Sigh. If he don't feel like, he could just pause.
If he's charging people money, he has the obligation to deliver what he's paid for.
It's 2nd time and seems like he's starting to make a habbit of it.
Sure there are tons of Patreon projects milking people for worse, but it doesn't give him a pass.
There are tons of ways to prevent it, like charge per build, or pause charging when there's no updates.
But no, he just post something like " $5: No update . Hope this helps! "
It almost feels like he don't think it's wrong.

Hope this project won't turn into Blackgate or Lilith's Throne.
Also, if you have concerns regardin COVID, go seek advice from local doctor/GP. Don't ask random guy on the internet.
(Tho I feel like he's just using it as excuses.