
Dec 15, 2023
I think they're referring to "Mina only girlfriend route" you've used in your post. There is no option in game (at least for now) to have Mina as your girlfriend. The only "girlfriend route" available is the one where Edwin becomes exclusive with Hana.
I guess she doesn't get specifically labeled as girlfriend, at least not yet, but it's more or less the same thing. If you get with her there are a couple of scenes you can get and the relationship will likely progress in future updates. Of course, I imagine that at some point she will find out about the club and all but that's a crisis for another time.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I guess she doesn't get specifically labeled as girlfriend, at least not yet, but it's more or less the same thing.
Not really, no. Mina explicitly doesn't want to get in relationship because she's smart enough to know that doing it right after her previous relationship crashed is bound to be nothing but bad judgement and a rebound. She recognizes she has a crush on Edwin but that's the extent of it, she seems quite determined for this arrangement to be "friends with benefits".

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if at some point she gets (casually) involved with other people, either out of curiosity or to "prove" to herself that she's got things under control, and she isn't just falling for literally first guy she met other than her first boyfriend. Even if she's kind-of stringing Edwin along with "maybe at some point down the road i'd like it to become something more".


Dec 15, 2023
Not really, no. Mina explicitly doesn't want to get in relationship because she's smart enough to know that doing it right after her previous relationship crashed is bound to be nothing but bad judgement and a rebound. She recognizes she has a crush on Edwin but that's the extent of it, she seems quite determined for this arrangement to be "friends with benefits".

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if at some point she gets (casually) involved with other people, either out of curiosity or to "prove" to herself that she's got things under control, and she isn't just falling for literally first guy she met other than her first boyfriend. Even if she's kind-of stringing Edwin along with "maybe at some point down the road i'd like it to become something more".
It will almost certainly become more...at least if the player chooses as you can distinctly choose to be lovers or push her down a more slutty route. I seriously doubt that this will amount to nothing without the player messing it up.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I seriously doubt that this will amount to nothing without the player messing it up.
Well, i'm not saying it'll amount to nothing, you could even say the FWB arrangement they have is already something and more Edwin could ever hope for. What i'm saying is that, realistically, if it even becomes a relationship then it's one that's bound to be pretty short lived, because Mina is out of Edwin's league (something they're both aware of) But then it's unlikely for the game to reach such late point, so people's fantasies are probably safe.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
My MC simply pushed back once or twice on her aggression towards him, and didn't seek all opportunities to interact with her -- did the early interview with another girl and during the gym session didn't interrupt Veronica's session with Mina. This was enough to miss out on points needed to comfort her in the shower and to be all-buddies later because surprise, surprise, Veronica is one of these blowhard wanna-be doms who is eager to step on everyone around her but absolutely cannot take what she is dishing out, and you'll either lose points with her (or not gain them) if you don't prostrate yourself before her.

So, no. Treating Veronica merely like a peer will get you nowhere because she doesn't view Edwin as a peer early on.

i mean, case in point:

* when asked to pick a girl who looks the best in uniform actually dare to pick a girl you think looks best: lose out on 2-3 points, even if you weren't "a pig about it"
* don't pick Veronica for interview: miss out on 5 points
* bring Mina to the gym: you can get at most 2-4 points with Veronica (4 if you interrupt her and Mina getting along) unless MC is a social chameleon, vs 6 if you visit alone
* actually refrain from telling Veronica you've been ogling her and from some empty flattery: miss out on couple points during the photo session.
* don't take her up on her offer to have sex: miss out on 3-4 points

But yeah, sure, those are all because "you treated Veronica like a sex toy". Or maybe it's simply because you start at 5 points with Veronica (the lowest of all, others start at 8) and need to get 17 more points with her quickly to be able to do the one gesture which determines whether Edwin becomes friends with her or not, and those points with her aren't exactly frequent to come by.
Out of curiosity i went through my playthrough to check the choices i've made re: Veronica, and this is the rundown:

... end result: 19 relationship points and 3 points short. You can now proceed to tell me how horrible and dehumanizing was the treatment Veronica suffered at the hands of my Edwin, and how it's totally justified and consistent he'd get blocked from trying to comfort her after the show.
I certainly didn't mean to cast aspersions on your playstyle, so I'm sorry if my "sex toy" comment came across as judgmental. I just meant that Veronica reacts badly to being objectified or fetishized, even if that is ultimately what she signed up for under Kathleen. That's what I meant by treating her as a peer; sure, she's accepted a demeaning job of her own volition (mostly), but there's no need to rub that in. If that sort of circumspection is what you view as "kissing up to her," then I take your point.

Looking through your choices, it does seem like you missed 3-4 points by choosing to call a spade a spade right to her face, so in that sense I guess it's arguable that failing to hit the cutoff is proper design. Looking over the points closely, however, I will say that the 3+ additional points we can get by not inviting Mina to Veronica's gym (plus a chance for yet another point in Week 2) strikes me as little too big of a swing. That choice is as much about Mina as it is about Veronica, so there should probably be 2-3 more Veronica points available on the Mina route (even if we might have to forsake Mina a bit to get them).

Something to consider for that Game Of The Year edition. (Can we preorder that now, TD?)


Dec 15, 2023
Well, i'm not saying it'll amount to nothing, you could even say the FWB arrangement they have is already something and more Edwin could ever hope for. What i'm saying is that, realistically, if it even becomes a relationship then it's one that's bound to be pretty short lived, because Mina is out of Edwin's league (something they're both aware of) But then it's unlikely for the game to reach such late point, so people's fantasies are probably safe.
Hahahaha...it's a game...no girl you have a relationship meter with is out of the MC's league. Hell, the fact the MC gets Felicia to be willing to pay for sex with him makes that exceedingly clear.


Dec 25, 2022
It's kinda why I don't like to lean on the point system too often, and instead build on other choices.
Well, that's a sad thing to hear. Personally, I like VN the most when it offers many routes and has many different point systems as a tool to guide you to a certain route. Or to have an immediate effect on the gameplay. Like toughness system which, to my surprise, doesn't have much of an impact on how Edwin speaks or behave and only has connection to a few dialog options despite how often the game gives or takes these points.

I've lowered the Veronica hug gate before, and I'm open to adjusting it again, but people always come the other direction and tell me it's reasonable. Any grumbling to the contrary is appreciated for the running tally in my head.
Do you really need to? It only makes sense for her route to have not-so-easy-to-pass type of gatekeeping as Veronica has the most antoganistic relationship with MC at the start of the game. It will also take away that rewarding feeling when you successfully manage to pass it, imo.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Well, that's a sad thing to hear. Personally, I like VN the most when it offers many routes and has many different point systems as a tool to guide you to a certain route.
I think i get TD1900's point given the mention of ORS: the generic "relationship meters" which accumulate some small decisions but determine big outcomes can feel off when you fail to clear the threshold just by couple points. ORS uses different mechanic, where decisions you make influence directly what choices you can make down the road, regarding how relationships between characters shape out. This approach makes it easier to see connections between causes and effects, and the choices you make also feel more tangible and crucial. And it doesn't mean having less routes -- if there's one thing ORS deserves recognition for is the sheer number of routes (and combinations) it covers, between MCs and the other characters.


Dec 25, 2022
Not really, no. Mina explicitly doesn't want to get in relationship because she's smart enough to know that doing it right after her previous relationship crashed is bound to be nothing but bad judgement and a rebound. She recognizes she has a crush on Edwin but that's the extent of it, she seems quite determined for this arrangement to be "friends with benefits".
Nothing really stops her and Edwin to become real girlfriend/boyfriend in future updates like Hana/Edwin can be now, right? I actually feel like what we have right now is some sort of fork and eventually we will have to choose new status of relationship. Preferably the one where Edwin and Mina like heroes of old bang every other chick in the game. Together. For Earth. For humanity


Dec 15, 2023
Is the mom really a slut or is that a lookalike? I've never decided to drop a game so fast in my life.
The MC's mom was in similar situation as the carnations when the MC was younger but she isn't anymore. None of the women at the club or that the MC is sexually involved with is his mother. There is no incest in this game...at least not yet. Hard to say what the future will bring but so far there has been no sexual inuendo between the MC and his mother and he hasn't had any sexual attraction or sexual feelings towards her.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 1, 2023
Is the mom really a slut or is that a lookalike? I've never decided to drop a game so fast in my life.
Not a whore and not a lookalike. She was as desperate and in need of financial support as those girls who are in Carnations club. She worked in the casting to pay off debts and help her son (Mc) for his future well-being and studies.

She does not do this anymore now, this story is partly what mothers have to go through to ensure the future of their children and everyone has a dark past.
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Feb 13, 2021
I wonder is Victoria is the reason some people drop the game at the start? :unsure: I'm by no means a "vanilla" guy but anything related with her never made me disgusted or have a feeling of wanting to drop the game. The way her character is handled in the story is very well done imo.

In general I hear a lot of people say this game is too extreme and I've kinda never agreed with that, the only scene I disliked and felt a bit disgusted towards was Veronica's punishment during the first exhibition, but other than that the whole game is nothing too crazy and very enjoyable, hell it's got some more wholesome scenes than many other games that try to be as vanilla as possible.


New Member
Jul 31, 2024
Maybe a stupid question but, can I just download and start with this version or are there links to Ch. 1 through Ch. 3 before I start this one?
Tried searching here but can only find Ch. 3 versions (I use Android).


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
Maybe a stupid question but, can I just download and start with this version or are there links to Ch. 1 through Ch. 3 before I start this one?
Tried searching here but can only find Ch. 3 versions (I use Android).
The version in the OP should contain every chapter. There are no separate versions for individual chapters as far as I know.

I wonder is Victoria is the reason some people drop the game at the start?
Honestly there seem to be a lot more people hoping to see more of Victoria, than there are people who might've dropped the game due to her. :HideThePain:
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Dec 15, 2023
Anyone having Save File when MC Dreaming about Grace?
Not sure if my mind in completely blanking out right now but...who is Grace? I mean there are a ton of minor and side characters like Dalia, Nicolette, Harper, Sophia, etc. etc. but the name Grace rings zero bells and her name does not come up a single time in the game's guide at all.
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