
Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
From your reaction, I can tell a few things.
Sure you can, but there accuracy is yet to be verified

First, you never saw the last episode of Seinfeld. The quick breakdown is that Jerry and the crew are flying from New York to LA for a meeting but the plane has to make an emergency landing. While waiting, they go into town and witness a crime. They get arrested because they didn't stop the crime, and the remainder of the episode is a trial in which all of their shady shit gets brought back up and used as evidence against them for how horrible they are. They get sentenced to one year in prison for essentially being douchebags.
OK, your douchebag comment makes more sense now. still no idea why you think it is relevant to the subject at hand.

Second, anyone who disagrees with you is wrong,
The first smart thing you have said, still wrong though, I'm as flawed as the next individual, biased by my experiences and hampered by my emotions. I have been wrong many times in my life, I do tend reduce the odds of this happening by applying thought and reason to much of what I do, perhaps you should try it?

and nothing they say will change your mind.
You really suck at reading minds, you have made little attempt to persuade me of your point beyond making a few definitive statements, and now you are whining that nobody can change my mind!!!

I will not respond to any more replies from you going forward if you continue to act like this.
OK? so in other words you're going to pout? why even say this?

Finally, you like to automatically assume you know more than anyone else,
Mindreading again!!

even and especially the artist behind the story.
To be honest I was almost going to argue this,
  1. Because your post is so antagonistic,
  2. Because most of these Devs aren't artists
This one though I think is, the characters of Amy and Mayan in particular, both had depth in their expressions and posture that make me believe he really is an artist, one who genuinely started this project with high ideals, and fully intended to produce something of real merit, it is the main reason I was so disappointed to see him drop the ball on the last leg. If he had less talent, my expectations would have been lower, and as such would have disappointed me less.

This isn't my work, but I've been there before. I've got a good feeling what he's going through.
I doubt this, you have already demonstrated your inability to read minds.

He wanted to do something different, something new, and felt that this story had reached a logical conclusion. Not every storyline needs to be wrapped up in a cute little bow, not every little plot hole needs solved
I agree with the bulk of what you said in this part, except for the logical conclusion.
You should take a creative writing class if you have time, might do you good.

Da Vinci never completed The Last Supper. By your logic, it must not be any good.
Seriously, of all the things you've written in this post, this diminishes you the most in my eyes
  1. The last supper is not a linear work, so not the same thing.
  2. What makes you think it is unfinished, (don't mention the face of christ, that was a deliberate feature)
  3. What is this crap about "must not be any good", nothing in my posts have declared any quality judgements, other than praise for the quality of the art.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
I'm fine with that!
Patron is rife with Devs earning money on the back of projects that they have little or no intention of completing, if you are one of them then I hope you have the integrity to feel shame and disappiontment in yourself.

Please Note :
I am not claiming this Dev is one of those, I think he entered this project with a sincere plan to make a good Adult Game/VN, then at some point lost the will to continue, I'm disappointed, nothing more.
I'm not a dev. I'm a concerned ex-patron. I stopped supporting years ago, just due to being burned by multiple devs...all the type that you mentioned. And sure, if the dev is one who purposely lets a project sit while he/she collects money, then who cares how insulted they are by the tag? But, I was referring to those who legitimately ended a story the way they felt it should end, and the game gets a "finished but not completed" tag, simply because someone was butthurt about an ending that didn't go their way. In other words, the story goes however the writer decides, and not how the reader decides. It may be a good or bad story, but still a story written purposely in a specific way, as the writer sees fit. And I think devs who take advantage end up known eventually, so there's really no need for a tag to insult horrible devs. lol
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Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
... and the game gets a "finished but not completed" tag, simply because someone was butthurt about an ending that didn't go their way. ..
I agree there would definately be people who would do this, but don't you have any faith that the truth would bare out over a decent sized sample? particulary if was implimented as I posted in
What tag has this game earned "Completed" / "Abandoned"?

which would be displayed as a percentage or integer next to the Label showing how many peope agree.
More than 50% and it gets something like "Compete" "Percentage Here"
Less than 50% and it gets something like "Abandoned" "Percentage Here"

Edit: Addendum I'd also like to see Review breakdown scores (maybe in a popup) such as
  • 80% felt the main story was complete.
  • 25% felt all the Side stories were complete.
  • 75% felt the majority of the Story arcs were complete.
  • 66% were happy overall with how "finished" this game is.
Don't you think that would be valuable feedback to the Dev aswell as other downloaders?

Considering you, yourself posted something that clearly demonstrated that this was incomplete
I still can't get the new scenes to show up. Just started the new download, and it says "there are no more events for this version" under every girl. I redownloaded the new version, and got the same result.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
I agree there would definately be people who would do this, but don't you have any faith that the truth would bare out over a decent sized sample? particulary if was implimented as I posted in

Don't you think that would be valuable feedback to the Dev aswell as other downloaders?

Considering you, yourself posted something that clearly demonstrated that this was incomplete
My issue was a bit different than everyone else's issue, since they were all able to actually play the "final" update and I wasn't.
I was actually hoping someone could help me figure out why my download didn't work and everyone else's downloads worked.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Not sure what might be your problem for the game not working right maybe there is a bug or glitch in one of your save files. The last version that I had played was v0.55 and when I saw the completed tag I decided to finish the game and had no problems that could see.

Have you tried older saves?


Jun 3, 2019
This game is far from completed. It's rediculous to give it the completed tag, it just isn't. The dev should just say he/she's abandoned it. Calling it 'completed' is utter nonsense.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018

Not sure what might be your problem for the game not working right maybe there is a bug or glitch in one of your save files. The last version that I had played was v0.55 and when I saw the completed tag I decided to finish the game and had no problems that could see.

Have you tried older saves?
I really ain't gonna start this game over, if it's a save file. Some games, that I can just skip to choices, that'd be fine.
I just know the complaints the ending is getting and to me, it's not worth a replay haha.
I just deleted everything. Maybe somtime in the future if I get bored I'll come back and run through it again.
Preciate it though


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Don't forget your back up save files in roaming/renpy I regularly clean it out as those don't get deleted when you finish a game don't want to keep playing a game or the game gets abandoned.

Just click windows start icon and in the search bar type in run and when it pops up click it and type in appdata and hit ok. Once it's done go to roaming and click it and then go to renpy and look for the save files for the game. I can't remember if there was a named folder or not so it might be trickier to find the folder if it's not named. Currently mine has 5.56 gigs worth of save files in it.
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Feb 20, 2019
Now I'm confused. Last time I played this, I had quite a focus on Amy and some
scenes with her husband. Now it seems like the focus is on the Martial Arts Queen.
Even worse, she takes command in a way I did not see coming. Has the story
changed, or will I still be free to see Amy? At the moment I'm right on my way
into a relationship with Blondie. Or so it looks like.

Now I can even understand the wishes for a walkthrough. You follow the hints, but
in some cases they don't tell me anything about who I want to be with, but only
leads to more scenes with someone I might not want to be with.

Little frustrating.


New Member
Apr 7, 2020
Guys sorry for my english, ending with Amy is normal? We call the police after beating her husband. Or did I pick something wrong?


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

With me there were 2 routes with Amy confront husband which = death or call police and once the scene is over her route is then done.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

After that her route is finished. If you click on the tab that shows the characters and you click on them it'll tell you if there is anymore content with someone or not.
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3.90 star(s) 173 Votes