*Incoming soapbox
Hope the developers keep on the path they are on. This is an adult VN, not simply quick taboo fap material. Its to be savored and enjoyed for the plot/feels as much as the eye candy (current and eventual). It can be either a tender love story with various characters and daughter (plutonic or otherwise) or a sadistic foray into corruption and/or domination, but the thing that makes this stand out is the effort to make the world believable to the reader. That requires time, plot, a dose of reality, and development, both ingame and out. This story does that better than any of the hundred others I've read and it gets my paetron for it. If its not your thing, that's fine, but its no use complaining you haven't jumped the daughter yet or had a foray into the cliche typical nighttime molestations/drug/alcohol seductions of many VN's that would pretty much destroy the character/plot/development that this particular game is going for, and I applaud them for making that choice.
They have also gone the extra mile to include plenty of side candy that is also well written in itself to keep things interesting for those in need.
In the meantime let the developers do their job and support them or not, but let their vision play out. We already have a plethora of the unrealistic but sometimes tasty VN's that get into outlandish sexual territory at the drop of a pantie. The few that want to actual do something more believable from a story standpoint are few and far between. Appreciate them!
/end rant