
Nov 20, 2018
Poor Vicky? Didn't you catch Donovan's interview?
The first movies that increased to gangbang with 2 men, in the last one with 3 men
and in which she was fucked to physical exhaustion, they did not scare her off, but made her so hot that she decides to voluntarily work as a poro actress.
And the end has not yet been reached, or why does Edwin suppress the last 40 minutes of the interview from his memory. He knows that she has fun with it, it
must be even worse than a gangbang.
While it's been ages since I saw clips of Vicky from those. That depends on those being the first films he did. Not later in her career.
Donny can totally film such things in a more ethical (it's the big porn biz, practically non of it is ethical. Some just less horrid) environment.
Her first films can totally have been just her and two other people. One holding the camera one fucking her. It's just that they didn't show any respect or such to her. Treating her horribly.
No fluffers, no nothing.

Those group scenes we've seen? Those could have been done with Donny's company. With people there. And her comfortable.

Just because our MC thinks that they're the ones showing her biggest sacrifices. They might not be.
Just enjoying sex on camera doesn't make Vicky bad/horrid/anything.


Nov 20, 2018
And what about the "man" from the first film who has wads of money and a gun lying around on the windowsill?
sorry for any misunderstandings, unfortunately I have to use a translation program
So, I don't remember wads of money, a gun etc lying around.
But those could just be props.

Judging from the posters from Donny's office and conference room he seems to like Porn with a Plot.
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Jan 8, 2019
While it's been ages since I saw clips of Vicky from those. That depends on those being the first films he did. Not later in her career.
Donny can totally film such things in a more ethical (it's the big porn biz, practically non of it is ethical. Some just less horrid) environment.
Her first films can totally have been just her and two other people. One holding the camera one fucking her. It's just that they didn't show any respect or such to her. Treating her horribly.
No fluffers, no nothing.

Those group scenes we've seen? Those could have been done with Donny's company. With people there. And her comfortable.

Just because our MC thinks that they're the ones showing her biggest sacrifices. They might not be.
Just enjoying sex on camera doesn't make Vicky bad/horrid/anything.
I dont say she is bad or horrid. But good idea, if I understood you correctly, all the pictures are from Donovan and we don't know any of her first 4 films? Interesting


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Guys, I know I shouldn't add fuel to the fire, but...

about Victoria: I think you might want to mull over what Edwin tells about the fact that he never met his mother's family (he tells that she had no family) and his father's family burnt bridges with them.
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Active Member
Jan 22, 2021
A thought came to me when I was reading about Gaiman's sex scandal. Edwin has a dark seed inside his soul as well, he can admit this to Mina. However, I think participating in the club activities must be very uncomfortable for a more introspective Dark Edwin.

For example, doing the humiliating interviews with the Carnations must have been everything Dark Edwin had dreamed of. With one critical exception: he's not the source of his dominance over them. He has no wealth, power, charisma or strength of his own. He only has the authority delegated to him by the club owners and Kathleen's orders. This is the difference between him and Warren, who, even though he's just an employee as well, is threatening enough to get away with something extra.

Killian has no such qualms, happily exploiting his position like a powertripping cop waving his badge around. But where can Edwin get his kicks? Dunking Harper just doesn't tickle him right if she's a just present for being a good boy. There are small things out there, like zapping Kathleen with her prod, but that's not enough. His agreement with Rosalind gets close: even though it's only possible because he's an employee, it's Edwin himself who chooses to abuse the trust of his employers.

Who else is there for him to break on his own? Grace? A very desirable option, if not for Uncle Chuck invariably going all Dominic Toretto on him. Sophia? She's too much of an enigma for me to consider this option. Hana? Not with her dad ready to supply Edwin with less-that-buoyant footwear. Mina?..


Feb 13, 2021
Why do I have this nagging feeling that Victoria is going to end up in an exhibition?
Not going to lie, comments like this ones make me wonder if some of y'all are playing the same game as me, in what universe can you imagine Victoria would end up in an exhibition? she just cried her heart out at the thought of having to tell her son that she was a porn actress.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Not going to lie, comments like this ones make me wonder if some of y'all are playing the same game as me
The answer is not. Not only, but the developer has stated that she will never be involved in any sexual activity (I don't remember hi exactly words), except for some old memories.
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Aug 24, 2024
Rosa I feel has some options for social securities, even in 3world shithole like usa. Because she has a kid and home, she has more value to society and thus more social structures that is more inclined to help her out. Ofc. she is very deserving of winning... Time will tell if Edwin getting the guy wacked might even have solved the worst of her issues, or if it's the start of new ones. Perhaps me not doing her romance ever, has me missing some parts of the puzzle, but learned a lot just by being her friend.

HOWEVER, Veronica has fuck all, but debt.
Can't really sell the gym, who will buy a debt ridden gym? At best it would be a scam and run, otherwise she would not make a profit or go even from what we know.
She is in so deep shit, she knows it's copium for an attempt to keep gym afloat for better days. No kid, no house/home, a faded sports glory, friends network who probably know that she burned the relationship for a gym (she might feel she burned the bridge, we don't know how badly) and quickly running out of hope for a dream, which is not that big compared to most. She is dangerously close to being a bum on the street with debts, less safety nets for her, less of a society feeling sorry for her. No wonder she feels like she is drowning, so yeah I'm leaning towards her.

Felicia I like on personal level, but she falls short because she is just gambling on this working out and compensates with gusto. In the end, she might have overplayed her hand.
here is a controversial take
Veronica is like the middle aged straight man of the group who is going through a very BAD midlife crisis
her wife has divorced her and she is getting remarried soon, she has no kids or friends or even pets
she was once a very successful person who enjoyed professional success now she is struggling badly and she has no one to help ,no shoulder to cry
so all she can do is do is focus more and work hard on the failing business she put too much money and effort so much so that it cost her marriage
this is classic sunk cost fallacy
she could have quit long ago ,she could have filed for bankruptcy long ago but she won't because unlike the other girls in the club just like a middle aged man going to mid life crisis
she is currently struggling with the idea of her legacy , what kind of name she would leave behind
she would rather go down with the ship even if it costs everthing in her life than file bankruptcy and tarnish the professional name she has built so far
she is getting old and she is slowly realising that she might have been a successful olympian once who was famous enough to start her own buisness and even appear on TV
but now everything she worked so hard is going down and she is far too invested in it thats why she would rather go down with her buisness than call it quits and bail
this like those old boxers who used tobe unbeatbale world champions back in their days and who were peak in their time always try to make another comeback and fight against the current world champion who is far younger than them
these old boxers think maybe they still have a chance one last victory to leave behind in their professional carrier history even though everyone knows that the chance of them succeding is very low
sure there is always a monetary aspect to it after all the lesser the chance of success you have the better the payout is if YOU win but they mostly care about is LEGACY they still want the world to know they still got it
thats why she would NEVER quit or file for bankruptcy


Aug 24, 2024
soooo...I would like to get everyone's reasoning on which Carnation that they would like to see win? My list is as follows...although Felicia is absolutely positively amazing, beautiful and magnificently sexy I'm not picking her to win because although she might have her reasons they are not good enough to make me feel sorry for her when she has everything...Veronica...although I feel very sorry for her losing her gym it just doesn't do it for could be also because she's not feminine enough for me even though she is beautiful ang built well...Rosa is the woman I want to win the contest...her daughter is all that she has, her husband was a total asshole for leaving her with that debt, she's so gentle and caring( how she waits on the MC while staying at his house) and her body is perfect to my lowly opinion Rosa is there because she has no other choice. I don't know what the developers have in mund going forward but although I adore Mina and Hana I would love the opportunity to be able to choose Rosa at the end. I would love to hear everyone elses opinions, choices and reasonings . Thanks
i am going to be EXTREMELY subjective and give my OPINIONS and these are just that

i don't want the devs or people who like the other LIs to take it in the wrong way and or feel bad

i am prefacing this rn because i don't want to be trolled/flamed on like the guy who didn't like felica

with that out of the way

my personal choice is veronica
she might come off as bitchy , abrasive and very standoffish initially but she is exactly who she says she is
she doesn't play mind games like rose does nor she weaponizes her sexuality like felicia does

lets start with her reason for being in the club the first place
she admits that her business being run down is her own fault and her stubbornness killed her marriage along with it
her circumstances are less dire than the other 2 but she is honest and upfront about it

i dislike rose because is manipulative and tries playing with the MCs head one too may times to win
is she in a BAD and DESPERATE situation ?
but she is also a very good liar and a criminal too (the latest update shows that she was a scammer!)
i am pretty convinced all the affection and love that she shows the MC is performative and even if the MC helps her win the competition risking everything to help her
i am pretty sure she will sever all links once she is done with the club

next is felicia
while i don't dislike her like rose she reminds me of the character kirk lazarus from tropic thunder
she is literally a character playing the role of a hot trophy wife she is so invested in this roleplay that she changes everything about herself to keep up with this charade from giving up her name ,accent to giving up her hobby and choosing not to EVER have kids
she is dedicated to keeping this up but i am not sure how badly it would end when all this facade collapses
but that is her biggest red flag

that would be how despite complaining about her entire life is controlled by her husband she wants to control the MC more or less the same way
she doesn't actually want a lover she is looking for someone to mold them (her own words) to be her own plaything she is just ANOTHER kathy in the making
kathy too is/was married unhappily to a rich powerful man with lots of influence in the society and soon her dark urge took over her and thats why she founded the club to play with other rich and powerful people who prey on the desperate women
felicia is looking for another minion who can help her indulge in her dark vices and help her power trip with authority if she takes over the club or even becomes a member
remember she isn't as powerless or weak like the other girls
sure she would get nothing if she divorced her hushand but she is an excellent social climber she has the looks and skills to easily find another richer sucker whom she could seduce and convince him to marry her after she divorces her husband with her role as a trophy wife to a rich man she would definitely meet all kinds of powerful men who could easily become her marks so no i don't buy her "i want to become a member of the club" just for the sake of it for one bit

FINALLY Veronica

she ain't no knight in shining armour in one of the early moments of the game she openly says that she considers the MC as nothing more than a human cockroach and had it not for her current situation she wouln't even have ever interacted with someone like the MC let alone like him

but unlike the others her good qualities and her bad qualities are one and the same
she is her own worst enemy
she wouldn't be in this situation if not for her own poor descisions
but like i said her bad qualities are good too
for example she is single minded and stubborn so much so that for the sake of her buisness she lost everthing else but it was the same singlemindedness and stubborness which help her become an olympian and become great athlete
she just needs some good honest figure to help her through her dark times
and unlike the other girls she actually makes an effort to get to know the MC once she gets past the initial phase of treating the MC like a creepy minion of kathy
she wants an honest heart to heart to know and feel the true intentions of the MC
she actually wanted to know what dreams and aspirations of the MC are (other than hana she is the only other person to ask why MC wants to be a doctor) and when the MC and veronica dance she doesn't care if the MC is good or bad she doesn't care that she is dancing in a gay bar with someone she barely knows and called him a cockroach just a weeks ago
she just vibes with it as long as she has a good feeling about the other person no manipulation no mind games no using her bisexuality as a weapon to "entrap" the MC
thats why despite her teasing jokingly about how the MC doesn't truly have any feelings for her and he just wants to "conquer" her before the events end
she doesn't regret her actions nor blames the MC for taking advantage of her when she was drunk
she is as flawed and perverted as the MC too
veronica may or maynot end up falling in love with the MC by the end of the game but there is no reason to doubt her intentions or suspect ulterior motives and even if she looses the event i am pretty sure unlike the other girls she won't just discard the MC or blame him for loosing
someone like her is strong enough to face such a defeat with grace and honest enough to not to blame it on others

and if you don't like anything i wrote don't take it the wrong way personally or accuse me of projecting negativity towards your favourite characters


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
she ain't no knight in shining armour in one of the early moments of the game she openly says that she considers the MC as nothing more than a human cockroach and had it not for her current situation she wouln't even have ever interacted with someone like the MC let alone like him
That ain't Veronica. That's Grace. Ian's mother.

She's willing for other people to use their clout to get her son on the right track. Good idea, terrible execution. Then it becomes a terrible idea.

kathy too is/was married unhappily to a rich powerful man with lots of influence in the society and soon her dark urge took over her and thats why she founded the club to play with other rich and powerful people who prey on the desperate women
felicia is looking for another minion who can help her indulge in her dark vices and help her power trip with authority if she takes over the club or even becomes a member
Nonono... Kathy has ALWAYS been this way. She has a strong dark heart to dark heart with Edwin which points out that that she learned how to be manipulative and ensure her sadistic kink got fed while watching the results of said manipulation.

And her husband is a judge and pretty forgetful so she takes that all the way to the bank.

With regards to Felicia, remember the scene in the car. She's willing to be a sugar momma for Edwin because of their connection. She's used to someone wanting something out of an exchange for benefit to both parties. But you can change that around. In Felicia's world, she's used to closing off except with close friends like Mina so indulgences are not the factor here. Felicia knows what she wants and aims to get it so she's goal oriented while enjoying the scenery as she does so. The big thing is that she is willing to swerve and maneuver in order to get it.

Overall, not a bad write up. Just a few fixes and remembering the details of the characters and it's pretty good.


Sep 18, 2023
i don't want the devs or people who like the other LIs to take it in the wrong way and or feel bad

i am prefacing this rn because i don't want to be trolled/flamed on like the guy who didn't like felica

and if you don't like anything i wrote don't take it the wrong way personally or accuse me of projecting negativity towards your favourite characters
I'm sure no one will "troll/flame" you for your choice of Veronica, it's not that kind of thread :coffee:

With that guy who made hasty conclusions about Felicia after only playing half of the current content and clearly has no intention of changing them no matter what and also asking questions that only the writer can answer at the moment - it's a completely different situation :ROFLMAO:


Aug 24, 2024
That ain't Veronica. That's Grace. Ian's mother.

She's willing for other people to use their clout to get her son on the right track. Good idea, terrible execution. Then it becomes a terrible idea.

Nonono... Kathy has ALWAYS been this way. She has a strong dark heart to dark heart with Edwin which points out that that she learned how to be manipulative and ensure her sadistic kink got fed while watching the results of said manipulation.

And her husband is a judge and pretty forgetful so she takes that all the way to the bank.

With regards to Felicia, remember the scene in the car. She's willing to be a sugar momma for Edwin because of their connection. She's used to someone wanting something out of an exchange for benefit to both parties. But you can change that around. In Felicia's world, she's used to closing off except with close friends like Mina so indulgences are not the factor here. Felicia knows what she wants and aims to get it so she's goal oriented while enjoying the scenery as she does so. The big thing is that she is willing to swerve and maneuver in order to get it.

Overall, not a bad write up. Just a few fixes and remembering the details of the characters and it's pretty good.
thank you for reading my entire rant
i yeah i agree you regarding grace but Veroncia does literally call the MC a cockroach in the early game

i think might need to replay the game again because i don't remember kathys backstory
i am however still unconvinced about felicia and her reason for being in the club something about her doesn't make sense or the narrative she is selling

I'm sure no one will "troll/flame" you for your choice of Veronica, it's not that kind of thread :coffee:

With that guy who made hasty conclusions about Felicia after only playing half of the current content and clearly has no intention of changing them no matter what and also asking questions that only the writer can answer at the moment - it's a completely different situation :ROFLMAO:
better safe than sry
;) i have seen how worked up people here get over minor character like sophie and i don't want to end up creating an online feud with people here or the devs



Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
Not going to lie, comments like this ones make me wonder if some of y'all are playing the same game as me, in what universe can you imagine Victoria would end up in an exhibition? she just cried her heart out at the thought of having to tell her son that she was a porn actress.
It's the "i just wanna see Edwin's mom getting railed for real, man" universe. Who cares about justification, just make it happen. :whistle::coffee:


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
here is a controversial take
Veronica is like the middle aged straight man of the group who is going through a very BAD midlife crisis
her wife has divorced her and she is getting remarried soon, she has no kids or friends or even pets
she was once a very successful person who enjoyed professional success now she is struggling badly and she has no one to help ,no shoulder to cry
so all she can do is do is focus more and work hard on the failing business she put too much money and effort so much so that it cost her marriage
this is classic sunk cost fallacy
she could have quit long ago ,she could have filed for bankruptcy long ago but she won't because unlike the other girls in the club just like a middle aged man going to mid life crisis
she is currently struggling with the idea of her legacy , what kind of name she would leave behind
she would rather go down with the ship even if it costs everthing in her life than file bankruptcy and tarnish the professional name she has built so far
she is getting old and she is slowly realising that she might have been a successful olympian once who was famous enough to start her own buisness and even appear on TV
but now everything she worked so hard is going down and she is far too invested in it thats why she would rather go down with her buisness than call it quits and bail
this like those old boxers who used tobe unbeatbale world champions back in their days and who were peak in their time always try to make another comeback and fight against the current world champion who is far younger than them
these old boxers think maybe they still have a chance one last victory to leave behind in their professional carrier history even though everyone knows that the chance of them succeding is very low
sure there is always a monetary aspect to it after all the lesser the chance of success you have the better the payout is if YOU win but they mostly care about is LEGACY they still want the world to know they still got it
thats why she would NEVER quit or file for bankruptcy
Is this a poem? blank verses? :unsure:
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