mk40 How is the new patch and merging going? I am looking at doing some modding and I am reviewing the unmerged differences between the jerglekakan and your own mods with a view to getting a stable basis to build on. For example most of your changes in gml_Object_ob_player_Other_7 have not yet been added into the v6 mod. I haven't double checked the merging of the Embedded Textures yet.
I have a crack at merging what I can see over the weekend if it would help (and not muddy the waters)? I would take your 0.1/0.2 changes and merge them into the v6 since jerglekakan has added a lot of files and objects which make it less practical to go the other way IMO. And make it available so that you could add your 0.3 mod on top.
Also I am thinking it might be a good idea to, at this point to create a blank Embedded Texture reserved for your own use so that others (me) can create and start using our own sprite sheets without conflict.
* Not trying to nag you here.