
Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I don't think Kathleen would be satisfied with a draw
Well, i wonder about it, because she certainly seemed satisfied with such outcome for a week, and seeing faces of all contestants as they realize all they've put up with was for naught could be something right up her sadistic alley (and at least some of the old farts in the audience as well)


New Member
Jan 2, 2024
As interesting of a plot twist as that'd be, I don't think August or Chuck, especially Chuck, would allow that. August would likely go against it because Hana wouldn't allow it. But it would get out, one way or another. Never underestimate a woman scorned.

Though I'm hoping for an ending where Kathleen gets the boot, MC gets some of Chuck's shares (maybe Kathleen's too), and there's a happy GF route with Hana and Mina.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
Even if Kat would love to say "lol nobody wins get fucked" the fact that there is considerable amounts of money floating around it means that a winner will probably happen

unless Firestarter just burns the club down before one is announced :KEK:


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
But it would get out, one way or another. Never underestimate a woman scorned.
Even if it did, do you think it'd make any real difference? The women who sign up for this contest do it out of desperation and for nothing but a mere chance to win. That they can lose in two different ways* instead of one isn't really going to stop them from trying.

*) technically, it's still one way, even -- "in four showings you have to overall do better than the others in order to get the prize". That it was both other competitors who also failed at this, instead of just one, has no impact on your personal failure to fulfill the winning condition.


New Member
Feb 10, 2021
How do you think Felicia will behave when she sees that her husband will be at the upcoming exhibition, she will lose everything she had everything, thanks to Caitlin for this, for what? I even felt sorry for her, especially if you chose the path of the "sweet boy". Edwin is sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of disgusting events, from which, it seems to me, it will be very difficult for him to get out, this concerns career goals in the first place.


Dec 22, 2020
Even if it did, do you think it'd make any real difference? The women who sign up for this contest do it out of desperation and for nothing but a mere chance to win.
I think Kathleen isn't interested in the kind of candidates she'd get if the possibility of her breaking the deal was common knowledge. The reward has to appear achievable in a manner that can entice women with something to lose, because that's the kind of playthings Kath wants. Put the payout in doubt, and all she'd get would be complete washouts.

How do you think Felicia will behave when she sees that her husband will be at the upcoming exhibition, she will lose everything she had everything, thanks to Caitlin for this, for what?
If her involvement with the club is exposed, which I kinda doubt, losing her toys will be the least of her problems. Her husband seems like the type to hold a grudge the bad way, down to lime-tanks-and-pig-farms kinda deal.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I think Kathleen isn't interested in the kind of candidates she'd get if the possibility of her breaking the deal was common knowledge.
But what exactly would be breaking the deal, here? There're clear conditions to win the prize, and they don't include "one of the contestants is guaranteed to get the prize even if there's no actual winner after 4 showings" I also don't think Kat would be heartbroken to have even more desperate people to apply for the contest. If anything, that'd maybe make it even more fun for her.

Put the payout in doubt, and all she'd get would be complete washouts.
For any individual participant their payout is already in doubt, because it hinges on their ability to beat the competition. It really makes no difference to them whether the other two competitors also failed to secure the win.

Consider roulette, or powerball or a number of other jackpot games, where someone winning a prize is also not guaranteed. Doesn't really stop people from spending money for their chance at it.

Of course, it is possible that in case of a tie there will be a tie-breaker. It's just something we don't really know, and simply presumed. But after that second week which can potentially end with no winner, that's quite an eye opener it doesn't have to be the case. That's why i asked. And why MC and/or the Carnations might be inclined to inquire about it too, in such scenario.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
If there is a tie, possibly noone wins, and certainly not everyone wins. There might have an immediate bonus game (or tie breaker) to decide the winner.

And what about if a girl won the previous 3 games? Then Kath can say the last game is the one deciding the winner, invalidating the previous ones :unsure:


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
If there is a tie, possibly noone wins, and certainly not everyone wins. There might have an immediate bonus game (or tie breaker) to decide the winner.

And what about if a girl won the previous 3 games? Then Kath can say the last game is the one deciding the winner, invalidating the previous ones :unsure:
TD certainly has to think of something. Honestly a tie is relatively easy to solve with just an extra game.

Another problem is if you play like me and "arrange" it so that Rose wins all the games, so she would be 3-0-0 up after week three, so technically with only one week left she would've already won. :unsure:


Jun 8, 2021
How do you think Felicia will behave when she sees that her husband will be at the upcoming exhibition, she will lose everything she had everything, thanks to Caitlin for this, for what? I even felt sorry for her, especially if you chose the path of the "sweet boy". Edwin is sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of disgusting events, from which, it seems to me, it will be very difficult for him to get out, this concerns career goals in the first place.
Not only will her husband be there, but Kat also bought a paiting of the artist Felicia is such a big fan of. As a felish fan I both dread and look forward to the next exhibition. I'm sure it won't fail to have the desired effect and will have maximum impact.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Not only will her husband be there, but Kat also bought a paiting of the artist Felicia is such a big fan of. As a felish fan I both dread and look forward to the next competition. I'm sure it won't fail to have the desired effect and will have maximum impact.
It kinda makes you wonder what Kat will do to other contestants to subject them to similar level of "personal hell".


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
Not only will her husband be there, but Kat also bought a paiting of the artist Felicia is such a big fan of. As a felish fan I both dread and look forward to the next exhibition. I'm sure it won't fail to have the desired effect and will have maximum impact.
Kath just was utterly annoyed by the fact that there isn't really anything on the line for Felicia, so now she'll destroy her life. And yes...I dread it as well...


Jun 8, 2021
It kinda makes you wonder what Kat will do to other contestants to subject them to similar level of "personal hell".
Like Takkatakka mentioned above, Felicia is special case with regards to her rather unique motivation to take part in the exhibition. Maybe that was the reason for her drastic measures.
As for Rosalind, Kathleen already tried pushing her buttons by mentioning her daughter in the last exhibtion. Right now I can't think of anything that tops that, but maybe spending additional time with Rosie in the next update will shed light on a new angle.
About Veronica, maybe Warren will pay a visit to her gym..


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
About Veronica, maybe Warren will pay a visit to her gym..
I'd expect something more along the lines of digging into her ex-wife. That's a pretty obvious weak point on Veronica's crab shell.

I have some doubts if Kat is limiting her attack just to Felicia, because it raises a potential question of competitors receiving unfair treatment and, consequently, favoritism -- sure, both Rose and Veronica are already in some trouble, but if Kat doesn't go the extra mile to burn their respective lives to the ground as well, she'd have trouble explaining why Felicia should be the only one to receive this level of annihilation.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
2. Disagree, where would it get around? The losers will gossip away their own fail in the local farmer's market?
The house girls would obviously know if the Club tried to weasel its way out of the Summer Exhibition deal. Sure, they won't go blabbing about that willy nilly, but they'd be a very real risk to let word slip if one of them ever felt the need to stick it to management in the future. And that's on top of the morale hit they'd take to their own trust in the Club.

Backing out of the deal just isn't worth the headache, not when it would be much quicker and easier to declare one of the Carnations the winner and pay her off.

Even if it did, do you think it'd make any real difference? The women who sign up for this contest do it out of desperation and for nothing but a mere chance to win. That they can lose in two different ways* instead of one isn't really going to stop them from trying.

*) technically, it's still one way, even -- "in four showings you have to overall do better than the others in order to get the prize". That it was both other competitors who also failed at this, instead of just one, has no impact on your personal failure to fulfill the winning condition.
Well, given that the losing Carnations are prime candidates for future house girls, yeah, I think it would make a huge difference if the Club tried to alter the deal. Not only would you run into the problems mentioned above, you'd all but kill any chance of recruiting from that year's class. Who would sign up for a nightmare job with an employer you know has a history of stiffing its workers? Even desperation can only go so far.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Well, given that the losing Carnations are prime candidates for future house girls, yeah, I think it would make a huge difference if the Club tried to alter the deal. Not only would you run into the problems mentioned above, you'd all but kill any chance of recruiting from that year's class. Who would sign up for a nightmare job with an employer you know has a history of stiffing its workers? Even desperation can only go so far.
Yeah, but again, it's not really altering the deal -- the idea of what's going to happen in case of a tie is never raised by any of the girls. They (as well as the players) make an assumption about it, but you know what that makes out of participants. As for the history of stiffing the workers, the club's very workers can be inquired about profitability and reliability of this side of business. If the club was doing dirty trick here, that'd get out quite sooner than something that could've at best happened couple times in last few years.

Plus, i don't know if recruiting from the failed Carnations is even that much a deal for the club. I mean, we'd be talking at best of 2-3 girls per year, while the club's churn rate is apparently quite higher, from what we hear about girls coming and leaving. Kat is asking Felicia's husband to supply "fresh faces" from his business for a reason.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Yeah, but again, it's not really altering the deal -- the idea of what's going to happen in case of a tie is never raised by any of the girls. They (as well as the players) make an assumption about it, but you know what that makes out of participants. As for the history of stiffing the workers, the club's very workers can be inquired about profitability and reliability of this side of business. If the club was doing dirty trick here, that'd get out quite sooner than something that could've at best happened couple times in last few years.

Plus, i don't know if recruiting from the failed Carnations is even that much a deal for the club. I mean, we'd be talking at best of 2-3 girls per year, while the club's churn rate is apparently quite higher, from what we hear about girls coming and leaving. Kat is asking Felicia's husband to supply "fresh faces" through his business for a reason.
Rules lawyering only works when there's a theoretically neutral court to arbitrate the law. In this case, when the deal is part of an illegal brothel, there's no one to appeal to. The stronger party declaring all the girls have forfeited on a previously unexplained technicality wouldn't go over very well. Again, in the long run it would be cheaper and easier to give one of the Carnations the win and keep things looking fair - even if the actual sausage making is as crooked as the local police department.

As far as hiring failed Carnations, just because they're not the only source doesn't mean they wouldn't be an important one. As you say, the churn rate is high so they'll need to find qualified girls somewhere and the ex-Carnations certainly qualify. Plus, they'll have a "shiny new toy" effect at first, now that the members would no longer be under Kat's restrictions on how the Carnations are to be treated. What happens after that would depend on each girl, but it seems like too fruitful an opportunity to ignore.

That said, Kat is clearly interested in disrupting the status quo, so maybe she would be interested in trying to play these sorts of games. But I don't see it happening as long as August is calling the shots: he's too much of a businessman to waste time and resources on such a high risk/low reward payout.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
The stronger party declaring all the girls have forfeited on a previously unexplained technicality wouldn't go over very well. Again, in the long run it would be cheaper and easier to give one of the Carnations the win and keep things looking fair - even if the actual sausage making is as crooked as the local police department.
It wouldn't go over well with... whom, exactly? Keep things looking fair for, again, whom? A random nobody who's upset over her own lack of forethought or a presumption that turned out wrong? Why would you spend money just to appease her in such case, when you can simply threaten her instead that if she doesn't keep her trap shut and any of this gets out to anyone, her current debt is going to be the least of her problems? These people are criminals who don't shy away from violence and outright murder, and who get the law on their side, to boot. You don't really think any of the girls would risk their very lives just because they'd want to vent about their bad experience?

Not to mention the very nature of such venting -- "So imagine this, i took part in a month-long Eyes Wide Shut sort of fucked up sex show for old farts, and in the end didn't get paid for it!". Yeah, definitely something you want to share with your hairdresser or other mothers in your girl's class, or friends, if you even have friends.

Keep in mind any potential Carnations didn't even know the club existed in the first place, and they're in one way or another lured in by the patrons. It's not like any new candidate a year down the road is going to go, "wait no, i saw on TikTok that this particular secret club for perverts can't be trusted to pay out" when presented with opportunity out of the blue.

As far as hiring failed Carnations, just because they're not the only source doesn't mean they wouldn't be an important one.
On this note, do we know of any such failed Carnation who is even working at the club? I don't recall any mention of even one, either former or current. I suppose you could name Lucy, but she didn't participate in the actual competition and doesn't seem to have any better status --or generate any more interest-- than the other freshly hired girl.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
It wouldn't go over well with... whom, exactly? Keep things looking fair for, again, whom? A random nobody who's upset over her own lack of forethought or a presumption that turned out wrong? Why would you spend money just to appease her in such case, when you can simply threaten her instead that if she doesn't keep her trap shut and any of this gets out to anyone, her current debt is going to be the least of her problems? These people are criminals who don't shy away from violence and outright murder, and who get the law on their side, to boot. You don't really think any of the girls would risk their very lives just because they'd want to vent about their bad experience?

Not to mention the very nature of such venting -- "So imagine this, i took part in a month-long Eyes Wide Shut sort of fucked up sex show for old farts, and in the end didn't get paid for it!". Yeah, definitely something you want to share with your hairdresser or other mothers in your girl's class, or friends, if you even have friends.

Keep in mind any potential Carnations didn't even know the club existed in the first place, and they're in one way or another lured in by the patrons. It's not like any new candidate a year down the road is going to go, "wait no, i saw on TikTok that this particular secret club for perverts can't be trusted to pay out" when presented with opportunity out of the blue.
Regardless of whether they knew of the Club before, the Carnations are here, now. If they learned that, say, Allison Smith didn't become a movie star after she won last year's competition but instead got snubbed because she didn't fill out her scorecard or something like that, do you think they're going to show up for Week 3's hijinks? Or will they decide it's no longer worth the risk and try some other desperate endeavor that seems more likely to deliver?

Like it or not, reputation is a real thing, even in a nominally secret endeavor. If it were really so easy to wash their hands of the consequences, why would the Club bother to give the winner anything at all? They've already got what they need at that point, and allegedly none of the girls has any recourse, so what's the incentive to pay up? They might as well rig every year to end in a tie. You think August is just a bleeding heart with a thing for fair play?

On this note, do we know of any such failed Carnation who is even working at the club? I don't recall any mention of even one, either former or current. I suppose you could name Lucy, but she didn't participate in the actual competition and doesn't seem to have any better status --or generate any more interest-- than the other freshly hired girl.
AFAIK none of the current house girls were former Carnations, though we don't know that much about most of them. But we know Kathleen will expect Rose to pay off the advance in a similar manner to a house girl if the MC doesn't find a better way to get money for her. Combine that with what happened to Lucy and Samson's confidence that eventually Veronica will be his once he bankrupts her and I think it's a reasonable supposition that the Club would make the offer to the losers.

It may not happen every time, but it's a possibility they'd be on the lookout for. IMHO, of course.
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