3.90 star(s) 43 Votes
Jan 2, 2022
I don't understand. 500$ on Patreon and over 500$ on Subscribestar and the Dev abandon the game ????
In USA, $500-1k is very little money. Less than half or 1/3 what people make at typical jobs. $1200 is considered poverty because of the costs of living.
In many nations, $1k is MUCH money. Maybe someone from those nations should make these games, and then hire a proof reader to correct the English.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2016
In USA, $500-1k is very little money. Less than half or 1/3 what people make at typical jobs. $1200 is considered poverty because of the costs of living.
In many nations, $1k is MUCH money. Maybe someone from those nations should make these games, and then hire a proof reader to correct the English.
also $500 on patreon is more like $300 cuz patreons pimphand is strong


Jul 29, 2021
Nothing worng with the game/story, but it wasnt making the money they hoped for which led to super long periods between updates, which made people not want to sub.

Really hard for devs to justify puting alot of time into somthing thats not getting subs.
Exactly the problem with most of these devs... they don't want to work for money they get later. They determine the amount of work they put in based on how much money they receive. Try to start any business venture that isn't based on donations using the "profit leads to effort" logic instead of "effort leads to profit" and I guarantee you will fail. If you thnk about it most if these failed projects aren't business ventures... they are failed charities. If they aren't being paid "enough" work slows down... but if they get way more money than expected... Work doesn't ramp up proportionally... because they have "real lives" and are therefore really busy with something else much more important. If people think 1000$ a month is not much money for producing about 20 minutes of content... They greatly overestimate how much effort it takes these guys do it.


Jul 8, 2017
Surprise, surprise, another gem abandoned out of the blue. The failure rate on AVN's seems to be 95%, with only a handful of devs (literally you can count them on a single hand) ever completing their projects from start to finish. The problem with most of THOSE devs being that, while they do deliver and finish their projects, their games are vanilla as hell. It seems as though anything that has both great production quality and tries to get a little kinky always gets dropped.

It's a wonder that anyone in the AVN community still donates money knowing they'll never see the end.

And the excuses...oh the excuses... off the top of my head from the last several years -
1) My hard-drive died, no backups, all the work is gone (yet it costs $100 for a 4TB external drive).
2) My GPU died. (So rendering 24x7x365 put stress on a heat sensitive component? You don't say!)
3) I'm being deported. (I laughed out loud at this one. How could you NOT know that was going to be an issue?)
4) My country's internet connection is spotty.
5) My country's electricity grid is spotty.
6) New job
7) Someone died
8) I didn't have enough supporters (that one is really scummy).
9) College started.

Most of this stuff, apart from the new job or developer themselves dying, is easily rectifiable and/or foreseeable to any adult that can wake up in the morning and put pants on. Just boggles the mind.

Sad to see such a promising game go, but sadly, not surprising. It'll keep happening so long as people continue to pay simply for the privilege of getting to see unfinished games being made.
Nov 27, 2021
Surprise, surprise, another gem abandoned out of the blue. The failure rate on AVN's seems to be 95%, with only a handful of devs (literally you can count them on a single hand) ever completing their projects from start to finish. The problem with most of THOSE devs being that, while they do deliver and finish their projects, their games are vanilla as hell. It seems as though anything that has both great production quality and tries to get a little kinky always gets dropped.

It's a wonder that anyone in the AVN community still donates money knowing they'll never see the end.

And the excuses...oh the excuses... off the top of my head from the last several years -
1) My hard-drive died, no backups, all the work is gone (yet it costs $100 for a 4TB external drive).
2) My GPU died. (So rendering 24x7x365 put stress on a heat sensitive component? You don't say!)
3) I'm being deported. (I laughed out loud at this one. How could you NOT know that was going to be an issue?)
4) My country's internet connection is spotty.
5) My country's electricity grid is spotty.
6) New job
7) Someone died
8) I didn't have enough supporters (that one is really scummy).
9) College started.

Most of this stuff, apart from the new job or developer themselves dying, is easily rectifiable and/or foreseeable to any adult that can wake up in the morning and put pants on. Just boggles the mind.

Sad to see such a promising game go, but sadly, not surprising. It'll keep happening so long as people continue to pay simply for the privilege of getting to see unfinished games being made.
i like this game. you forgot one thing on your list. the dog eat the PC....lol


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I've said this a lot of times now and I can't believe people still haven't got it.


Very few devs will ever make a living doing this. Most of the devs making adult VN's also have full times jobs and use this either as a hobby or to make a bit extra for a bit of money on top of thei wages.

If you are looking to make money then this is absolutely not for you. You might manage 1k a month before taxes, that's the average. That is what you are most likely to make.

Those making 20k+ are very lucky and you very likely will never see that much.

Some devs making 30k+ still have full time jobs because of how fickle this industry is and that money could stop at any time.

If the completion of a game is going to be based on how much money you make then do us all a favour and don't start. The odds of you making the money you want are against you.

Some people seem to think the very act of releasing a game is going to magically fund their bills, it will not.

Not only have we just come out of a 2 year lockdown in which a lot of people struggled with their income but on tope of that the adult game market is highly over saturated.

Most of us already have devs we back and don't have enough disposable income to keep backing new devs.

Much like other devs if "I didn't make enough money" is your excuse for being a quitter then I have no sympathy for you. There is enough information out there now about how shit this industry is to try and make it a career. If making money is your goal then find some other way because making an adult game is going to waste your time and more importantly it's going to waste the time of people playing your game for them to enjoy it and be left with a "sorry folks, for shitty reasons I should have been aware of a long time ago you're being left with yet another unfinished shit show .... I apologise for my lack of common sense I shat it out into a diaper many years ago".


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
8) I didn't have enough supporters (that one is really scummy).
I don't understand why it's scummy. There are devs that need the money from the game and simply couldn't afford to continue if there's no money coming from it. It's no different than a musician relying on pub gigs for their money so if there's no gigs, it sounds very reasonable to then give up on being a musician to try pursue another job. We all need money to live after all.

I've said this a lot of times now and I can't believe people still haven't got it.
I mean, it's not like devs read your posts first before deciding to create a game. There's really nothing wrong with trying to make money by making AVN. If it works out, great they can make good money for however long it lasts. If it doesn't work out, at least they gave it a fair shot for as long as they could before they have to jump ship and find a different way to make money.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2019
Surprise, surprise, another gem abandoned out of the blue. The failure rate on AVN's seems to be 95%, with only a handful of devs (literally you can count them on a single hand) ever completing their projects from start to finish. The problem with most of THOSE devs being that, while they do deliver and finish their projects, their games are vanilla as hell. It seems as though anything that has both great production quality and tries to get a little kinky always gets dropped.

It's a wonder that anyone in the AVN community still donates money knowing they'll never see the end.

And the excuses...oh the excuses... off the top of my head from the last several years -
1) My hard-drive died, no backups, all the work is gone (yet it costs $100 for a 4TB external drive).
2) My GPU died. (So rendering 24x7x365 put stress on a heat sensitive component? You don't say!)
3) I'm being deported. (I laughed out loud at this one. How could you NOT know that was going to be an issue?)
4) My country's internet connection is spotty.
5) My country's electricity grid is spotty.
6) New job
7) Someone died
8) I didn't have enough supporters (that one is really scummy).
9) College started.

Most of this stuff, apart from the new job or developer themselves dying, is easily rectifiable and/or foreseeable to any adult that can wake up in the morning and put pants on. Just boggles the mind.

Sad to see such a promising game go, but sadly, not surprising. It'll keep happening so long as people continue to pay simply for the privilege of getting to see unfinished games being made.
Hello everyone here on this lovely thread,

LightmanP, already posted it. But we would like to also post it here from us.

We are deeply saddened to inform you that Sabitiger (our amazing author) has had to step away from the project indefinitely due to a family emergency. As many of you know, we had been working hard on Act 9 and it was to be our greatest and probably longest act yet, we had even hoped to have had a very steamy status update with teasers for everyone by now. But sadly this is not the case...

We are sorry to be the bearers of this incredibly sad news. Sabitiger wanted us to continue this amazing love story, but the past days have shown us that without him this story doesn't exist. We will be pausing all pledges indefinitely. We might try to finish Act 9 at some point in the future. But at this moment in time, we don't have the strength to continue.

Our team (Sabitiger, Moineau, and J. Nolan) was very close and we considered each other close friends, as you can probably understand, this sad news has drained us of our creativity, energy, and strength. We would have loved nothing more than to have been able to continue work on Oopsy Daisy Act 9. We are sorry that we are not able to provide you with this glimmer of hope in this message.

The word “thank you” will never be enough to express our gratitude and appreciation for all you lovely people! We will forever be grateful to all of you lovely people for the opportunity you have given us to work on our dream project. Truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We will forever remember this time!

With love,
Moineau & J. Nolan.

P.S. Thank you to everyone on this thread who've helped us make this dream project a reality. We appreaciate all the support we received during the past few years of this project and we will miss all of you dearly.


Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
1) My hard-drive died, no backups, all the work is gone (yet it costs $100 for a 4TB external drive).
2) My GPU died. (So rendering 24x7x365 put stress on a heat sensitive component? You don't say!)
Those might sound lame to you but to some they are perfectly valid. It's only $100 for a drive, sure that's cool if you earn dollars but in some countries $100 is more than people make in months.

Same goes for the gpu, which is even more expensive and unless you've earned a couple $1000 and saved some away for a new gpu, that can 100% be a death nail to any project.

The smart thing to do would be putting the first dollars earned into making sure you have the equipment to continue after a failure, but life is not always simple and often you have to make other things a priority.

I'm not defending devs that do that, just saying things are not as black and white as you make it sound.

I mean, it's not like devs read your posts first before deciding to create a game. There's really nothing wrong with trying to make money by making AVN. If it works out, great they can make good money for however long it lasts. If it doesn't work out, at least they gave it a fair shot for as long as they could before they have to jump ship and find a different way to make money.
Very true.

Many people seem to think this site is the holy grail of adult vns and the only source of knowledge and input etc. Some devs start making games and have never heard of this place till they find out their game is here. Of course the opposite is true too and many have been long time members.


New Member
Jun 9, 2020
Surprise, surprise, another gem abandoned out of the blue. The failure rate on AVN's seems to be 95%, with only a handful of devs (literally you can count them on a single hand) ever completing their projects from start to finish. The problem with most of THOSE devs being that, while they do deliver and finish their projects, their games are vanilla as hell. It seems as though anything that has both great production quality and tries to get a little kinky always gets dropped.

It's a wonder that anyone in the AVN community still donates money knowing they'll never see the end.

And the excuses...oh the excuses... off the top of my head from the last several years -
1) My hard-drive died, no backups, all the work is gone (yet it costs $100 for a 4TB external drive).
2) My GPU died. (So rendering 24x7x365 put stress on a heat sensitive component? You don't say!)
3) I'm being deported. (I laughed out loud at this one. How could you NOT know that was going to be an issue?)
4) My country's internet connection is spotty.
5) My country's electricity grid is spotty.
6) New job
7) Someone died
8) I didn't have enough supporters (that one is really scummy).
9) College started.

Most of this stuff, apart from the new job or developer themselves dying, is easily rectifiable and/or foreseeable to any adult that can wake up in the morning and put pants on. Just boggles the mind.

Sad to see such a promising game go, but sadly, not surprising. It'll keep happening so long as people continue to pay simply for the privilege of getting to see unfinished games being made.
Maybe a partial refund clause should be included and implemented for this type of occurrence.
Nov 27, 2021
Those might sound lame to you but to some they are perfectly valid. It's only $100 for a drive, sure that's cool if you earn dollars but in some countries $100 is more than people make in months.

Same goes for the gpu, which is even more expensive and unless you've earned a couple $1000 and saved some away for a new gpu, that can 100% be a death nail to any project.

The smart thing to do would be putting the first dollars earned into making sure you have the equipment to continue after a failure, but life is not always simple and often you have to make other things a priority.

I'm not defending devs that do that, just saying things are not as black and white as you make it sound.

Very true.

Many people seem to think this site is the holy grail of adult vns and the only source of knowledge and input etc. Some devs start making games and have never heard of this place till they find out their game is here. Of course the opposite is true too and many have been long time members.
I have the hardware but not the skill to make something. i dont know how mush time you need to learn that


Jul 8, 2017
Those might sound lame to you but to some they are perfectly valid. It's only $100 for a drive, sure that's cool if you earn dollars but in some countries $100 is more than people make in months.

Same goes for the gpu, which is even more expensive and unless you've earned a couple $1000 and saved some away for a new gpu, that can 100% be a death nail to any project.

The smart thing to do would be putting the first dollars earned into making sure you have the equipment to continue after a failure, but life is not always simple and often you have to make other things a priority.
Patreon and SS pay out in USD, don't they?

And while you hit the nail on the head regarding GPU's since 2020, it's still not a valid excuse.

Assuming Patreon and SS steal 30% of the earnings (because let's be honest, that high of a "service fee" is what it is, they're no different then a goddamn pimp at that point), at a few hundred dollars a month between the two platforms you would still have enough to, in 4-6 months, build a new PC from scratch. That's what your initial money should be going towards, not utility bills or some such. If your finances are in that bad a state that you're relying on Patreon money to continue living month to month, the LAST thing you should be doing is trying to make an AVN.

Also, you don't need a 4TB external drive, 2TB is probably more than sufficient, at half that price. Or even a cloud backup account, at a fraction of that price. The "all the data was lost excuse" doesn't fly anymore. It's not 1995. Just like you don't need a $1600 4090 to render. It's all about cost/benefit analysis. Any gamer or tech savvy person knows this by now. If you just go out there and piss your money away on top end components you're wasting money.

Teye phoon

Feb 10, 2018
Damn it, had this on my watch list. seen is was abandon, so finally played it. so good, and right as it became very interesting. Hope for a resurrection.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
This game was so much fun, hillarious writing, i couldn't wait for things to ramp up... sad(but not unsurprising) that it died.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2017
This game was so much fun, hillarious writing, i couldn't wait for things to ramp up... sad(but not unsurprising) that it died.
Atleast it has s*x scenes with 1 LI, and second base with other two. Which is way more than 90% of abandoned project.
Most just blue ball for years to abandon in the end


Active Member
Nov 21, 2017
this site is filled with abandoned games
This the reason I don't touch anything untill it has atleast 8-10 updates. There are too many who just die out in less 5-6 updates.
This game is not even bad abandoned game, it was really good most of the time, sad that the main dev guy had to leave this project.
3.90 star(s) 43 Votes