
Feb 16, 2018
О поломке обоих видов оружия я доложил вчера и жду, когда его починят, прямо сейчас я снял с вооружения свое ручное оружие и только с помощью лука и при необходимости переоборудовал ручное оружие.

Что касается обучения, то большую часть этого я делал в другом обновлении до этого, так что в этом обновлении что-то могло сломаться.
Я нажимаю на навык рейнджера, чтобы инвестировать очки, и кнопка не работает


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Я нажимаю на навык рейнджера, чтобы инвестировать очки, и кнопка не работает
If you want my help you need to translate it to English.
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
The translation "I click on the ranger skill to invest points and the button is not working"
Like I said I did all that training in the other update and not this one.
So it could be broken in this update.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
how many times do I have to reset the quest to make it work?
I only had to do it once but others have had to 2-4 times.
But hey every time you reset you get a new 6 gold ax for your trouble.


Jun 30, 2018
No matter how many enemies I defeat, the guy at the arena tells me that I need to be level 5 in order to participate, was the arena disabled or am I missing something?


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
No matter how many enemies I defeat, the guy at the arena tells me that I need to be level 5 in order to participate, was the arena disabled or am I missing something?
I think it was disabled because of problems with it getting stuck.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
How do I assign jobs to tainted slaves? I need resources to upgrade.
There very slow to gather resources like you may get only 1 per day even if you assign all 5 to the same tasked.

First choose one Overlord 2021-05-08 14-09-52-29.jpg then click on the i Overlord 2021-05-08 14-12-54-66.jpg Then choose what you want them to do, I chose the one they had a % in. Overlord 2021-05-08 14-09-59-23.jpg

I have no idea what the torch one does still have not figured it out yet. Overlord 2021-05-08 14-15-00-71.jpg

If you want them to stop and come back to base just choose the zzz one and they will come back to base.


New Member
May 10, 2020
Im kinda new here... And somehow, this game took my interest on writing my first post. Cause the game can go quite broke or out of context.

By far 0.21 walkthrough:

1. De' start!!!
- Your character starts at Dry city or town whatever... Then you would have to talk with everyone (merchant, master, gladiator, wiz, and hunter) before you can venture out.

2. RANA quest!!!
- After going around and chit-chatting with everyone or the master especially, talk to the futa-orge inside the prison, next to the guard. She'll ask you to bring her fresh meat.
- Once ur outside the city, the best way to get a fresh meet is to either kill terror bird or let the clerics kill one for you(use ur godly feet at use).
- Now that you got ur meat, not the one below. Give it to that sexy futa-orge. Next talk to master to initiate ur next obj.
- Upon getting the new mission, go kill a bandit and obtain a scroll. Remember, not to double click on the wrong scroll ie: strip, female appearance, shaved(well u can use it on urself if u dont like Bushes!), wild, etc. although read the letter once to update ur journal.
- After obtaining or say reading the letter/scroll... go to master and chat with him once more. He'll free the futa-orge once you speak to the guard.
- Finally, being freed from him-her misery... the futa orge will make hasty escape.

Well, you just completed the Rana mission.

- Once you speak with the wiz, he'll say he cant teach you magic however he'll mention about a witch.
- Get the f-out of the city and head "right" along the road until you see a small hut. Well, you just found the witch... Congrats!
- Initiate more talkin' and go to wiz to obtain a sample of "taint"(dont ask me what that actually is... lets say ou'll find it later on ur own.)
- Now with taint(golds-10), get to the witch and then to ruins... 100% opposite to the witch's hut straight.
- More "talks" between witch and wiz until you are able to go inside the temple.
- Finally, having ur b-ass(beaten, not davie504) inside the temple beat every one of those boney skeleton. Then, a shadow would appear speak to it to obtain ur future harem.

Note: sometimes the game would crash or function irregular... Use, "RESETQ" on the bar where it says "codes".

Others(Extra info):
- Talking to master will award you with dildo-sword(quite the power!!!) while hunter will present you with an axe.
- Use the dummy behind the slave exhibit to increase ur combat points (upto 30, 10 per day.).
- IF you want to "F!!K" ur enemy after you beat them, not kill them. Use code "TABOO", plus you need 3 action points to initiate this... well, works on any humanoid enemy... BIGD!CKCHICK, MALE and FEMALE(Your fantasy to whom you want to dominate is yours!)
- There's a "Mushroom lady" inside the forest mainly behind the orge settlement. Go tease her tiddies... you would need 5 sexual experience or patreon clothe(to make things quick!)... To learn or obatin "S-EX" go visit the beautiful lady in the dry city with heart-icon. (3 times handjob and 2 times tiddies would do the work.)

Some hidden and common features:
- Killing bandits sometimes will drop "character scrolls" if ur lucky... u can turn ur character to futa-like.
- Ur broken weapons can be repaired if you drag and drop other broken or semi-broken onto one-another.
- Sacrifice ur prisoners to get potions.
- Ur juice after u obtain lands from shadow, will be taints.
- Followers can go prego, so dont let them die.
- Use "i" icon to assign ur followers to do work for u.
- Inorder to "Save" ur game progress, find a campfire and tent... click on the tent and save option.(dry city, witch's hut, ur future harem station and orc settlement.)

Unfortunately, these are some of the things I found in the game till now.

Note to the developer/s:
- I would like to offer my humble gratitude for developing this trash-like horrible of a game which in some way did had me storm and bang my d1ck here and there for couple of days now. Well, I do like the game in short words. However, this game can be upgraded into much more playable one and I hope you do so. Unfortunately, I dont own a paypal or any sort of online payment system due to strict policies in my nation.(so cant support you economically mate however u can have my morals!)
- Some features I would like to have implemented in the game...
1. Delete the action point system or stamina related stuff!
2. Increase movement speed for the character.
3. Spawn more stones or make them bigger/ at least give them something our dead eyes can easily spot.
4. Let Rana be either a female or futa... her PP sticking out of pantsu is like a nightmare.
5. Plz dont add a "Pu55y" when you chose male as your character, what's the point of having patreon if you always start as a futa! {For those who are curious, bang ur followers in doggy mode and zoom in near ur b-ass.}
6. Add more workers or helper for the future of this game.
7. Can you make it more like survivor games in google app or apple's store? i believe you can find more reference materials there.
8. Lastly, if u guys have free time... mind taking a look at UI designs.

If this game continues and has more contents later, I might come to update this post in the near future. Thanks!!!


Feb 16, 2018
There very slow to gather resources like you may get only 1 per day even if you assign all 5 to the same tasked.

First choose one View attachment 1185588 then click on the i View attachment 1185591 Then choose what you want them to do, I chose the one they had a % in. View attachment 1185593

I have no idea what the torch one does still have not figured it out yet. View attachment 1185596

If you want them to stop and come back to base just choose the zzz one and they will come back to base.
A spoiled dildo to throw away or not after resetting the quest and how to get spoiled?


Game Developer
Oct 19, 2017
Confirmed bugs:
Using ranged weapon also damages melee durability, thanks for reporting

1. Delete the action point system or stamina related stuff!
2. Increase movement speed for the character.
3. Spawn more stones or make them bigger/ at least give them something our dead eyes can easily spot.
4. Let Rana be either a female or futa... her PP sticking out of pantsu is like a nightmare.
5. Plz dont add a "Pu55y" when you chose male as your character, what's the point of having patreon if you always start as a futa! {For those who are curious, bang ur followers in doggy mode and zoom in near ur b-ass.}
6. Add more workers or helper for the future of this game.
7. Can you make it more like survivor games in google app or apple's store? i believe you can find more reference materials there.
8. Lastly, if u guys have free time... mind taking a look at UI designs.
1. Game design
2. Character moves 25% faster with talent point in ranged tree
3. Yes, I'll implement something to pop up mining nodes. Probably with crafting talents.
4. Already fixed in 21a, she is a female by default.
5. Yes, I though nobody would notice, will be removed :D
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Jul 23, 2020
Quick bugs report :
1. Ranged Skill didn't go up no matter how much i use the bow.
2. Animal sometimes stop moving after i killed a few of them and the walking and killed Animation also stopped.
3. The review of character in the inventory didn't match the actual character, like when wearing the small rags that cover the bottom in the inventory it shows the dic* but the actual character didn't, also the dic* is buged when i wear the desert pants it shows through even though the actual character didn't it still look bad every time i open the inventory if you could please fix it for the next update, and also the female orc I don't know if it's the same for every female orc but the one that i captured had a dic*, it didn't show in the actual character but it shows up when i open inventory character review. thanks
That's all I've found so far, and i love the fact that you remove the stamina since it's useless in battle and the world is getting bigger so it will be annoying to wait for the stamina to fill up every time you sprint. overall still love the game can't wait for the next update, and I'm still waiting for the aunt story to progress. thanks for your hard work and stay save. (y)


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Quick bugs report :
1. Ranged Skill didn't go up no matter how much i use the bow.
2. Animal sometimes stop moving after i killed a few of them and the walking and killed Animation also stopped.
3. The review of character in the inventory didn't match the actual character, like when wearing the small rags that cover the bottom in the inventory it shows the dic* but the actual character didn't, also the dic* is buged when i wear the desert pants it shows through even though the actual character didn't it still look bad every time i open the inventory if you could please fix it for the next update, and also the female orc I don't know if it's the same for every female orc but the one that i captured had a dic*, it didn't show in the actual character but it shows up when i open inventory character review. thanks
That's all I've found so far, and i love the fact that you remove the stamina since it's useless in battle and the world is getting bigger so it will be annoying to wait for the stamina to fill up every time you sprint. overall still love the game can't wait for the next update, and I'm still waiting for the aunt story to progress. thanks for your hard work and stay save. (y)
I reported all that and even more including the fake dick with just white outlines of it.

Also if you use rang weapon and have a hand weapon equipped the hand held weapon loses health every shot you take.
See the post above yours, its being fixed now so hopefully soon.
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Game Developer
Oct 19, 2017
021a is already on patreon site for few days. Don't want to report update that only fixes bugs so soon. Cheers


Feb 16, 2018
I have a quest with a witch did not work what should I do to enter the temple the first floor was cleared


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
I have a quest with a witch did not work what should I do to enter the temple the first floor was cleared
Did you open the chest with green eyes?
If so did the shadow show up in front of the regular chest?

If not you need to go back to town then hit esc and type in RESETQ in the top box and do all the quest again, the witches quest is buggy and sometime only resetting the quest is needed.
You will not lose any items or stats you have but will start the game again at the beginning with having to talk to everyone in town before you can leave just like it was in the beginning.


Feb 16, 2018
Did you open the chest with green eyes?
If so did the shadow show up in front of the regular chest?

If not you need to go back to town then hit esc and type in RESETQ in the top box and do all the quest again, the witches quest is buggy and sometime only resetting the quest is needed.
You will not lose any items or stats you have but will start the game again at the beginning with having to talk to everyone in town before you can leave just like it was in the beginning.
I opened it but there was no shadow
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