Oh, I understand fully what's involved and why it breaks saves. I'm a software developer myself (just not a game dev, at least not yet anyway).
My desire for a roadmap is so that I don't invest a lot of my time playing a version (or versions) that will then have their saves broken on a soon-to-coming release. I'd rather wait until after the structural changes to restart. With respect, I'm not a tester for this particular game (unlike for the games in my sig) so I'd rather not spend my time testing the game's latest additions. I just want to enjoy playing PE, and having to keep restarting drastically lessens my enjoyment because it wastes a lot of my time to get back to where I was. Time I can spend on other things. No offense intended.
Perfectly understandible. We tend to have a general idea of where we want to take things next, but stuff can crop up that looks like it needs more immediate fixes. We will probably keep things in a pattern of 2 content-focused releases, 1 gameplay-focused release for a while. There's a lot on the code side that still needs to be cleaned up, but if we spend 3-6 months tinkering with gameplay, people are going to feel starved for new content. Additionally, taking a "writing break" lets us circle the wagons a bit when we're planning future content. For now, our plans for the next few months (definitely subject to change) are:
Clothing, mall, fetish, and economy rework
More friend (up to midgame) and cheerleader
First half of school slut (perhaps more)
Planning about arcade tournament
Planning about teacher's endings
Early Bully
More cheerleader
Rest of school slut
Teacher's pet ending
Trophy wife ending (time permitting)
Not sure. Adding acceptance system is a possibility, but we're still considering the value of this system.
Add Arcade tournament system
Guardian planning
Midgame bully
More cheerelader
More teacher endings
Arcade tournament writing