what is new in the nekonyan version?
According to the Neko Nyansoft twitter, "literally 1 or two small fixes to CG (a shirt mostly) and changes to the credits. Nothing major." Also there was a CG in the previously published version that still had the mosaic. And also if you tried the harem route, the game would crash, even with the last patch that SolPress released. Since I'm re-reading the game and not going to just put in the codes to unlock the paths, I'm not going to be checking to see if the crash in the harem path was fixed.
Just a head's up, too. There is a false positive in the .exe file, and that's due to the way Nekonyan has implemented the auto-updater.
"Just a note that if you receive Antivirus notifications for Onikiss, it's because of the automatic-updater we've included. Like with previous games, it hooks into the game exe in a way that looks suspicious, but it's a false positive. It reaches out to a .games domain name which is our hostname for the CDN we use for our updater. This is normal behavior and is safe to allow. "