Thanks Ez. Staffers need to up the game again I guess. But other links are fine at least. Gave them a wink.
Is there a way for me to cheat in the hypermatter? ...
Hi, welcome to the forums. FO. Well, you registered a while ago, but whatever. Always nice to see new members taking part going form lurker to spammer here.
Do a quick search through this thread, at the top to the right, in the search field.
- Click into the search field, click onto 'Everywhere',
- Choose 'This thread' from pop under menu that appears,
- Type 'console' or 'cheat' into field above, hit Enter key.
In your case you will find out 'hypermatter=xxxx' is the right command. Just tested it. Do not set it too high, might break the game. 1000 hms at the beginning is quite enough to get things going. Start with your ship and upgrade it to do quests easier. Have fun!