I imagine people have already complained about bugs and stuff but I'd still like to leave my thoughts on the game (which won't fit in a 200 character review). Mostly complaints and recommendations ahead ;P
In-game tutorials are kinda useless but most of the minigames are pretty easy to get a handle on. Not sure if they said it in the tutorial because you can't ever review/look back at them, but during the 3rd massage you can spread their legs so you don't need to move the camera as much if at all and you can get a hotter angle. Sometimes you can bend their legs the wrong way though.
Speed upgrade is OP, stamina upgrade is good early game, no clue what the range upgrade does (2nd stage massage maybe?)
Kinda blows that you'll get a low rating by default until you grind out the money minigame, but patience is key I guess. I've gotten A-ratings since upgrading my speed to the $700 dumbbells and my stamina to the $500 weights and like I said I've got no clue what range does.
The money minigame's fun at first but I'd like more variety with the types of minigames you can do as time goes on. Maybe a different kind of currency for different kinds of future sex-related upgrades or some sort of level-up in the difficulty or amount of money you make from the first minigame? Would be interesting if you could buy special upgrades unique to each girl that unlocks a specific scene for them. It'd also be cool if you could control the amount of clothes they have on during the massages instead of only during the sex scenes, and a cutscene replay would be great because progressing through cutscenes is finnicky and you might skip over a line of dialogue. Alongside cutscene replay I'd also like if you could choose to go straight to sex from the main/pause menu instead of needing to do the massages.
The second stage of the massage is sometimes difficult for no reason because of the fixed camera angle and weird special spots that can be mere pixels on your screen that you need to guess the location of. On top of that, these tiny spots usually move when the girl flinches to your massage so that makes it even less consistent. It's the worst with the harpy girl whose wings can (and usually do) have a tiiiny sensitive spot that's hidden behind another wing (kinda hard to use depth perception when the camera's fixed and the wings are black). I've also had times where the spot to massage was literally out of sight of the camera but still barely reachable. Also, obviously sometimes there's weird clipping or vibrating that shouldn't happen but I imagine that'll be polished out when they finish the game. Jiggle physics can be a bitch sometimes.
The first two sex scenes with the elf are a little too slow for my taste (moreso the first than the second) but I don't think a speed meter would be good and since it's the first scenes of the game I'm not too bothered about it. The harpy's clothing options during sex scenes are bugged. If you remove her [torso/clothes] or [legs/the rest of her], that part of her disappears. If you mess with her clothing options in her other scenes they also bug out. The only thing that's safe to take on/off is her coat. Her phone's also invisible 90% of the time it's supposed to be onscreen. Tiger girl's sex scenes are all first class, her orgasm animations are great and make things at least twice as hot as the regular scene, but her mini-scene after getting the first stage massage laying down on her face is bugged (she'll slide offscreen) and the handcuff models don't actually appear on the orc. A similar "sliding" bug occurs with the elf/harpy lying down on the couch: they'll be lying down in midair between the wood table and the lamp near the couch when they should obviously be on the couch. I can only hope that the upcoming mermaid girl's scenes are equally as good as the tiger girl's, but I've been let down by mermaid girls a lot. Some clothing is double-parted, so if you put on the tiger's coat you'll put on the shirt by default so you've gotta turn on and off the shirt manually and same with socks/shoes for the elf if you only want one part of the set.
I'd love if you could shift the camera to the orc's POV because right now I've just gotta peer through the middle of his body during scenes. A free-roam camera would be good too. I do enjoy the eye/camera tracking option, just wish the game actually told you what it did so I didn't need to come here to look it up.
Jizz physics are a little weird. Sometimes it stays even though the sex scene's finished and if you use the arrow keys you can actually control the gravity of it and just have cum flying around the room. It feels a little unnecessary because most of the time you don't actually see it except for when it ends up on the floor. Maybe an x-ray cam or cum that doesn't go through everything save the floor (and actually lands on the girl) would be better. The specific scene I'm thinking of is the harpy's riding scene where she falls over and the orc cums on top of her. Actually, they could probably add cum decals on the girls and just have the physics-based cum trigger them appearing. Then again, I don't know the first thing about Unity so that could be harder than I say it is or look uncanny. But at the very least remove the cum from the scene after the sex is over so I don't see it during my next massage ;p
I really like the format where the girls don't have a deep plot or anything, just slightly interesting character designs and background stories. It's interesting to meet new girls and you don't have to get super committed to the story of one just to fuck her. I like the elf girl's design the most but it's strange that her setting is as a boss.
good game, love sleepy-eyed girls
might not buy in yet because the last 3D anime game I was excited for got abandoned (damn you redamz)