I know that some creators set up their Patreon with some duplicate $ tiers that are based around specific projects. It would be at minimum one way of gauging actual interest. Of course, polls work too.
Duplicate Tier could work if that tier was about a drawing or a little project that doesn't last more than a month, sadly doing a visual novel takes longer than that. Polls is what I've done so far and that's why I know interest in redemption is not as high, at least for now, and probably it doesn't have any illustrations so not many people played the demo that's available so far.
I can say that I'm also one of the interested people and have pledged to your Patreon off and on (as money has allowed) to keep an eye on the Redemption project in particular.
Glad to know that, thanks.
By the way i noticed on the image you shared on twitter that meritxell has red eyes, she is sexy like that but i really hope it doesn't mean that she will be mind controlled for the entire scene when fucking Jordi. Her personnality is really arousing and seing her go all out on the MC, submitting him to her will completly by her own free choice without magic is i think more exciting than just Jordi's dad coming in and using meritxell to fuck his son's ass. Sure he could appear a few seconds to laugh at him and Jordi would wonder "did her eye colour change ? " but not more I hope. This is finally meritxell's time to shine after years of waiting and show what she can do as a dominatrix. If it is actually Jordi's dad doing everything the scene loses most of its strength i think because he is a god not a man, so in a way its completly normal to see Jordi submissive to him and it would kill all the "is jordi interested in being submissive in BDSM" buildup useless.
That being said if Jordi was good with hiromi i don't even imagine what Meritxell can do to him as she is specialized in men and I think everybody wants to see that. Makes you wonder what Meritxell sessions with Neus looked like. For me this will be the moment Meritxell will take out all her frustrations about Neus dumping her, hiromi not considering her, being raped in her dream and Jordi being so annoying and arousing to her at the same time. I hope Jordi will feel lots of pain but more importantly lots of pleasure haha.
Anyway sorry for the long message, I really love this game and Meritxell is my favourite character, can't wait for the release. Good luck
The red eyes on this illustration:
Well, that's because I made an screenshot from the same clipstudio program where I make the art, I didn't even took a look on the eyes xD
She will be Meritxell the whole time, so don't worry about that.
Scene is already dirt written, now I'm cleaning it, I hope to have it translated and playable (without illustrations) for this Christmas update.
Thanks for the interest!