soooo...I would like to get everyone's reasoning on which Carnation that they would like to see win? My list is as follows...although Felicia is absolutely positively amazing, beautiful and magnificently sexy I'm not picking her to win because although she might have her reasons they are not good enough to make me feel sorry for her when she has everything...Veronica...although I feel very sorry for her losing her gym it just doesn't do it for could be also because she's not feminine enough for me even though she is beautiful ang built well...Rosa is the woman I want to win the contest...her daughter is all that she has, her husband was a total asshole for leaving her with that debt, she's so gentle and caring( how she waits on the MC while staying at his house) and her body is perfect to my lowly opinion Rosa is there because she has no other choice. I don't know what the developers have in mund going forward but although I adore Mina and Hana I would love the opportunity to be able to choose Rosa at the end. I would love to hear everyone elses opinions, choices and reasonings . Thanks
Rosa I feel has some options for social securities, even in 3world shithole like usa. Because she has a kid and home, she has more value to society and thus more social structures that is more inclined to help her out. Ofc. she is very deserving of winning... Time will tell if Edwin getting the guy wacked might even have solved the worst of her issues, or if it's the start of new ones. Perhaps me not doing her romance ever, has me missing some parts of the puzzle, but learned a lot just by being her friend.
HOWEVER, Veronica has fuck all, but debt.
Can't really sell the gym, who will buy a debt ridden gym? At best it would be a scam and run, otherwise she would not make a profit or go even from what we know.
She is in so deep shit, she knows it's copium for an attempt to keep gym afloat for better days. No kid, no house/home, a faded sports glory, friends network who probably know that she burned the relationship for a gym (she might feel she burned the bridge, we don't know how badly) and quickly running out of hope for a dream, which is not that big compared to most. She is dangerously close to being a bum on the street with debts, less safety nets for her, less of a society feeling sorry for her. No wonder she feels like she is drowning, so yeah I'm leaning towards her.
Felicia I like on personal level, but she falls short because she is just gambling on this working out and compensates with gusto. In the end, she might have overplayed her hand.