My brainstorming suggestion to dev would be to use the same scenes at a neutral location (e.g. hotel room) for both routes, then add in spot renders for the mc to make him present on the non-ntr, and edit dialogue accordingly. The advantage of doing it this way is two routes dont require 2 full sets of renders which is understandably laborious, yet the scenes might come closer to what each group of players wants.
My 2¢ anyway.
Pretty much how it is, except for the non-ntr part since both netorase and netorare are ntr.
There aren't distinct routes/branching in this game i.e. one for netorare and one for netorase. It is fairly 'linear', with narration and/or dialogue variations. There is the 'vanilla' route but that one ended in the Intro/Prologue, before the main game even started.
WarmBeer can still make distinct/branching routes in the future if he want to, especially if the demand for it is high.
In the 'netorare route', the husband is basically pimps out his wife without her knowledge ( she doesn't know the real reason why he asked her to have sex with other men ). He exploits her sexually ( by making or 'forcing' her to have sex with other men ) for monetary gain or purpose. I am not even sure if this is netorare because it is very different that other netorare games that I played. Anyway, I didn't play that far on this route because it didn't really make much sense
Personally, IMO the story is more natural for netorase as compared to netorare, where the husband shares his wife for his own pleasure, explicity or implicitly i.e. he specifically ask her to have sex with other men or he knows about her sexual encounters with other men although she doesn't tells him directly ). I can think of at least one variation to the Intro/Prologue so that the story would fits realistically or more logical for the netorase 'route' ( using existing assets, just changing details of the story and dialogues ) but it won't fit the netorare 'route', so I am not going to mention it ( but that is the Intro/Prologue story that I internalized for my playthrough
At least that's how I play this game. I think for some players, probably the netorare or netorase 'route' is linked with the male NPCs, where netorare ( MC boss, Tyrone, sick guy, landlord ) and netorase ( Rick, shota dude ).