Honestly, I do get why you wouldn't and it's not like I'm trying to convince you otherwise. Porn is either hot or it isn't after all, and tastes vary. For me, even the club stuff doesn't go as hard as I would personally find enticing. No scene has for me, as of yet.
Still, I hope Edwin holding back comes across as deliberately so rather than incongruent. Even if your MC choked/spanked Rosalind in the parking lot or you pissed on Veronica's face, Edwin is in a different element with Mina. He's out in the "real world" so to speak, on an equal level with her, being asked point blank about something he deliberately represses. He soft balls his answer, comes up with something on the fly, and then only somewhat answers the question truthfully when he's less on the spot.
If that doesn't come across clearly or seem reasonable, it's likely a failing of my own conveyance rather than your understanding.
Don't get me wrong though, I still think you get a damn nice sex scene in my opinion. The boob press on the glass is a technical HS marvel and that final animation + creampie is
woo boy. It not ticking any boxes and being disappointed with it is understandable, but I would personally struggle (with complete fucking bias
) to find it
dull. At least on a visual level, I think it's one of the game's crowning jewels. If I seem overly responsive here, I guess it's because I'm very very very proud of GIL's work this update.