VN Unity Abandoned Paradise Island [v1.0.A] [La Vipère Perverse]

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2017
Boring and predictable, try better. Normally adjusted player seeks in a game something different from RL.

Like I said; For a Beta, being the focus of their abusers attention in a fantasy is better than a lived reality in which they are invisible, overlooked and ignored. Yup, needy betas fantasize about being taunted by their wives, cucked and dominant woman kicking their ass. Beta's love being punked because that means they are not ignored _
The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. In RL no one cares
Aug 16, 2017
'Hopefully' I am not alone? so....the four beautiful women MIGHT be there? is there a magic lamp then? or is there some weird variable that causes a random possibility of up to four women to survive the crash with you?

judging from this :D


Sep 28, 2017
Like I said; For a Beta, being the focus of their abusers attention in a fantasy is better than a lived reality in which they are invisible,
This "beta" stuff is kind of bullshit, though. There are no alphas, and there are no betas, there are just people with different mindsets. Yes, lots of people think huge assholes are "alphas" but primarily they're just huge assholes. There are many different types of strength. Arguably a mild-mannered guy who takes care of his family and his kids and his house has more strength than some asshole on a motorcycle who likes to hurt people.

As for sex, submissive men are often submissive sexually only. In real life, they can be men of power and position; they just enjoy giving up all that control and being controlled for a while. And that's fine too.
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Jun 19, 2017
BTW it reminds me the game Seduce ME with the camera system,in any case it's something different from the usual,looking for more;)


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
This "beta" stuff is kind of bullshit, though.
It's not, it's just not that simple as this dude said. It's primal hierachy of animal kingdom, so it applies to humans also. Alpha are basically leaders of groups, betas are followers and omega are bullied outsiders. Hierachy is constantly changing tho, in our era even some omega nerd become alphas on their own right.
So it's not predetermined completly, but obviously people have predispositons for being one or another.
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Jan 10, 2018
Like I said; For a Beta, being the focus of their abusers attention in a fantasy is better than a lived reality in which they are invisible, overlooked and ignored. Yup, needy betas fantasize about being taunted by their wives, cucked and dominant woman kicking their ass. Beta's love being punked because that means they are not ignored _
The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. In RL no one cares
Someone lives in imaginary world. In reality 90% of all males are ‘betas’ and only 10% or even less are ‘alphas’ having political, economical, intellectual, (physical in more primitive social groups) power. And these majority betas fantasize about being dominant harem kings. You are completely WRONG – losers fantasize about winning. PERIOD. That’s why over 90% of content in erogames with male protagonist is about MC being the smartest badass with a huge dick.

Though, I agree with , all that alfa-beta-omega terminology is complete bullshit when speaking about human being, all is much more complicated. As said, hierarchy positions are shifting especially in hominidae family. Today the same individual can have many different social statuses and play many different social roles, in one case he is a boss, in another – subordinate. Not only matters that social positioning doesn’t obligatory determines sexual positioning, More over – even in one individual sexual behavior can vary with different partners.

Anyways, this game has some potential, hope it want be abandoned as army of others.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
How this pile of utter shit can be 4.71 Gb is beyond me.
No mouse controls, no movement of any kind (just camera rotation), pathetic story/conversation options.

And look, this guy already starting to milk on Patreon.

Is he for real?
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 3, 2017
wow never seen so crappy renders before and the controls damn they are useless

the 360pictures in the game is 50megabyte each


Active Member
Nov 20, 2017
oh come on again? again such a damn crap loser? the treat like a piece of dirt can be commanded what he has to do to the other? the insulting and insulting the mc he is looking for clothes ensures that all are said to be saved and then that ?? and then befiihlt him to eat and get a shelter? WTF?

should the damned wives do it themselves and the mc is only looking for something to eat and builds only for himself a naughty if they have such a damn big mouth then they should take care of themselves damn but again such a drecks loser who has no balls and can be beaten even fuck this game really

I can not see something like that again and again such dirt loose mc it is enough slowly in the rl I leave so I do not treat (that would be the last) and then this not existing control or rather just camera movement is so annoying so much better with the mouse and especially the way too slow

oh I almost forgot the text and the background annoying also totral barely to read I find crappy font and then gray on gray how can you make such a damn crap?


New Member
Oct 27, 2017
Game would be so much better if the moving options were mapped in a way to make sense. Would making up be up and down be down and left be left be such a bad thing? Or even invert them! Not a fan, but it would at least make sense! But nope, they decided on up-left (Q) is pan left and down-left (Z) is up and center (S) is...look down and center-right (D) is look....I don''t remember, look left or right doesn't matter it's something stupid that doesn't make sense. What the fuck, who decided to map the buttons like that? I don't think I can ever get used to that.
The key mapping is strange indeed. Luckily you can change this in the options menu.


Sep 28, 2017
There's no such thing as a human alpha or beta. That's not how human groups function. But it's completely irrelevant for this discussion I suppose, which boils down to "an interesting premise, completely fucked up due to game mechanics and even story choices".
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New Member
Oct 4, 2017
Title feels incredibly misleading if not some kind of inside joke as the game seems to be less about a weak willed MC getting with woman on an deserted island and more about how shit some people can be personality wise. I mean what kind of shitbag of a person would actually go and say that they're annoyed at a woman not waking up after a shared plane clash and subsequently winding up on a deserted island. Only then to follow said sentiment with a "should i punch her in the face to wake her".

I get that it's a work of fiction but come on, how is this in anyway helpful for your game?


Nov 29, 2017
Very tiring game play! After one hour of gameplay I have so little progress (just gove clothes to girls) It's a pitty!! I prefer more simple interface without 360' view. Just simple pics with choice as 99% of games. All arround view is heavy and useless! I give up...
1.00 star(s) 1 Vote