
Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
I'm not comfortable with the "good girl" Stan path because it's too much of an incel fantasy: the incel who hooks up with an attractive woman simply because he's a dogged nice guy.
Even Holly is out of his league :4Head:

You are correct, but compare that to Ian if you are on a sole lesbian Lena route. Ian potentially has 5 or more girls before you get to Holly and/or Ivy. Sure, you have Louise, but it's a dysfunctional one-sided relationship. I am just saying it would be nice to have an early girl to rack up stats like a straight or bi Lena.
The solution is to have male LI for Ian :Kappa:


Aug 30, 2017
How to advance stan story after both stan and lena masturbate
You mean the one where Stan was video taping Lena? I think after that, Stan confesses he loves Lena. Lena deflects his confession. And that's it for now.

Looks like there might be more in the future though.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2017
Well then you clearly have not read their posts. All the Stan haters are 6'4" tall, built of solid muscle, have 12" dicks, and spend their free time making paper mache with supermodels using $100 bills and semen. I mean, none of them would be exaggerating... right?
I think that people who dislike Stan dislike him because he is a cuck and they aren't into being cucks. But yeah, I guess being overweight, socially inept loser would also be off-putting to people.
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Jul 12, 2022
You mean the one where Stan was video taping Lena? I think after that, Stan confesses he loves Lena. Lena deflects his confession. And that's it for now.

Looks like there might be more in the future though.
So stan just confess to luna that all?


Active Member
Oct 1, 2017
People dislike Stan because he used to be a stereotypical creepy incel with little background and screentime. Eva tried to fix this with the Remastered, but it only drew major ire from people who already dislike Stan in the first place. It doesn't matter if he's more sympathetic now; they just don't like the concept of Stan.

I don't think it's because he's a cuck since you can play Ian as one. mommysboiii would definitely agree.
I was being sarcastic of course; because some people, that will not be named, really do not like when you point out how awful of a person Stan is and will cope by insulting the people who dislike this obviously made to be disliked character.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
Stan discussion.

Stan wasn't fully thought out from the get-go. He is the awkward room-mate and what could one do with this set-up? Here my observations of the possible routes the game currently provides:

- Insulting him nets points with Louise and its reminiscent of Ashley's dad. He is probably commiting suicide or kicking them out. It's mildly entertaining, but nothing compelling.

- Ignoring him/lecturing after he was caught masturbating continues to let the relationship be a loose one, without any progress. He's just there.

- Acting as his model and encouraging his simpness is currently the only remotely interesing route. It gives a power dynamic that differs from cuck Ian /whatever Robert is supposed to be. There is weirdly working payment-reward system between two socially different people. Stan fapping to Lena in chapter 10 was his only good scene. Cynically it seems the most plausible relationship that Stan could get with Lena, considering that he does 0% shit to improve himself and is way out of her league. His incel talk ruins that premise, because he isn't content with that and demands more without there being a tangible reason. I'd much rather have him stay as the simp and explorable doormat to continue paying and filming Lena while occasionally getting a pity wank.

- Mixed with the simp route is the potential love route and I don't see it. Stan and Lena have zero chemistry, she isn't liking him in a motherly pitifull manner, he doesn't have intriguing aspects of his character like being an artist or witty or anything that would justify why Lena would hang out and be attracted to him. There is no scene in the 10 chapters in which Lena enjoys his company, its always an awkward pepp-up talk and we have more than enough of that with Holly. His incel outburst comes out of nowhere and isn't well written. It's a caricature of incel behaviour, Stan goes from meek subdued nice guy desperatley asking for a chance to misantropic dramaqueen demanding pussy.

I kind of get the attention for Stan in that regard that he differs from the fuckboys Robert/Mike/Axel, but he shares the common issue with Lena's love interest that they are, well, not love interest but fuckbuddies to keep her entertained. In that regard, all he is currently offering is a stalkfap simp to milk out and it's not exactly outstanding (and potentially not unique, considering that Ian and even Mike are up for it).

Ultimately, Eva fails to convey us this: If Lena can have fuckbuddies like Ian, Robert, Mike and Axel and potentially develop a closer relationship with them, why would she ever go for Stan? What are his unique advantages that ther other guys have not?

Oliver Wendell Homely

Active Member
May 9, 2020
Stan discussion.

Stan wasn't fully thought out from the get-go. He is the awkward room-mate and what could one do with this set-up? Here my observations of the possible routes the game currently provides:

- Insulting him nets points with Louise and its reminiscent of Ashley's dad. He is probably commiting suicide or kicking them out. It's mildly entertaining, but nothing compelling.

- Ignoring him/lecturing after he was caught masturbating continues to let the relationship be a loose one, without any progress. He's just there.

- Acting as his model and encouraging his simpness is currently the only remotely interesing route. It gives a power dynamic that differs from cuck Ian /whatever Robert is supposed to be. There is weirdly working payment-reward system between two socially different people. Stan fapping to Lena in chapter 10 was his only good scene. Cynically it seems the most plausible relationship that Stan could get with Lena, considering that he does 0% shit to improve himself and is way out of her league. His incel talk ruins that premise, because he isn't content with that and demands more without there being a tangible reason. I'd much rather have him stay as the simp and explorable doormat to continue paying and filming Lena while occasionally getting a pity wank.

- Mixed with the simp route is the potential love route and I don't see it. Stan and Lena have zero chemistry, she isn't liking him in a motherly pitifull manner, he doesn't have intriguing aspects of his character like being an artist or witty or anything that would justify why Lena would hang out and be attracted to him. There is no scene in the 10 chapters in which Lena enjoys his company, its always an awkward pepp-up talk and we have more than enough of that with Holly. His incel outburst comes out of nowhere and isn't well written. It's a caricature of incel behaviour, Stan goes from meek subdued nice guy desperatley asking for a chance to misantropic dramaqueen demanding pussy.

I kind of get the attention for Stan in that regard that he differs from the fuckboys Robert/Mike/Axel, but he shares the common issue with Lena's love interest that they are, well, not love interest but fuckbuddies to keep her entertained. In that regard, all he is currently offering is a stalkfap simp to milk out and it's not exactly outstanding (and potentially not unique, considering that Ian and even Mike are up for it).

Ultimately, Eva fails to convey us this: If Lena can have fuckbuddies like Ian, Robert, Mike and Axel and potentially develop a closer relationship with them, why would she ever go for Stan? What are his unique advantages that ther other guys have not?
I don't disagree with any of that. In terms of why Lena might make Stan a fuckbuddy, she might just enjoy being worshipped by him and having that kind of hold over him, even if she never really feels much genuine attraction for him. It's a bit like how you can play the relationship with Robert.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
His incel outburst comes out of nowhere and isn't well written. It's a caricature of incel behaviour, Stan goes from meek subdued nice guy desperatley asking for a chance to misantropic dramaqueen demanding pussy.
No, that's spot on. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
His incel outburst comes out of nowhere and isn't well written. It's a caricature of incel behaviour, Stan goes from meek subdued nice guy desperatley asking for a chance to misantropic dramaqueen demanding pussy.
While the cringe language he uses is definitely is a caricature (the one inspired by all those weird forums), Stan's character development (regression?) is more than that. I wouldn't say that his misanthropic outbursts came out of nowhere considering the constant bullying from Louise. I guess the game's fault is that we have only seen like 2 or 3 scenes of Louise treating Stan like shit, but considering we're not spending 100% of time at Lena's place, and how absorbed Lena is with her own problems, it's natural that stuff like that keeps happening quite often, where Stan constantly suffers from this disrespect and chooses to simply swallow all insults while no doubt picturing in his head all the nasty responses he'd like to say (if not do) to her. Stan just keeps descending into misery and hatred over being pushed around, and really, used, by Louise. She keeps berating him any chance she gets for his habits, his looks, and lack of social life (which she doesn't have much of either judging by how clingy and obsessive she gets), but at the same time wants him to pay her rent because "he should be grateful to have sexy roommates". Any guy with at least a bit of self-respect would kick Louise out of the apartment he pays for the moment she insulted him instead of dealing with it over and over and over again like Stan. He's already insecure about himself, but tries to compensate it with respectful and kind attitude (to the best of his ability), but then Louise keeps preying on his insecurities to keep taking advantage of him and constantly making his existence even more miserable.

And misery likes company, so it's possible he joined some weird misogynistic forums that shared a lot of similar stories to his, so he felt seen and understood. And those people no doubt try to sway him into believing that all women are the same. Between the influence of such toxic places, and Louise pushing him further down this rabbit hole, Lena is really the only hope he can have at learning how to improve his social skills and not be a pushover at the same time. And if she herself hasn't been making it easier for him, then his chances of remaining a normal human aren't looking good. How much abuse can one person take before snapping?

It's just, considering we only see Stan's content from Lena's POV there's really no plausible way for her to know all these things so she has to rely on seeing something off about his attitude, and one single unflitered rant serves its purpose. With people like Stan it always looks "out of character" when it's too late for people who don't take time to really get to know them.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
And if she herself hasn't been making it easier for him, then his chances of remaining a normal human aren't looking good. How much abuse can one person take before snapping?
This is going to end in Fatal Attraction remake, with Lola playing the role of the rabbit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
All likely 100% true, though Stan's coming out just slightly too much like a neglected flower in this description not mentioning the blatant masturbating in Lena's doorway while she's getting her anus stuffed. I mean, ffs, Stan. At least use the keyhole.
Well, Lena didn't see Stan masturbate while spying on her (she did before the rewrite), all she noticed was the "slight movement" and then him staring with surprised face at what was going on. The next time Lena looked his way, he was gone. So if he masturbated, he didn't do it "blatantly" and we don't know how long he was watching before Lena caught him, it's possible he was just passing by, got too curious and decided to steal a peek (slight movement) and immediately got caught by Lena. Which doesn't make him an innocent but doesn't make him a creep either.

The only real flaw of Stan is he completely misreads Lena's actions as her leading him on if she's very forgiving and is always kind to him. He got so used to the way Louise treats him that he started to think it was the default reaction of all girls to him, and so it must be Lena treated him differently because she for some reason liked him back, so maybe he stood a chance... Insecurity + social inexperience + kindness overload + steamy photo sessions + wishful thinking = disastrous misunderstanding. Stan making a move on Lena is not so different from Holly making a move on Ian, both born out of intense crush and somewhat irrational hope. Just because Ian was kind to Holly as a friend and was excited to go to the book fair with her (for career opportunities) doesn't mean he has feelings for her. And both Stan and Holly take the rejection very personally, making it about them ("I'm not good enough") instead of simply respecting the choice of their crush. The difference is when Holly internalizes it and starts moping, Stan externalizes it to vent his pent-up frustrations which are made worse by Louise's bullying. Both are not entirely healthy reactions, but when Holly has Ivy to tell her that she can solve her dating issues by adjusting her attitude and watching her diet, or Lena telling her to stop selling herself short, both supporting her along her journey, Stan doesn't get this kind of encouragement. He's trapped alone with his demons telling him that losing weight won't solve any of his issues, that girls will not take him seriously regardless of how much effort he puts into it, that they'll always misunderstand him as a creep regardless of how respectful he tries to be, that he'll aways be forever alone because something is wrong with society... if it wasn't for mean girls like Louise, he'd probably find ways to cope with his lack of dating, and find joy in other things, not making a big deal of being single or being rejected.

Samuel Hidayat

Formerly 'Samu Al Hydit'
May 16, 2019
Ultimately, Eva fails to convey us this: If Lena can have fuckbuddies like Ian, Robert, Mike and Axel and potentially develop a closer relationship with them, why would she ever go for Stan? What are his unique advantages that ther other guys have not?
Reasons I can think of:
  • A simp who will support you like a blind zealot is very useful. The amount of money Stan can throw at Lena's Stalkfap can't be compared to Mike's and Robert's. Add to Stan's genuine interest in photography, Lena can teach him the ropes and have a valuable photographer unaffiliated with anyone powerful.
  • Lena actually cares and is concerned about Stan's wellbeing. While she may or may not want to date Stan, accepting Stan's proposal might allow Lena to make him a better person.
It really depends on how you play your Lena.
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Dec 12, 2020
Stan discussion.

Stan wasn't fully thought out from the get-go. He is the awkward room-mate and what could one do with this set-up? Here my observations of the possible routes the game currently provides:

- Insulting him nets points with Louise and its reminiscent of Ashley's dad. He is probably commiting suicide or kicking them out. It's mildly entertaining, but nothing compelling.

- Ignoring him/lecturing after he was caught masturbating continues to let the relationship be a loose one, without any progress. He's just there.

- Acting as his model and encouraging his simpness is currently the only remotely interesing route. It gives a power dynamic that differs from cuck Ian /whatever Robert is supposed to be. There is weirdly working payment-reward system between two socially different people. Stan fapping to Lena in chapter 10 was his only good scene. Cynically it seems the most plausible relationship that Stan could get with Lena, considering that he does 0% shit to improve himself and is way out of her league. His incel talk ruins that premise, because he isn't content with that and demands more without there being a tangible reason. I'd much rather have him stay as the simp and explorable doormat to continue paying and filming Lena while occasionally getting a pity wank.

- Mixed with the simp route is the potential love route and I don't see it. Stan and Lena have zero chemistry, she isn't liking him in a motherly pitifull manner, he doesn't have intriguing aspects of his character like being an artist or witty or anything that would justify why Lena would hang out and be attracted to him. There is no scene in the 10 chapters in which Lena enjoys his company, its always an awkward pepp-up talk and we have more than enough of that with Holly. His incel outburst comes out of nowhere and isn't well written. It's a caricature of incel behaviour, Stan goes from meek subdued nice guy desperatley asking for a chance to misantropic dramaqueen demanding pussy.

I kind of get the attention for Stan in that regard that he differs from the fuckboys Robert/Mike/Axel, but he shares the common issue with Lena's love interest that they are, well, not love interest but fuckbuddies to keep her entertained. In that regard, all he is currently offering is a stalkfap simp to milk out and it's not exactly outstanding (and potentially not unique, considering that Ian and even Mike are up for it).

Ultimately, Eva fails to convey us this: If Lena can have fuckbuddies like Ian, Robert, Mike and Axel and potentially develop a closer relationship with them, why would she ever go for Stan? What are his unique advantages that ther other guys have not?
The fact that so many people here want more Stan content, the answer is clear. It's the author's way of satisfying some of those that want to self-insert. It's kinda of mind boggling how so many people want more Stan despite him being a social reject but you can easily see the appeal of some people here.
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