That would ne amazing, why u never placed the game at steam, there is a ton of games there several on ea, u have a finished part 1, at least u can get some extra for the game this way.
Several reasons.
But the # 1 reason was because I was on the verge of burn-out and didnt want to deal with the hassle nor did I want to associate myself with anything game related. In other words, I needed a long break free of anything related to game development. It was just adding stress to my life and I needed to cut off from it. My desire to develop games was gone. That's why when REV said he was taking it over it was a weight taken off my shoulders. Also, having someone else taking it over and making it their own meant I no longer felt it was my "responsibility" to do anything related to the game. He was free to do what ever he wanted going forward. The only stipulation was that part 1 was to stay as is. But he was free to modify the story if he wanted to in part 2... even if it meant continuity issues.
Anyway, long story short I'm in a better place now. I've been doing a side project (as a hobby) on my own to create a online version of a visual novel creator. Meaning NO RENPY. Though renpy is fine, I personally never liked it as a development tool nor did I like the fact you need to d/l a big ass file to play it and theres no IOS version support. Having the game play in browser solves all those issues.
BUT. What ever I'm building right now is just as I mentioned a hobby. It might go nowhere... or it might spark a desire to continue part 2 in that format (for renpy fans... I would also make a renpy version that can be played stand alone.)
So yeah, I don't know where all this is going. I havent connected with Hooli (he did the renders) in a while either so I dont know how he'd feel about it and I would not do anything without having talked to him first anyway.
tl/dr.. Don't read this Im just rambling.