Seemed interesting. Wish had male mc.
What is the point of this comment? Do you know that it's kind of a subtle insult? You dont need to answer these, they are retorical...
Let me help you out. If you want to leave commentary that doesn't look insulting, add more to it than just dropping your preference. Explain why you feel that way.
I Wish this game had a male MC because I normally find men writing for women characters to be really poorly done and unrealistic. Generally to enjoy sex you need some physical but also emotional stimulation. Generally for women the emotional side is significantly more important than the physical stuff, which is where the problem resides with female main characters. Most of these games write women who act like men, and it feels very unimmersive. Note you can have women who enjoy physical stimulation more than emotional, because those sure do exist, but they need some set up.
With some reasoning, people understand your train of thought and don't see differences in opinion as a subtle insult.