Anyone know how to fix this? I tried installing the bug fix a few posts above me but they're still broken. I was able to get Wind to be alive and able to be used and but not interacted with using cheat tools (changing actor state and manually changing HP values, her portriat is still grayed out though) but these three can't seem to be fixed no matter what I do. Caused by the toy solider effect from the dwarven underground area where you can decide to turn a member into a solider.

Status Journal to the rescue.
I tested it, prying out a fully-drained character from a Soldier Shell. The Restore Point did nothing, but buying a Restoring Lotion and using it on the empty doll did un-blank her. So that's another incentive not to let their HP reach zero, I guess; the consequences are expensive to fix (Prying Claw, Restoring Lotion, new Portable Shell: a total cost of 1300G).
...Or you could just get a Bad End to have her un-broken for considerably cheaper (I tested it and this works too). If Lilina's indisposed and can't Surrender, you could try something like turning all but one member into winetaps and housewives, and then using Puppet Strings or an Empty Soulgem or something on the last member in battle to finish wiping yourself out on the cheap. Or have Jyla be the last one and pick a fight with Laelaps. Or just go to the Cathedral and spam prayers at the statue.