
Oct 22, 2017
I'm unable to choose the option of demanding the notes from female doctor (If you hand over the cure it will lead to bad end). Is it not implemented yet?

Also does any have a save will all the scenes unlocked?
You must first give the cure to the other doctor. Then there will be an event in Zara's location, during which you can retrieve the notes by accessing her computer BEFORE repairing the circuit.


Mar 23, 2018
Someone an idea how to find the Apc? I killed gaven allready but i dont know how to find the apc. There 1 door which closed from the inside and one in the sewers but i dont know how find the damn apc
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Jun 28, 2018
You must first give the cure to the other doctor. Then there will be an event in Zara's location, during which you can retrieve the notes by accessing her computer BEFORE repairing the circuit.
If I give the cure to the female doctor (zara), she destroys it, then the final scene comes where you get impregnated by the big female monster thingy and the after that the game credits happen. I'm unable to retrieve the zara's research from her computer.
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
If I give the cure to the female doctor (zara), she destroys it, then the final scene comes where you get impregnated by the big female monster thingy and the after that the game credits happen. I'm unable to retrieve the zara's research from her computer.
I think he's saying you have to give the research to Dr Feinstein, engage his quest, then when you go to repair the circuit in Zara's lab you'll be able to get her research after she meets her fate


Mar 24, 2020
Someone an idea how to find the Apc? I killed gaven allready but i dont know how to find the apc. There 1 door which closed from the inside and one in the sewers but i dont know how find the damn apc
You need to get the key from inside the other building in that sector, then enter the door in the sewers


Feb 13, 2019
A few pages ago the creator said that he did not like the way it ended either, agreed on it being lacklaster and he would update it. Currently getting the ending E gets you nothing. And I mean absolutely nothing, no sex, no interactables on NPCs. Similar to ending B (Get defeated by ACE units) and how it needs a sprite change, the game is not 100% done. Keep in mind also that for most people the game is bugged and they cannot reach ending E, going to C2 or D instead. From what I have found, most cases are people cheating to the Fort, enabling all notes as well. That command in the cheating room though does NOT activate the Note Counter variable in the save file, neither is getting the items through save edditors. I personally beat the game once to get a and then messed up and overwrote my save, so I figured I would cheat. That is how I found this flaw. Way I fixxed is: Activated all cheats, went to fort, found the yellow note and then used RpgMakerSaveEdit (for which I dont have a link but just search it and you will probably find it here) to add all the other notes, then went to advanced settings to edit variables and switches. There the Note Counter now appeared, so I put that from 1 to 8 and I could get ending B, ending D and ending E. Ending C is harder to do like this HOWEVER you can view the endings A to C2 if you beat the game I think. D and E are the hidden ones. Hope this helps everyone.
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Dec 26, 2018
Are Endings in the gallery or how I can watch every ending? :unsure:
The endings aren't in the gallery. You can only get the endings by playing the game (I believe Ending D allows you to visit the other endings)

Also, if you are trying to get Ending E, then you are unable to. Ending E is bugged in the current version of this game
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