
Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
All in all going for a dedicated animal farm and haveing Beth tasking the peasant with bringing in something unique to set off seems the easier and better way for me.
Maybe have the old Farmer jump the spoon and the MC buys the old Farm from the relatives.... since he already owns the majority of his fields he can just convert the farm into a dedicated animal farm and use the old stable as storehouse for the Farm tools and harvest.
Maybe have the Farm in terrible shape so the MC needs to fix some parts while also remoddelling it for it's future purpose... there is a carpenter in town and the farm already has a sizeable barn that can turn into a large scale stable, and the house can be remoddeled to host the MCs new family

If Tink does add the Beast farm I can think of a few rare or annoying ingredients that we could get from beast girls.

•Cow Girl- cow milk
•Harpy- harpy eggs
•Bee Girl- honey
•Alraune (plant girl)- cave flower nectar

Would make life easier lol


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Hay guys I was scrolling through the a MEGA link & I can across this image. How do u get it? I have gone to see her at the lake multiple times & I have never seen this scen?

•I've announced myself on first meeting.
•I've hidden on first meeting, but she just throws her brush at my head.
•I have decided not to use Phallus G which just has her berate the size of MC's dick.
•I tried pulling out with Enhanced Fertility.

I dont understand how u get this scene?
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
What I ment is, do some jobs & then after that she will give birth to the child. Like how you have to complete certain tasks for Erevi & Frida before they give birth. I mean u kill the rats & Erevi isnt even showing. Then I completed the boar hunt the same day I got the quest & she looked like she had been pregnant for 4-5 months roughly so it would be like do these 2 or 3 jobs & oh shit where the baby bump come from? Lol.
Erevi's pregnancy is a special case as the child grows faster than avarage from the moment of blessed conception
Not unless there like the BatBreeder. Let's say like the BatBreeder the Cow Girl is semi-inteligent, anthropamorphic beast that has enough cognitive function to form affection but is low enough Inteligence to be seen by humans as an animal. In a way we originaly enslaved the BatBreeder as our "pet" but she eventualy grows affection for her master. Venomina is treated differently because she is an intellectually sentient being.
The Cow Girl in general displayed in this genre is fully sentinel though.
Both venomina and the Batbreeder are looked at with hostility by the humans, even the cow girl might be watched worriedly, have her semi intelligent and this would certainly lead to trouble if she is kept in town... it might be an option if the animal farm is placed somewhere in the northern woods though
Also if she was fully sentinel she could work on those 4 fields north of the Players house, which could mean auto planting of all 4 crops all the time... maybe also make her harvest the stuff and store it in the old stable/new barn so the MC can either pick it up or have it sold for Gold in certain intervalls
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Engaged Member
Oct 4, 2017
Erevi's pregnancy is a special case as the child grows faster than avarage from the moment of blessed conception

The Cow Girl in general displayed in this genre is fully sentinel though.
Both venomina and the Batbreeder are looked at with hostility by the humans, even the cow girl might be watched worriedly, have her semi intelligent and this would certainly lead to trouble if she is kept in town... it might be an option if the animal farm is placed somewhere in the northern woods though
Also if she was fully sentinel she could work on those 4 fields north of the Players house, which could mean auto planting of all 4 crops all the time... maybe also make her harvest the stuff and store it in the old stable/new barn so the MC can either pick it up or have it sold for Gold in certain intervalls
I really hope that cow girl gonna have massive breasts and big udders


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Erevi's pregnancy is a special case as the child grows faster than avarage from the moment of blessed conception
True but then she wont give birth until AFTER the Restore The Temple Quest. Same with Frida, she goes from barley showing to a full belly once you finish her farm, also she will not birth her kid until AFTER you finish Waystones Part-2. My point is that the 1st child born to a woman has stipulations & requirements for there development & birth.

The Cow Girl in general displayed in this genre is fully sentinel though.
Both venomina and the Batbreeder are looked at with hostility by the humans, even the cow girl might be watched worriedly, have her semi intelligent and this would certainly lead to trouble if she is kept in town... it might be an option if the animal farm is placed somewhere in the northern woods though
Also if she was fully sentinel she could work on those 4 fields north of the Players house, which could mean auto planting of all 4 crops all the time... maybe also make her harvest the stuff and store it in the old stable/new barn so the MC can either pick it up or have it sold for Gold in certain intervalls
Well Bat Creatures are rare & isolated carnivores & Venomina is a magically created species of were-spider so not many (if anyone) would know about them. You say that a Cow Girl that has the BatBreeders satience would automatically be feared but if she inst very imposing, has a calm & docile demeanor, & shows herself to be useful then the townsfolk may be a bit more lenient with her, especially if the MC is mayor or shown themselves to be helpful by this point. I do like you're idea of the Cow Girl assisting with the feilds. Also about the full satience of Cow Girls, I geuss in the monster girl genre yes they are full sentient beings but i feel like her being more a beast then race would fit better with the world, I feel like Beth might have a problem with keeping a fully talking, thinking sentient being.

I really hope that cow girl gonna have massive breasts and big udders
TBH I dont see the point in the Cow Girl having BOTH breasts & udders, as they share the same function, produce milk... I feel like she would ether just have large breasts or be flat chested with udders.

I am basing this purely on biological knowledge, I'm not saying I cant, shouldn't & wont happen.
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
estore The Temple Quest. Same with Frida, she goes from barley showing to a full belly once you finish her farm, also she will not birth her kid until AFTER you finish Waystones Part-2. My point is that the 1st child born to a woman has stipulations & requirements for there development & birth.
That depends on the women and how they are tied into the story though... also how far advanced her story is... for example there are no special requirements for pregnancy and birth for the vampires, now that their story is this advanced.
Mia, Victoria and Alice also had a rather normal pregnancy duration, from the look of it same will go for Rosy.
Tinkerer tied some pregnancy's towards story progression or at minimum certain Quests with some of the girls in the beginning, but lately he avoided this in order to give this whole thing a more realistic feeling it seems... well certain story Characters like Zivah will likely still have a rather unnatural Pregnancy by default/requirement for the story I suppose
Well Bat Creatures are rare & isolated carnivores & Venomina is a magically created species of were-spider so not many (if anyone) would know about them. You say that a Cow Girl that has the BatBreeders satience would automatically be feared but if she inst very imposing, has a calm & docile demeanor, & shows herself to be useful then the townsfolk may be a bit more lenient with her, especially if the MC is mayor or shown themselves to be helpful by this point. I do like you're idea of the Cow Girl assisting with the feilds. Also about the full satience of Cow Girls, I geuss in the monster girl genre yes they are full sentient beings but i feel like her being more a beast then race would fit better with the world, I feel like Beth might have a problem with keeping a fully talking, thinking sentient being.
Humans ALWAYS fear differences... sometimes it's clearly displayed physical differences... sometimes mentally based once... a combination of both tends to get masses mobilized, even if the beings in question are completly harmless... takeing an example from literature, Frankenstein's Monster would come to mind.
The Cow Girl could still be from a wilder or more beastial culture, hencefor influencing her behaviour makeing her act in strange manners from time to time frome the view of a human. Maybe even speak a bit different like calling you "Moooster" instead of Master and stuff
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
That depends on the women and how they are tied into the story though... also how far advanced her story is... for example there are no special requirements for pregnancy and birth for the vampires, now that their story is this advanced.
Mia, Victoria and Alice also had a rather normal pregnancy duration, from the look of it same will go for Rosy.
Tinkerer tied some pregnancy's towards story progression or at minimum certain Quests with some of the girls in the beginning, but lately he avoided this in order to give this whole thing a more realistic feeling it seems... well certain story Characters like Zivah will likely still have a rather unnatural Pregnancy by default/requirement for the story I suppose
Ok some pregnancies might not have the same requirements but some females just cant get pregnant until passing a certain point.
•Mia- MC must buy her red ridinghood costume.
•Vampires- MC must defeat the Master.
•Gwynneth- MC needs to win the election.
•Alice- Can only be knocked up during Wedding Wrecker.

These are still quest based limiters for when pregnancy can happen.

Humans ALWAYS fear differences... sometimes it's clearly displayed physical differences... sometimes mentally based once... a combination of both tends to get masses mobilized, even if the beings in question are completly harmless... takeing an example from literature, Frankenstein's Monster would come to mind.
The Cow Girl could still be from a wilder or more beastial culture, hencefor influencing her behaviour makeing her act in strange manners from time to time frome the view of a human. Maybe even speak a bit different like calling you "Moooster" instead of Master and stuff
True we do always fear different things (even each other) but we also have the mindset of is that different thing useful?, is it cute?, can I train it?, can I fuck it? (Not always all those things lol). We are less lucky to freak out at something he can kinda understand over something we cant.

Goblins & ogres are aggressive barley human-like monsters that should be killed. Spiders are freaky as all f***! Demons are evil entities from another plane of existence. Dragons are giant, fire breathing lizards ect... but notice that we kinda get along with Elves, Dwarves & Halflings in most settings (theres still racial tensions but no more then we Modern day humans).

I feel like humans could begrudgingly come to tolerate a anthro-cow because we understand cows, how much different can this semi-inteligent bovine be? Can it make milk? Yes. Can it do labour? Yes. And in the case of MC (&most other horny men) is it just human enough that I can f*** it without being called a zoophile? Mabey...

Just saying compared to half the threats that are lurking around Weirdwood this is the least scary thing they will probably see lol (who's to say they have to know about her. If we drop the working the fields part then MC sneaks her into town & she is kept a hidden secret)


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
•Vampires- MC must defeat the Master.
Zsofia can get pregnant once you give her the red outfit in the cemetery
•Gwynneth- MC needs to win the election.
Gwyneth won't let you get a chance to impregnate her before that... so not really a point from my point of view?
•Alice- Can only be knocked up during Wedding Wrecker.
Again she won't let you impregnate her before.
Pretty much these Events are required to reach a point in the relationship that the girls like the MC enough to let him become the fathers of their children... in that regard you also need to bring Rosy the key in order to let you fuck her.
True we do always fear different things (even each other) but we also have the mindset of is that different thing useful?, is it cute?, can I train it?, can I fuck it? (Not always all those things lol). We are less lucky to freak out at something he can kinda understand over something we cant.
Witches are human and can be quiet lookers... their magic is useful in many ways... they still have been persecuted and exterminated when ever possible, even in Peasant's Quest
And in the case of MC (&most other horny men) is it just human enough that I can f*** it without being called a zoophile? Mabey...
Meh who cares about that... the MC admitted to have lost his virginity to the genitals of a sheep dureing the start of the game :devilish:
Just saying compared to half the threats that are lurking around Weirdwood this is the least scary thing they will probably see lol (who's to say they have to know about her. If we drop the working the fields part then MC sneaks her into town & she is kept a hidden secret)
But is she so little a threat?
If anything she might become threat to some marriages ;)
Cow Girls are related to Minotaurs, but their mindset is that of a Pacifist... they'd still defend themselfes violently if pushed into a corner.
Point is there will always be enough tension that some if not most people of that "small gathering of Houses" might start to rebell against the MC or simply push that cow girl out if they can't relate to her enough and consider her another sentinent being like a dwarf, halfling or elf
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Zsofia can get pregnant once you give her the red outfit in the cemetery

Gwyneth won't let you get a chance to impregnate her before that... so not really a point from my point of view?

Again she won't let you impregnate her before.
Pretty much these Events are required to reach a point in the relationship that the girls like the MC enough to let him become the fathers of their children... in that regard you also need to bring Rosy the key in order to let you fuck her.

Witches are human and can be quiet lookers... their magic is useful in many ways... they still have been persecuted and exterminated when ever possible, even in Peasant's Quest

Meh who cares about that... the MC admitted to have lost his virginity to the genitals of a sheep dureing the start of the game :devilish:
You can cum inside both Gwynneth & Alice very early on, they even berate u for it. The pregnancy plot armour comes from there contraceptives but that breaks down once it's time we CAN impregnate them. It's still the same contraceptives there using we just how have a chance to knock them up. If u use Cheat Mode u can use Enhanced Fertility way before it is introduced & still nothing. I tested the Zsofia thing, even if I do knock her up before killing the Master she wont show or announce it until AFTER that & then she wont birth gargoyle until 20 days later.

Witches & Cow Girl
True but many witches use there magic in selfish or even vindictive ways which is why people fear them. That is fear of a magical b**** who can cast spells on u. I understand what u mean but as I said if Tink feels the town will freak at the sight then sneak her into the barn for now & figure out the beast farm later.

Just because the MC has did the nasty with a sheep it would still be something that most civilised folk (even in medieval times) would have questioned as at best weird & at worst disgust. Most towns/cityfolk had issues with having sex with livestock even back then lol (DONT PUT YOURE D*** IN THAT! WE WERE GONNA EAT IT!)


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Just because the MC has did the nasty with a sheep it would still be something that most civilised folk (even in medieval times) would have questioned as at best weird & at worst disgust. Most towns/cityfolk had issues with having sex with livestock even back then lol (DONT PUT YOURE D*** IN THAT! WE WERE GONNA EAT IT!)
It's actually a running Gag that country folks have a rather unhealthy attraction towards their livestocks, which Tinkerer once again utilized to put in a pun on costs of others :devilish:
It was likely either makeing a pun like that or makeing one about inbreeding... but with Patreon politics in view I think that one was eliminated early on
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Active Member
Oct 1, 2016
How far along with the main storyline (i.e. Zivah, Victoria and Erevi) are you?
Any unsolved quests?
Any girls you haven't impregnated yet?

Lains Mod is heavily outdated and is supposed to be abondened... just focus on the main game... worst case scenario useing the mod fucked your save
Main storyline seems done, i have no more quest for it, i still have the cemetery quest to investigate that is not marked as completed, all girls are pregnant


Active Member
Sep 19, 2020
I'm liking the idea of Tinkerer adding a minotaur as 1 of the monstergirl collection to his game but will requiring her be similar to capturing a bat lady or striking a deal with her upon meeting?


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
It's actually a running Gag that country folks have a rather unhealthy attraction towards their livestocks, which Tinkerer once again utilized to put in a pun on costs of others :devilish:
It was likely either makeing a pun like that or makeing one about inbreeding... but with Patreon politics in view I think that one was eliminated early on
I'm aware lol. I'm English & we call our welsh neighbors "sheep shaggers"...

Also the MC was a horny, lonely farm boy who took an oppertunity lol. Notice how Beth was desperate for u not to tell people she f***s a horse. Because not everyone will be ok with that. In the same manner as humans fear different things, we also force others to live how we think they should.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
I'm liking the idea of Tinkerer adding a minotaur as 1 of the monstergirl collection to his game but will requiring her be similar to capturing a bat lady or striking a deal with her upon meeting?
We r not sure. Geuss it depends on the level of her inteligence.


Sep 30, 2017
It would appear that Tink associates breast size with age &/or experience within the females in this game. With exceptions of course. One of the reasons I like this game is the fact that the breats might be large but there not over exaggerated like I have seen in other games. But heres a list of itty bitty titties for ya.

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•Maghda (ogress)
•(BatBreeder)- bat girl
•Venomina (spider girl)
•Vixenatrix (dragon)
Thank you for the response! Definitely trying it out
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Alot of folks often crop up to complain about Frida's affection not rising. Just a heads up it lowers everytime u sleep in her bed while unwelcome. If u want to raise affection DONT sleep in her bed until she is having sex with u.

This will most likely get lost/ignored lol


Jan 21, 2020
Main storyline seems done, i have no more quest for it, i still have the cemetery quest to investigate that is not marked as completed, all girls are pregnant
yeah i had the same problem in the current playthrough that i couldn't finish the cemetery quest since the major was dead. however with the vampire update it is possible to finish still it when you talk to victoria instead.
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Active Member
Sep 19, 2020
It would appear that Tink associates breast size with age &/or experience within the females in this game. With exceptions of course. One of the reasons I like this game is the fact that the breats might be large but there not over exaggerated like I have seen in other games. But heres a list of itty bitty titties for ya.

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•Maghda (ogress)
•(BatBreeder)- bat girl
•Venomina (spider girl)
•Vixenatrix (dragon)
For a lady classified under the small boobs category, Mia's seems quite big in comparison to her size & I can say the same thing about Liandra when she's pregnant. Another thing is there are different reasons why the 3 vampires will fuck with you in bed:

Zsofia - She's extremely horny.

Reanna - She'll do it with fee in the form of a human or something closely related.

Adaobi - She wants kids.
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