sponsor version of the game's cheating buttons, special positions, costumes, etc." < New content in March?
*Pregnancy will be added at some point, GB wrote in a reply on 9 feb, he will try to add it "within the first half of the year" he wrote in a different reply on 9 Feb
*Costume-related content takes long to develop, GB wrote in a reply on 9 Feb
*GB says he'll "upload the details of the plan soon!", again in a reply on 9 Feb