The balancing of this game is pretty bad. The point systems are waaaaaaaaaaay too steep, to the point you have to accept almost every corruption option in order to get content later; to get a lesbian scene (around halfway through I'm guessing, but I don't know, I quit after) you pretty much have to have the girl bang every man she meets. Which not only makes no sense but it turns the game into a linear, choiceless novel where you play a game of "See Blue? Click Blue".
Even worse is that a lot of times turning down the option actually *reduces* your point total, so after you turn down a few options in the early/mid game, you get locked into a cycle where you *can't* choose the blue options (like the lesbian scene), and it *still* takes points away, creating a vicious cycle.
The writing isn't bad, although as with so many others the game suffers from the usual tropes of 80% of the guys being fat, old, jerks, or black (seriously, why always the same four tropes in anything vaguely NTR?) for the sake of fetishes. The graphics are pretty good, the overall story is a bit dumb (too many forced scenes to create drama) but tolerable. It'd be at least a solid 4/5, but the overuse of ugly men and fetishes takes it to a 3/5, and the poor balancing and unavoidable scenes bump it to a 2/5. Of all games, a game like this cannot be balanced around "See all content, or see *no* content".