
Oct 7, 2018
Got up to the point where you build a base, realised the giant turkey birds don't respawn in my game (could be bugged) restarted,
discovered the cheat button, orc keeps saying i don't have food i have 3 u #$@(%! tried to save and reload
accidentally hit the new game button



New Member
Feb 3, 2018
Got up to the point where you build a base, realised the giant turkey birds don't respawn in my game (could be bugged) restarted,
discovered the cheat button, orc keeps saying i don't have food i have 3 u #$@(%! tried to save and reload
accidentally hit the new game button

what is the cheat key


New Member
Aug 11, 2017
Got up to the point where you build a base, realised the giant turkey birds don't respawn in my game (could be bugged) restarted,
discovered the cheat button, orc keeps saying i don't have food i have 3 u #$@(%! tried to save and reload
accidentally hit the new game button

how did u pass witch part after samples quest


Oct 7, 2018
Hi All, Hope it helps, I started this 2 days ago myself!

Main Quest
1. Speak to the orc [Dry town](back of jail) get her some meat (kill a terror bird and go back to give her the food). Go back to the wilderness and you'll get a letter from master. Go speak to master about a missing "package"
2. The scout camp near the mushroom lady/statue [Wilderness] should have 3 bandits now, bring the orc with you. Talk to the bandits then kill them, one of them drops a letter. Before going back to master, she'll take you to setup camp first

Side Quests
1. Interact with the statue mushroom statue [Wilderness] and molest her nips
2. Ask Witch [Witch hut] why the statue slapped you
3. Go to the hooker [Dry Town] and get her to give you hand-jobs (that's all she has) till your sex exp is 22
4. Interact with statue again now gives you full hp, instead of dieing to get hp because eating food isnt enough.

Loot [Wilderness]
Terror bird: Meat = HP, grain, feather, leather
Skeleton: 1 bone (you will need a blunt weapon as pierce/slice does 0 dmg)
slaver + slave, kill the slaver (you'll need a base, un-tieing a slave you can make them a settler (1/1 max), slaves (3/3 max)
1. free the slave = settler,
2. enslave = slave which you can do nothing with at the moment (at least as far as i can tell)

Please let me know if theres something i missed, i would like to know too as far as i know outside the prostitute handjob theres no scenes...


Jun 13, 2019
I found some bugs with the 08A version.

I lost all items in camp chest between game sessions.

NPCs in the wilderness area re-spawn outside of barrier and that number seems to increase the longer you play.

Only one slave shows up in camp cages, my inventory shows both captured slaves.

No rest tent at Witch hut.

Switching from ranged weapon to melee while being charged by Terror Bird, no hits registered with melee registered.

Female PC interacting with town Harlot is treated as male. Dialog HJ, BJ and animations HJ.


How do settlers become "injured" and how do I "heal" them?

Why can't I assign more than one settler to the same gathering task?
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Jun 12, 2017
How do I setup the camp? I have to do all over again, i missclick at new game T.T
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Game Developer
Oct 19, 2017
I found some bugs with the 08A version.

1. I lost all items in camp chest between game sessions.
2. NPCs in the wilderness area re-spawn outside of barrier and that number seems to increase the longer you play.
3. Only one slave shows up in camp cages, my inventory shows both captured slaves.
4.No rest tent at Witch hut.
5. Switching from ranged weapon to melee while being charged by Terror Bird, no hits registered with melee registered.
6. Female PC interacting with town Harlot is treated as male. Dialog HJ, BJ and animations HJ.
7. How do settlers become "injured" and how do I "heal" them?
8. Why can't I assign more than one settler to the same gathering task?
1. Bug. This happens if you save the game before opening both chests at loading.
2. Bug. Will look into it.
3. Bug. They might be overlapping eachother. Will look into it.
4. Gameplay. No rest at witch. Tent should be removed when camp was implemented.
5. Bug. Will look into it.
6. Gameplay. Female version animations and dialogue are not yet implemented.

7. Gameplay. Settlers injure randomly based on this formula.
Resource gatherer work success chance = 50 + Armor Class + Damage + Strength/10 + Loyalty/10 + Fear/10 - Age/10)
They SHOULD automatically heal within 3 days. There is a chance they'll get instantly injured when back at work and appear as they are always injured.

8. Gameplay. Might add that later with more characters and when complexity/depth of the game increases.

Thank you for great feedback!

How do I setup the camp? I have to do all over again, i missclick at new game T.T
I'll be repositioning buttons in next update, so no more mistakes happen.

Witch questline does not continue when you get the tainted sample.

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Jun 12, 2017
1. Bug. This happens if you save the game before opening both chests at loading.
2. Bug. Will look into it.
3. Bug. They might be overlapping eachother. Will look into it.
4. Gameplay. No rest at witch. Tent should be removed when camp was implemented.
5. Bug. Will look into it.
6. Gameplay. Female version animations and dialogue are not yet implemented.

7. Gameplay. Settlers injure randomly based on this formula.
Resource gatherer work success chance = 50 + Armor Class + Damage + Strength/10 + Loyalty/10 + Fear/10 - Age/10)
They SHOULD automatically heal within 3 days. There is a chance they'll get instantly injured when back at work and appear as they are always injured.

8. Gameplay. Might add that later with more characters and when complexity/depth of the game increases.

Thank you for great feedback!

I'll be repositioning buttons in next update, so no more mistakes happen.

Witch questline does not continue when you get the tainted sample.

It would be great if actually we could make a save to open one male char and one female char.


New Member
May 19, 2019
Some issues and observations I found:

  • Follower likes to get stuck on things: Objects observed upon have been recently defeated Terror Birds, logs in the wilderness, nothing if player sprints too far. Possibly allow some vertical movement for them to jump over objects or warp behind play if player gets a certain distance away, unless told to wait if such an option is added later.
  • Follower lags behind: Perhaps have the follower sprint when the player does, otherwise they tend to get left behind and eventually stop following (likely when the player is so far away that the follower stops rendering)
  • Looting oddities: I have had multiple instances where I interacted with an object in the loot window, but did not loot it. Took the one other object in that same loot window and had the loot window close without looting the moved but not looted object. There were a few instances where I looted an item but had the item stay in the loot window and was able to loot it again. This appears to possibly be related to the prior issue as the extra item seems to be what was not looted previously. I've also had instances where there was no loot drop. That may be intentional and just rare or the loot bag may have spawned underground.
  • A graphics error in the wilderness: The first appeared to be the log texture, others were definitely part of corpses, massively blown up and stretching across the air when that object's source point was in the field of view.
  • Bag size limit: Possibly incorporate stack sizes. Some objects like stone and wood make sense having a slot each. Objects like feathers and plant fibers, not so much.
  • Tough talking orc is squishy: Add an option to give follower meat to heal them.
  • Name of target: A few instances where the name of the killed enemy stayed on the screen until another NPC name replaced it.
  • Undead Scout heal on melee hit: While fighting Undead Scouts with melee (stone club) they appear to be healing themselves during the fight. Sharpened bone initially worked, but hits started healing the skeleton at about 30% HP. Bow is able to kill them.
  • Auto-run hotkey: I'm lazy.
  • Block hotkey: May exist, but I haven't seen anything regarding one.
  • NPCs outside playable area: As Leumas9969 pointed out, NPCs are spawning outside the playable area. Close ones can be coaxed in with a ranged attack. Exiting the game and restarting seems to reset the spawns, but they slowly start to spread out again.

I will likely have a few more as I get further. Just killed the bandit group and started on the camp. Overall, not bad for the amount of content. Keep it up.
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New Member
May 19, 2019
More issues/observations:

  • Movement stuck: Started up game this morning and it went right to my save from yesterday without going to the main screen. Could not move my character until I hit Esc, confirmed age, then clicked continue on the main screen. Odd, but not terrible.
  • Follower Disappeared: Noticed my follower wasn't following anymore in the Wilderness. Went to town to sell trophies and she was not there. Went to camp, no follower. Went back to Wilderness, no follower. She just went poof. Exiting/loading game brought her back.
  • Get a little closer: Interacting with Avatar in the Wilderness to completion teleports the player inside of the avatar.
  • Observed at least one instance where a slave spawning in the Wilderness appeared in midair and slowly descended to the ground.
  • Releasing slaves: After untying the rope binding the slaves in the Wilderness, should the player gain a rope in their inventory if they have the space for it?
  • Do they learn: Settlers seem to be getting attacked by wild animals more than actually collecting materials. Perhaps implementing a system where they learn from past encounters with specific animals and are better able to avoid them in the future based upon that 'knowledge'.
I believe I've gone through all of the current content now. Yes, there are issues, but they seem rather minor for a game at this stage. None of the issues I encountered could be considered by me to be game breaking as I was able to complete all tasks without starting a new game. Keep up the good work.
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