OK, I've been running around for like an hour until the game itself gave up and crashed, so I decided to seek some halp.
Three questions:
1. I got the parasite sample from the main lab and... where am I supposed to go now? The passage in the left part of the main lab is locked and considering there's a level there I'm supposed to open that particular door from the other side, but I haven't found a way in. (Though now that I wrote it, I do remember a hint about a thin wall that led to the sewer, so that's probably where I should go, but correct me if I'm right.)
2. Also the "broken" elevator in the next area after that ridiculously tough slime boss. Can't open that one either. Clue for that one too?
3. Actually, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but I've been running around for so long confused that I couldn't even trace my steps back to the main lab, where was the entrance again?
Edit ad1.: Nope, nothing in the sewer, except for the dev test room.
Three questions:
1. I got the parasite sample from the main lab and... where am I supposed to go now? The passage in the left part of the main lab is locked and considering there's a level there I'm supposed to open that particular door from the other side, but I haven't found a way in. (Though now that I wrote it, I do remember a hint about a thin wall that led to the sewer, so that's probably where I should go, but correct me if I'm right.)
2. Also the "broken" elevator in the next area after that ridiculously tough slime boss. Can't open that one either. Clue for that one too?
3. Actually, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but I've been running around for so long confused that I couldn't even trace my steps back to the main lab, where was the entrance again?
Edit ad1.: Nope, nothing in the sewer, except for the dev test room.
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