
Sep 14, 2020
: P i know of the delta. just saying the anime doesnt go into details with some characters. like gamma for instance


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2020
I like how this dev occasionally makes his own words up, like "unificate". Makes me giggle.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
Most of Solution's sex scenes revolve around her being a slime, and Yuri loses her head during sex once.
sure flavor text wise, but solution doesn't really do any full body minus face envelopment (while ainz is in human form), shapeshifting for role play, or many of the other kinky slime things. same with yuri, she could be doing doggy with ainz while kissing him with her detached head, or oral sex while her body doing her more routine tasks probably many rooms away. visa versa where the body is having sex while her head is being carried around to delegate tasks is quite possible too. i'm talking about those kinds of things, got any plans for them?

to expand on the slime shape shifting scenario, i can easily picture an option choice for ainz to accept or decline regarding solution kidnapping, eating, and copying the appearance of some random women ainz might come across. heck maybe it could be an idea for some of the captives nazz gains. before they are converted of course. maybe this could be solution early game main wife exclusive content? :unsure: also could be a gold token repeatable event thing.

i would also say the shapeshifting role play could be done by narberal... but lets be honest her racial levels are much too low for that. there's even gag content out there about her showing her doppelganger face when she's suprised or feeling intense emotion. so unless ainz asks her to train that up it's probably an out for her. (possible late/end game content though?)
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Forum Fanatic
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Sep 27, 2018
Those are way too hardcore for me x) and a good part of them disrespectful, too.
Imagine doing your routine tasks while having sex, it is basically no different than using the phone while on a date :ROFLMAO:

Also the whole Solution thing turning into somebody else... Not nice. When having sex with Solution, she should be Solution and Solution alone.
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
Those are way too hardcore for me x)
that's a shame.
and a good part of them disrespectful, too.
Imagine doing your routine tasks while having sex, it is basically no different than using the phone while on a date :ROFLMAO:
sure, but that's what casual sex is all about no? once in a routine sex is oftentimes a little less special. also i'd think it'd be some derivative of exhibitionism in the case of yuri going about her duties.
Also the whole Solution thing turning into somebody else... Not nice. When having sex with Solution, she should be Solution and Solution alone.
eh? for romantic sex sure, but for some casual or otherwise fetish stuff? hell it's pretty much a form of advanced role play. and you can't call role play a abnormal fetish, it's way too common for that.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
ugh day 160 choices hurt so much... am doing a yuri main wife run now with as many children as possible. and ugh that day just kills me, mainly because it's the only day you can get shiz pregnant, solution as a wife or concubine (without wasting a trip to dwarf kingdom slot), start a relationship with arche, get clementine pregnant (i assume still testing other wise a dwarf kingdom trip slot is needed). so even ignoring the scenes that don't seem to give long term benefits (yet, like receptionist lady) that's about 4 uses right there. :cry: someone's gonna get neglected or use up trip slot....

btw can i request all sexable or otherwise child bearing characters get their own tab in the gallery? it bugs me that entoma doesn't have her own. (pun intended) despite her being a wife. (surprised there isn't a concubine option with her and shizu)

one day i'd also like to do a no wives only concubines run.

could i also ask they be ordered differently? i feels very odd with how they are in the gallery as is.
i'd think
floor gaurdians
area guardians
other country political figures
the rest by either area they formerly belonged to or by order of appearance.

but that's just my preferance, any sort of ordering method would be fine so long as there's a pattern to it.


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Sep 27, 2018
Current pattern is alphabetical order (Aside from Misc which will always be at the end).
Categories are still getting worked on, I thought I had all of them in mind by now but I have recently discovered that Arche is quite popular and she has quite a few scenes in-game already... So she will be getting her own category.
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
hmm, so it seems day 160 locks out clementine if you don't sex her. thus you can't even take her on the dwarf trip... well that freaking sucks.

4 good woman and only 3 charges... guess i'm nearly forced to take solution on the trip then.:( either that or we need some alternative paths to lead to these character's pregnancy and/or relationship routes.:whistle:


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
found a bug regarding gazef
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another bug during the beach bit after vol 14. shizu's icon moves after someone else's scene was triggered. but that's not the annoying part, rather where it moves is. it's right over lupusregina's icon. >_<
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
ascetic suggestion, when ainz marries shalchair, similar to aura's hair, couldn't we have the option to request removal of her pads? :LOL:

another gallery suggestion/request, before scenes in which this might apply have an option between long hair aura and short, and if the above ascetic option is used too that one as well.
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
hmm, i just pondered something interesting. what if the volume 14 plot and the events a tad bit before it get changed so that renner encounters ainz in his human form? like say the kingdom sends renner to swtich out with a previous dignitary. of course this is assuming renner, in a previous conversation with albedo [if she saw ainz in his human form at all], learned about how 'cute' ainz in human form is that contrasts his power as a form of gap moe or something. thus curiosity about her new friend's obsession getting the better of her.

this could be a foundation for renner to be a love interest without it going NTR. since climb has no idea of renner's obsession prior to their kingdoms fall. so supposing there's say 1-3 more dialogue scenes after renner is exposed to human ainz, i could see it being quite possible/probable for her to swtich her obsession target to ainz. and there really is no issue with climb continuing to serve under renner as a normal knight. mainly because up to that point his 'love' for renner was very much described as deep respect rather than anything romantic or sexual.

hypothetically this could also give ainz the choice to choosing what race renner could transform into, since she would still desire to give up her human form.

also speaking of renner she is going to become relevant post vol 14 content game wise right? at least on the plot stand point love interest aside i mean. because up to R43 (now) she very much feels like a mere trophy, when it's her intellect that was highly valued.

ironically i was originally thinking of ways ainz could get enri when i pondered apon this renner idea. but i am finding that one near impossible without it turning into nef's love being unrequited or NTR... both of which are unfavorable to me. those two are just too good together.

edit: on another note entirely any chance we can get into the game? i think that song is far superior to s3 op. but that's just my opinion.

edit2: random idea for drider matriarch, sex scene requires two ring uses. first for ainz to be human, second for her to gain genitals. could also lead to a more permanent version so their 'species' can propagate.
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Forum Fanatic
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
found a bug regarding gazef
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another bug during the beach bit after vol 14. shizu's icon moves after someone else's scene was triggered. but that's not the annoying part, rather where it moves is. it's right over lupusregina's icon. >_<
Fixed both, thanks for reporting them!

nope solution sex is still locked out of dwarf trip if you're not already with her. ugh.
I'll look at the code and scenes and maybe include a solution scene there... No promises though.

ascetic suggestion, when ainz marries shalchair, similar to aura's hair, couldn't we have the option to request removal of her pads? :LOL:

another gallery suggestion/request, before scenes in which this might apply have an option between long hair aura and short, and if the above ascetic option is used too that one as well.
Shalltear removes her pads in private or when she feels like it, depends on the scene.

Aura's hair length is not global nor retroactive, only global choices are those in the preferences (Such as werewolves ears).

hmm, i just pondered something interesting. what if the volume 14 plot and the events a tad bit before it get changed so that renner encounters ainz in his human form? like say the kingdom sends renner to swtich out with a previous dignitary. of course this is assuming renner, in a previous conversation with albedo [if she saw ainz in his human form at all], learned about how 'cute' ainz in human form is that contrasts his power as a form of gap moe or something. thus curiosity about her new friend's obsession getting the better of her.

this could be a foundation for renner to be a love interest without it going NTR. since climb has no idea of renner's obsession prior to their kingdoms fall. so supposing there's say 1-3 more dialogue scenes after renner is exposed to human ainz, i could see it being quite possible/probable for her to swtich her obsession target to ainz. and there really is no issue with climb continuing to serve under renner as a normal knight. mainly because up to that point his 'love' for renner was very much described as deep respect rather than anything romantic or sexual.

hypothetically this could also give ainz the choice to choosing what race renner could transform into, since she would still desire to give up her human form.
Renner is interested in Climb way before Nazarick even came to the new world. I have other plans for her and Climb.

also speaking of renner she is going to become relevant post vol 14 content game wise right? at least on the plot stand point love interest aside i mean. because up to R43 (now) she very much feels like a mere trophy, when it's her intellect that was highly valued.

ironically i was originally thinking of ways ainz could get enri when i pondered apon this renner idea. but i am finding that one near impossible without it turning into nef's love being unrequited or NTR... both of which are unfavorable to me. those two are just too good together.
During the main storyline, the game did explain how Renner is ruling the Re-Estize Kingdom in the background.
"Officially" Momonga is the king, however, he leaves all the tasks to Renner.
Aside from that, I do not think I will be making any other scene for her in this game.

edit: on another note entirely any chance we can get into the game? i think that song is far superior to s3 op. but that's just my opinion.
Changing music theme sounds like something a modder could do.
I did listen to all the openings, and I liked the one the game currenly uses.

edit2: random idea for drider matriarch, sex scene requires two ring uses. first for ainz to be human, second for her to gain genitals. could also lead to a more permanent version so their 'species' can propagate.
It's a good idea, noted. Ty!


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
I'll look at the code and scenes and maybe include a solution scene there... No promises though.
please do, it seems very odd how only 2 trip companions don't have events unless already in a relationship with ainz. (even more so if you mentioned to solution you wanted to have sex with her but didn't on day 160 due to ring limit)

actually speaking of, think you could consider scripting a suspicious door event to that day? that would also solve the 4+ preg/relationship start offs with only 3 charges issue. i only got that event on that day once so far and it seems pretty unfair to rely on RNG for something like this.

Shalltear removes her pads in private or when she feels like it, depends on the scene.

Aura's hair length is not global nor retroactive, only global choices are those in the preferences (Such as werewolves ears).
yea, i get that. i just sucks because i'd like to use the gallery for the scenes that could have them that way. it'd make it more of a progression of adapting to ainz's tastes type thing ya know. :(

Renner is interested in Climb way before Nazarick even came to the new world. I have other plans for her and Climb.

During the main storyline, the game did explain how Renner is ruling the Re-Estize Kingdom in the background.
"Officially" Momonga is the king, however, he leaves all the tasks to Renner.
Aside from that, I do not think I will be making any other scene for her in this game.
fair on the first point, just was thinking since it was one sided up to that point it 'could' be changed depending on the player. *shrug*

yes it did, however imo that's a waste of her talents. she could delegate tasks in the kingdom while helping nazz in their efforts similar to albedo and demiurge in advising, making plans, and strategy meetings. this is one of the reasons why i also want her as a love interest. she's just too good of a woman to pass up in the competency regard.

Changing music theme sounds like something a modder could do.
I did listen to all the openings, and I liked the one the game currenly uses.
mmm, for the OPs yea, s3 is best. but you have to admit the best ED song is the one i posted! i would still love it if you could add it to the game somewhere.

thanks for the replies, and sorry for the chain posting. (gonna try and edit posts more often)

edit: just found a bug(?) regarding clementine. on the foot job proposition before the kingdom empire war, if you don't accept her foot job scene then she doesn't tag along in the war.

btw could i ask for the accept/reject prompt to say that it is a footjob like the others in the game do? the talk just before the prompt is vague as to what will go down exactly and that's fine. but for me (and probably others) that's not my thing so i'd much rather the prompt spoil it to avoid it.

a second bug spotted, day 160 kurome bedroom icon overlaps and overwrites shalchair's.
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Sep 15, 2019
Hi , I have a question , how to add Nigredo to our harem? After getting to part where she thanks us for possibilty to take care of childs in orpahange I always only get option I should go , was there some decision that decided about that if I can confess to her or only leave if there was such a decision then which one? (Sorry for my English , if something isn't understable I will try to correct myself)


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
Hi , I have a question , how to add Nigredo to our harem? After getting to part where she thanks us for possibilty to take care of childs in orpahange I always only get option I should go , was there some decision that decided about that if I can confess to her or only leave if there was such a decision then which one? (Sorry for my English , if something isn't understable I will try to correct myself)
kill clementine, thus far i'm fairly certain that nigredo's mansion visit is the deciding factor. and that event only happens if shalchar gets mind controlled. and to trigger mind control route you need to kill clementine.
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