Generally agree with the positive comments. Nice visuals, clean writing; looks like solid characters.
Dick size isn't what I'd have picked but eh. I'll judge it on how the actual scenes look and are written
Of course, not too much to say about the overall direction of the game this early - I suppose a critical question to me would be how quickly things progress from the start. If she's endlessly insecure all the time, well, that can get tedious. If it's just the jump-off point but develops reasonably quickly in an understandable way from there then I feel it's a solid beginning.
Two smaller things of note; unusual to see an actual dad in a porn game. I even kinda like him; he's making a good point and grandma's being a bit of an ass to Ivy ^^#
... and, well; I often see this in porn games but POV consistency is important. Unless it's some sort of omniscient narrative perspective (which this clearly isn't) we shouldn't be able to randomly read other characters' thoughts. Or suddenly have out-of-body experiences to behind-closed-doors. imo, it's important to consistently stick with 3rd-person-limited for a tighter narrative that's not messily interrupted by narratively illogical knowledge and scenes.