
Dec 29, 2017
Porn games are supposed to relax people, not upset them.
Porn games are first- and foremost geared towards an adult audience. They are not supposed to relax, they are supposed to entertain and/or to get you off. There is also a fine line between adult and porn content, and i would say while porn concentrates on the latter, adult content puts more weight on the former. I would argue, ORS is more a game for adults than a porn game.

Now what keeps you entertained and gets you off is completely up to you.
Personally i don't watch Action and Horror Movies, because they don't entertain me.
Sometimes i want to entertain myself with unsettling and disturbing content, then i watch series like GoT or the Walking Dead, on other times i like to relax and smile, in that cases i go for CGDCT animes like NonNon Biyori or Yuru Camp.

Honestly it's a bit self-centered to observe yourself not enjoying a certain type of content and after that jumping to the conclusion that this content shouldn't be featured at all in a certain type of media. Which in your case and ORS would be sexual relations which impact the ingame characters, and in my case action and horror in movies, which i consider an unfortunate waste of time and money.

However, the wrong conclusion is obviously to generalize ones own preference and to decide how a certain media is supposed to work and please its audience.
It looks like you fell into the ever increasing trap of 'The world needs to adjust to me' instead of 'I have to adjust to the world'.
Which is probably why you got some rather harsh comments.
Like someone else pointed out already, you can't criticize something for what it is, but only if it serves its intended purpose well and correct or not. It's like berating a thermometer for measuring temperature instead of humidity.

All i can say is, that i greatly enjoy the thrill, the consequences and the impact my choices make throughout an adult game, whereas the usual 'gonna get them anyway' fail to establish any sense of accomplishment for me, and thus aren't rewarding at all.

I don't want to sound condescending, but you either need to play ORS in a way you can enjoy or to switch to another game which is able to entertain you. Because ORS is working as intended.
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Dec 29, 2017
yeah yeah just hypothetical even if you are vannilla just as a experiment/homework/work project :unsure: in my head its maybe minvera or ivy/jessica
Ok, so pegging as in pegging? A (dominant) female is fucking a male with a strap-on in his arse?

I don't think Minerva, because at least in my playthrough the only way to get sexual with her was by turning around the power dynamic and manhandle her into submission, which she seemed to greatly enjoy. I don't think she wants to turn that back.
She would absolutely peg Ian if the initial power dynamic was to be preserved, though. But i don't know if that is possible ingame, i mean getting sexual with her while Ian submitts.

Jessica is perhaps only a background character, i don't really believe she is getting content. If only for the need to create one scene with two different models of her.

Ivy would absolutely do it, but i doubt she will do it. This means she is 'sex positive' enough to have no problem with pegging, but she doesn't strike me to get off on power dynamics alone, which for the female part, if she is dominant, the main appeal in pegging. Afterall they don't feel as much with their strap-on dildo, so i guess this would leave her sexually dissatisfied.

I think the likeliest partners for this would be indeed Holly, Lena and to a lesser degree Emma.

Holly, because it could be part of her experimenting with unknown kinks and trying not to appear 'boring' to Ian. I see her trying to please Ian, even if there is not much in it for herself.

Lena, because she seems to be genuinly interested in Dom/Sub stuff, as we already have encountered in her past relationship with Axel as a Sub, and she is able to switch and enjoy, as we see her handling of Louise, if she is on that path.

If there is pegging content planned, my bet would be on Lena and Holly; perhaps Emma, because she is into anal stuff.


New Member
Sep 11, 2021
I'm pretty sure writing and music are gonna be Ian's and Lena's careers away from Seymour and the old couple are background characters with very little time dedicated to them, removing them wouldn't save a lot of time.
yep and when the payoff hits you’ll be like “it’s bc I chose grey sky in chapter 3” or “I knew choosing warlock for the genre in chapter 5 put me over the hump”

Samuel Hidayat

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019

I am not quite sure how to react to this, since i don't tend to overly self-insert into the characters i play. And i am sane enough to not seek affection or a sexual relationship with a 2D ingame character neither. So probably you referred to the first half, which would read slightly edited:
"Simp is (...) describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention towards another person an ingame character."
Well, in that case Simp applies to any person who has a favourite character or as some call it "Love Interest" (ugh!) and we can start the childish game of "You're a Cindy Simp!" "No, you're an Alison Simp!" "No, you're an Cindy Simp!" etc. Let's not do that, because i believe i have outgrown this stage in my life.

What's far more interesting than calling ourself names, is how you get to call Cindy "bad" in the first place.
Lets include Turret to this discussion, since he made some points which we can argue about.
The keyword being excessive. A normal fan would acknowledge their favorite's flaws, a simp would defend them from every criticisms till their death. Some Cindy fans here are actually like that, you're not at that level yet I guess.

Turret himself had made a post on why Cindy's flaws are worse than Alison's. If you don't know, there were arguments way back on why Cindy isn't a good girlfriend to Wade and potential LI for Ian. I was somewhat involved then.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2021
Shall I choose either one between Holly and Cindy or will there be another opportunity at some point?
How about Lena + Holly and Ian + Cindy? I guess at this point we can only speculate if Lena will have a romance path with Holly or if she will only be some sort of mentor to her.

As Ian you have to choose between Holly and Cindy in chapter 7 (B'day party or Holly's invitation). If new opportunities will be available in the future only time can tell (or Eva!).
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Samuel Hidayat

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Shall I choose either one between Holly and Cindy or will there be another opportunity at some point?
As of right now, we don't know for sure. Cindy is understandably pissed if you choose to go with Holly, and Holly will be disappointed if vice versa happens. Not sure if they want to give Ian a second chance, especially Cindy.


Apr 17, 2020
I knew this wouldn't stop even if I kept silent. I won't read and refute them one by one, some trolls' comments are just unworthy of my time. But I appreciate the calm and logical feedback.

It is common sense for every decently educated person that criticism is as important as praise, if not more important. I don't think anyone should be targeted and attacked just for giving criticism. criticism and praise are both subjective, it is not logical to blame criticism on narcissism. Equal and free expression is the reason for the comment function here. It is ridiculous and pathetic to take criticism with kind intention as threats, especially when those trolls are neither devs nor representatives of players. (It is weird to see the panic and chaos caused by a mild criticism, wondering why they are so eager to silence people who think otherwise. I see this happens here a lot regarding different threads and users )

Fortunately, I get something from those trolls as well, that is gratitude for my own life, at least I don't need to attack anyone to make a living, and at least people around me accept constructive criticism most of the time.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Ian has to work hard before he can get with any girl. This game is his road to a relationship.
Lena has to work double hard to lose big and turn into inanimate objects for more and more creeps.
Players need to make up their mind where they want to go in this game.
Arguably, the status quo is their best starting point, as drama drives the narrative,
only downwards spirals can be seen in any forseeable future.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2019
As of right now, we don't know for sure. Cindy is understandably pissed if you choose to go with Holly, and Holly will be disappointed if vice versa happens. Not sure if they want to give Ian a second chance, especially Cindy.
Yeah.. The game actually got quite boring after this conclusion. Also, since there are no more girl to bang except Ivy, I lost my will to finish the story.
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