Sep 26, 2020
That's quite normal for most professional developers, Rather than passion projects like most you will see in sites like this.

Most are looking to create a product that will sell. And if there's no shown interest then it's a waste of time, money and effort.
Dude from the very start that logic is wrong, you can t expect to people pay you money for an unfinished work, an unfinished work that wil change the content depending on people votes lol

this idea the dev has in his mindset is totally wrong, what a fucking materialistic little sh...


Oct 9, 2020
Dude from the very start that logic is wrong, you can t expect to people pay you money for an unfinished work, an unfinished work that wil change the content depending on people votes lol

this idea the dev has in his mindset is totally wrong, what a fucking materialistic little sh...
I do agree with you in that. But I think it's too idealistic.

The issue here though(as cynical as it is). Is because it's through patreon rather than say kickstarter etc. He isn't exactly promising to complete the game that is perceived to be what's advertised. He's not being "greenlit" or "published".. What's really going on, is he's recieving donations each month to motivate him to work each month.

That's what patreon is. You are giving someone money(in good faith of course). Hoping they will work towards your supposed desired product. Or at least what you percieve as a promised product.

But as I've said. This guy(as far as I'm aware.) Isn't a professional, but a hobbyist. Correct me if I'm wrong, I know little of the guy. And the thing about non professionals is they aren't going to conduct themselves to a professional standard. and expecting otherwise Is setting yourself up for disappointment and putting undue responsibility on someone who probably has never claimed to be one, nor claimed to get this game finished.(again, correct me. I have never seen this guy's patreon. Although I did give his abandoned game a go last year that was also on here.) If his patreon is anything like the others on this site, then it likely says"hi I'm ____. And I'm working on an adult _______ called ______. And if you want to see this game finished as much as I do. then I ask for you generous donations, as it will give me more time to work on _____ because of ______ reasons. I don't think I've ever seen one with a guarantee of completion based on a commission.

Now as far as I'm aware. He is a regular guy(or irregular lol). And he can and will lose steam on projects based on how he feels.
If he's working hard and no one seems to care about what he's working hard to make, then of course there's a chance he'll give up or shaft that project.

And don't forget. Patreon, as I said above. is all about good faith. You aren't commissioning the guy. You are donating money. Whether you choose to trust him in the future is up to you. And if you believe he's untrustworthy, that's fine. But don't expect professionalism from an amateur running on donations. Especially someone with little experience.
Jan 18, 2018
Basically, game development is a lot of work that takes a lot of time. Now most people have to spend some of their time to make this thing called money. It's sort of an abstract concept, but we exchange money for goods and services, such as rent, food, etc. So a lot of independent developers ask for money so they have more time to spend on developing their game. If their game doesn't make enough money, they have to work another job to make ends meet, and don't have enough time to work on the game. This leads to slow progress and demotivates the developer. It's also a method they use to gauge interest in the game they're making.

Now if you're a developer working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, you only really have the weekend to develop. If you feel that people don't really appreciate the game you're making on top of that, you may not feel it's worth it, and abandon the project altogether. Let's say you start making enough through patreon to go down to a part time job, now you're working for 5 hours a day 4 days a week. You have a long weekend to develop, and have a decent sized community who appreciates what you do. You're probably going to continue developing that project. If you make enough to not have to work another job at all, you can devote yourself to making rapid progress towards completing the game, and then begin a new project.


Oct 9, 2020
Basically, game development is a lot of work that takes a lot of time. Now most people have to spend some of their time to make this thing called money. It's sort of an abstract concept, but we exchange money for goods and services, such as rent, food, etc. So a lot of independent developers ask for money so they have more time to spend on developing their game. If their game doesn't make enough money, they have to work another job to make ends meet, and don't have enough time to work on the game. This leads to slow progress and demotivates the developer. It's also a method they use to gauge interest in the game they're making.

Now if you're a developer working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, you only really have the weekend to develop. If you feel that people don't really appreciate the game you're making on top of that, you may not feel it's worth it, and abandon the project altogether. Let's say you start making enough through patreon to go down to a part time job, now you're working for 5 hours a day 4 days a week. You have a long weekend to develop, and have a decent sized community who appreciates what you do. You're probably going to continue developing that project. If you make enough to not have to work another job at all, you can devote yourself to making rapid progress towards completing the game, and then begin a new project.


Game Developer
Oct 19, 2017
this idea the dev has in his mindset is totally wrong, what a fucking materialistic little sh...
T's what ma boss at work said. You materialistic pig! Want money for your work smh smh
I hope sarcasm doesn't go over your head.

Now as far as I'm aware. He is a regular guy(or irregular lol).
I'm not so sure myself tbh

If you feel that people don't really appreciate the game you're making on top of that, you may not feel it's worth it, and abandon the project altogether.
It starts with passion, but needs to be mantained with support.


New Member
Mar 24, 2020
Does anyone know how to unlock crafting skimpy loin cloth? Am a parteon but after entering the code it still says "Requires Patreon"


Oct 9, 2020
It starts with passion, but needs to be mantained with support.
well... there are developers like those on dLsite to be fair that seem to have that limitless drive to finish their projects. I will agree though that for most people, getting that support will help them over the line.


Sep 21, 2018
Greetings people, I want to make a few comments about the game, it is more feedback than anything else:
-Good game, I would like to see it complete, but I have never supported any creator, feedback and good vibes is the most I can give.
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Game Developer
Oct 19, 2017
feedback and good vibes is the most I can give.
Good enough! :D

When unlocking the fortress, we start with a cell, but if you capture a bandit this not only will not appear but also you will not be able to interact with him, as if he did not exist, if I sell him, the bandit that follows him also disappears the same If you put it in the pillory so that it does not happen, when you try to get it out of there, it forms a loop and you will not be able to get out.
Will find solution/bug for this. Hopefully you can release the character, save and restart the game.

Well, I managed to get a girl pregnant in the game, but here comes the bad ... I have not the slightest idea how to make her grow, the time in the game does not seem to influence her since she was born on the 30th in the game very Fast compared to the growth that basically has already spent 270 days and it does not grow, I think it is a bug, because every time I come across something similar, I usually restart the game after saving, and when carrying the baby in the game, it grew suddenly , but I ended up bug, I could not interact with the baby besides that the slave merchant got scared ... waooo, everything was very strange so I ended up releasing her and got the same woman pregnant again to see if the same thing happened and now not it grows...
It's not explained in the game yet. You need to send captured prisoners from raid to summoning circle to get maturity potion.
Unfinished mechanics for now as it's the only way to obtain them.

Finally, I have no idea how to finish the quests, the magician does not give a clue besides the magic circle that I already did, and nothing happens.
- The witch mistrusts my words and does not say anything else, going to the temple does not help, talking to the npc of the dry town does not give a clue of anything. In both cases.
-For Rana, I only have to follow the instructions of a letter that loots a bandit, that they direct me to the orc town where I have to get ore or they rape me and kill me, or it was that they killed me first and raped me later ... .
do not pay attention to the dialogue, the orc king has the girl but if you go for her it freezes the game or otherwise it blocks you and with ESC it is fixed, it was a loop of picking up pray and spending days like that.
I will make indicators when the quests are done for the update. Orc chief is just there for now.

Thanks for this great feedback!
  • Red Heart
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Apr 19, 2020
1)is there a bug with a fast traveling? Every now and then I have to restart the game after fast traveling because everything disappears...
2)Am I supposed to see a prisoner in my stronghold after I capture one? it seems like the prisoner's inventory is bugged and I can't equip any tool to him like a did with my follower to assign him to a work.
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Sep 21, 2018
How to remove pen1s from girls?
It cannot be removed, raise your social attribute to be able to differentiate a Futa from a woman. By pressing T you get the skill tree. you can level up, interacting with your prisoners by sending them to the pillory or having sex with your followers
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Sep 21, 2018
1)is there a bug with a fast traveling? Every now and then I have to restart the game after fast traveling because everything disappears...
2)Am I supposed to see a prisoner in my stronghold after I capture one? it seems like the prisoner's inventory is bugged and I can't equip any tool to him like a did with my follower to assign him to a work.
Save and restart is my advice, if it doesn't work, then New game.
The same thing happened to me with the fast travel but it was permanent, I had to restart my game from the beginning, what you need to do is avoid dying inside the temple, it may also happen that when pressing M the fast travel does not appear if that happens enter the temple and leave there press i to open the inventory and then press M without closing the inventory, Should fix it. and I already notified the bug of the prisoners this a couple of messages above.
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Oct 9, 2020
Alrighty. Now, I've Finally given this game a go(played for a couple hours). And i've got a couple of suggestions that I think can Greatly improve the game, and make it feel less awkward and more competent to play. I'm not sure how difficult some of them may be to implement, and some will require extra animations.

first, and most important. PC controls please.. Console Controls frankly suck. they suck bad. this is why console games use lock-on. because with console controls, you can't control where you're aiming or going.
to be specific. When your weapon is unsheathed at minimum, your camera must be tied to your characters back.
For exploration, I understand having it free, so you can check out your Char or whatever. But, you should always be aiming where you're looking in combat, otherwise it's really awkward and makes a title feel cheaper.
I imagine this should be easy to implement, especially if you were planning on lock-on later. I also imagine you'll have to create a couple new Movement animations and potentially idles, aswell as adding a transitioning or behaviour system for it.(i have no idea how this is done.) I have noticed your char kinda runs in circles when moving, which suggests to me you probably only have forward and maybe backward animations, so I understand it will take some work.
on that note. I have a Laptop with touchpad. So i'm not sure if you can zoom or not. but I couldn't. this ones more for me i'd say. but maybe add in Zoom to the +, and - keys.

Second. while blocking, you should be able to move around, atleast walking speed. it feel really awkward when you're rooted while performing any basic combat action, and makes combat feel clunky. you look at fighters for example. and they are almost always protected. whether stationary, re-positioning, chasing or getting distance from their opponents.

for Attacks. create ones for Stationary, and Forward movement. you could do side-to-side aswell, but that can also be a bit awkward(fallout 4, third-person). you could also do something similar to skyrim, with behaviours for free movement while striking(this is generally how all first-person PC games are), although that's not necessary, and will also make the combat feel a little less deliberate.
I recommend enemies having a couple different Combos of 2-5 strikes aswell, so you can kinda get a rhythm for them. they should be movement restricted while performing attacks though if you do go for full on pc. otherwise it will give the feeling of being unable to avoid attacks, which causes most people to complain the combat is just about button mashing.(I do agree with them that it's better for the rooted approach. But I'm fine either way).

last thing to do with combat actions. maybe add less of a recoil for all actions. it feels really awkward to go from striking to blocking(although, that might just be because of the lack of movement). and really really awkward trying to avoid blows and strike afterward. even after striking just as an enemy finishes their attack, I always seem to be hit straight afterward, as I can't move or block within that long recoil period. because of this, it sort of just ends up being a tennis match of waiting for the opponent to strike my block so I can strike back, which doesn't feel good.

and Also. I'm not sure if npcs have infinite reach, or if the game runs like a tab-target MMO. but NPC's seem to have Infinite reach, or seem to hit you regardless, if they are performing an attack animation. if it is a sort of tab-target system, where positioning isn't relevant. then I'd say get rid of Action combat Controls, and replace it with RTS style combat like your Isometric RPGs(Infinity engine games, Pathfinder, Pillars of eternity, Neverwinter Nights1-2, Dragon age: Origins.).

I would also say add a bench or Bed. or allow a rest ability, for waiting time and recharging health. or maybe add really slow HP Regen(like 0.05-0.1% a second). with these things added(I haven't got far in the game yet.), you could also do time based quests, or secrets. like certain things only popping up at Day/night or specifics like between 3-5 am(stuff like secret entrances Appearing/Unlocking, Certain npcs Appearing or offering quests/events, or Events playing out). these kinda Adventure game mechanics can really spice up an experience.

anyway, yeah. I'll play it some more later when I have time and maybe add some more suggestions.(just had something come up as I was writing this!!!)
2.90 star(s) 12 Votes